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Containerized Ruby on Rails App Delivery on GCP

This example is a full end to end example of delivering a containerized Ruby on Rails application. It

  • Provisions a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster
  • Provisions a fully managed Google Cloud SQL PostgreSQL database
  • Builds a containerized Ruby on Rails container image, and publishes it to Docker Hub
  • Deploys that container image as a Kubernetes Service inside of the provisioned GKE cluster

All of these happen behind a single pulumi up command, and are expressed in just a handful of TypeScript.


Ensure you have downloaded and installed the Pulumi CLI.

We will be deploying to Google Cloud Platform (GCP), so you will need an account. If you don't have an account, sign up for free here. In either case, follow the instructions here to connect Pulumi to your GCP account.

This example assumes that you have GCP's gcloud CLI on your path. This is installed as part of the GCP SDK.

Running the Example

After cloning this repo, cd infra/ and run these commands. After 8 minutes, you'll have a fully functioning GKE cluster and containerized Ruby on Rails application deployed into it, using a hosted PostgreSQL instance!

  1. Create a new stack, which is an isolated deployment target for this example:

    $ pulumi stack init gcp-rails-dev
  2. Set the required configuration variables for this program:

    $ pulumi config set gcp:project [your-gcp-project-here]
    $ pulumi config set gcp:zone us-west1-a # any valid GCP zone works
    $ pulumi config set clusterPassword --secret [your-new-cluster-password-here]
    $ pulumi config set dbPassword --secret [your-new-db-password-here]
    $ pulumi config set dockerUsername [your-dockerhub-username-here]
    $ pulumi config set dockerPassword --secret [your-dockerhub-password-here]

    By default, your cluster will have 3 nodes of type n1-standard-1. This is configurable, however; for instance if we'd like to choose 5 nodes of type n1-standard-2 instead, we can run these commands:

    $ pulumi config set clusterNodeCount 5
    $ pulumi config set clusterNodeMachineType n1-standard-2

    This shows how stacks can be configurable in useful ways. You can even change these after provisioning.

  3. Deploy everything with the pulumi up command. This provisions all the GCP resources necessary, including your GKE cluster and database, as well as building and publishing your container image, all in a single gesture:

    $ pulumi up

    This will show you a preview, ask for confirmation, and then chug away at provisioning your cluster:

    Updating stack 'gcp-rails'
    Performing changes:
         Type                            Name                       Status      Info
     +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack             gcp-rails-gcp-rails-dev    created
     +   ├─ docker:image:Image           rails-app                  created     40 messages
     +   ├─ gcp:container:Cluster        gke-cluster                created
     +   ├─ gcp:sql:DatabaseInstance     web-db                     created
     +   ├─ pulumi:providers:kubernetes  gke-k8s                    created
     +   ├─ gcp:sql:User                 web-db-user                created
     +   ├─ kubernetes:apps:Deployment   rails-deployment           created
     +   └─ kubernetes:core:Service      rails-service              created
      docker:image:Image (rails-app):
        Building container image: context=../app
        logging in to registry...
        Sending build context to Docker daemon  22.79MB
        Step 1/9 : FROM ruby:2.5
         ---> 8e2b5b80415f
        Step 2/9 : RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -y build-essential libpq-dev nodejs
         ---> Using cache
        appAddress: ""
        appName   : "rails-deployment-vt7uyigk"
        dbAddress : ""
        kubeConfig: "apiVersion: v1\n..."
    info: 8 changes
        + 8 created
    Update duration: 7m20.867501974as

    After this completes, numerous outputs will show up. appAddress is the URL that your Rails app will be available at, appName is the resulting Kubernetes Deployment, dbAddress is your PostgreSQL hostname in case you want to connect to it with psql, and kueConfig is the full Kubernetes configuration that you can use with kubectl.

  4. Open a browser to visit the site, open $(pulumi stack output appAddress)/todo_lists. Make some todo lists!

  5. At this point, you have a running cluster. Feel free to modify your program, and run pulumi up to redeploy changes. The Pulumi CLI automatically detects what has changed and makes the minimal edits necessary to accomplish these changes. This could be altering the app code, adding new GCP or Kubernetes resources, or anything, really.

  6. Once you are done, you can destroy all of the resources, and the stack:

    $ pulumi destroy
    $ pulumi stack rm