# Sh\*t! I Smoke Know how many cigarettes you smoke based on the pollution of your location. [![app-store](https://shitismoke.github.io/assets/images/app-store.png)](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/s-i-smoke/id1365605567?mt=8) [![google-play](https://shitismoke.github.io/assets/images/play-store.png)](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shitismoke.app) ## Screenshots ![screenshot-1](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/BLVtUTguTcE7J1oeovfQhu1OI7jChczWv-evW2QgYlD8Dcv-66oGe4Th6O_soGP9SPA=w720-h310) ![screenshot-2](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/XJTcPDB211FAJVFRpxxePlItSUy4rrZepOmRVZlM9kiF6DIorSOSfaFH1-0tSsQauw=w720-h310) ![screenshot-3](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/j5-atGUl2UlY7UOF0x3dLA-qR9QWW8IdGmA8ZsBY06_W-W3uMDYzCprt5E2AdGdPiA=w720-h310) ## Try it on Expo This app is bootstrapped with [Expo](https://expo.io), you can download the Expo app on the [App Store](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/expo-client/id982107779) or [Play Store](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=host.exp.exponent), and enter the url provided below. We have 2 release channels: | Release Channel | Description | Url | | --------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Production | Same version as Sh\*t! I Smoke on the App Store and Play Store. | `https://exp.host/@amaurymartiny/shit-i-smoke?release-channel=production` | | Staging | Latest version currently in development: newest features, may contain bugs. | `https://exp.host/@amaurymartiny/shit-i-smoke` | ## Contribute If you find a bug, or if you have an idea of a cool feature, please file an issue here. We really appreciate feedback and inputs. If you would like to help coding please read the Getting Started guide. ### Getting Started Before developing the app, you need to fetch your own API tokens for the following services: | Service | Url | Comments | | ----------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | | World Air Quality Index | http://aqicn.org/api/ | Required. | | Google Geocoding | https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/intro | Optional, but recommended for showing precise location. | | Algolia Places | https://community.algolia.com/places/rest.html (`Get Started` button on the bottom) | Optional, lower API rates if not provided. | | Google Maps for iOS | https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/ios-sdk/start | Optional in development. | | Google Maps for Android | https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/android-api/ | Optional in development. | Then run the following commands: ```bash git clone https://github.com/amaurymartiny/shit-i-smoke cd shit-i-smoke yarn install cp app.example.json app.json # Replace the API keys placeholders with your own tokens in app.json yarn start ``` This app is created with Expo, using React Native. When you run `yarn start`, the packager will show, and you can either: * install the Expo app, scan the displayed QR code, and run the app on your mobile phone directly. * press `a` to open the Android simulator. * press `i` to open the iOS simulator. All the code lives in the `App/` folder. The app itself is pretty small, so it should be fairly easy to navigate through the files. ## License GPL-3.0. See LICENSE file for more information. ## Credits Created with ❤ by [Marcelo](https://www.marcelocoelho.cc) & [Amaury](https://www.toptal.com/resume/amaury-martiny#utilize-unreal-developers-today).