Previous Version {#big-important-note} ------------------- If you missed the link above, the previous FancyUpload for [MooTools 1.11]( is still [available](/project/fancyupload/1-0/) including example code and minor updates. Features {#features} ------------------- * Select and upload multiple files * Filter files by type in the select dialog * Optional Events to add your own behaviour * Show and filter useful file information before the upload starts * Limit uploads by file count and/or file size * Platform and *server independent*, just needs Flash 9+ (> 95% penetration) * Unobtrusive, since the element is replaced after the swf loaded successfully * Cancel running uploads, add files during upload * Everything is optional, documented and easy editable * New in 2.0 * Get the server response after upload for showing additional informations or previewing the image, etc. * Shows the current upload speed and the time left * Send additional request data via GET or POST variables * Set the filename for the upload request * New in 2.1 * **Works in Flash 10** by adding a clickable overlay Compatibility {#compatibility} ------------------- Fully compatible with all [A-Grade Browsers][] ([Internet Explorer 6+](, [Opera 9](, [Firefox 1.5+]( and [Safari 3+]( with [Adobe Flash 9 and 10]( player. How to use {#how-to} ------------------- Will be written for the final release, at this time the showcases are the best documentation. Tips, Tricks and Quirks {#faq} ------------------- How do I access the uploaded files? : Every upload, even with multiple files, results in one request. Access the uploaded file via - PHP: $_FILES['Filedata'] - Perl: $main::cgi->param('Filedata'); ... [example]( - Rails: params[:Filedata] ... [example]( - ASP: [Fancy Upload and Classic ASP]( *Filedata* is the default value for the option fieldName, so you can change it. The submitted content-type is always "application/octet-stream", so don't trust it when you validate the file. Flash-request forgets cookies and session ID : Flash FileReference is not an intelligent upload class, the request will not have the browser cookies, Flash saves his own cookies. When you have sessions, append them as get-data to the the URL (e.g. "upload.php?SESSID=123456789abcdef"). Of course your session-name can be different. Are cross-domain uploads possible? : [Forum solution](, and FileReference docs: > For uploading and downloading operations, a SWF file can access files only within its own domain, including any domains that are specified by a cross-domain policy file. If the SWF that is initiating the upload or download doesn't come from the same domain as the file server, you must put a policy file on the file server. [More on security and link to cross-domain policies]( FancyUpload does not load, the input element gets not replaced : Check in [Firebug]( in *Net/Flash* that the SWF file loads correctly. If not double check your given options. Uploads fail with 404 error code : Check your URL and better *use an absolute upload URL*. IE takes the upload url *relative* to the swf, all other browsers relative to the html/current file. So the best solution is an absolute path for the option url or rather the form action. *If you have problems with failed upload and 404 error codes, try an absolute url*, in your form-action or url option when creating your FancyUpload instance. Uploads fail with 406/403 error : From the swfupload documentation: > If you are using Apache with mod_security this will not work, you need to put the following in your .htaccess file to disable mod_security: > > SecFilterEngine Off > SecFilterScanPOST Off > > Disabling mod_security isn't allowed on some shared hosts, and only do this if you know what you are doing. > This is due to a bug in the way that flash sends the headers back to the server according to the Flash 8 documentation Uploads fail with 403/500 error : Check your server config, there must be something wrong. Also see 404, double check the upload URL. Uploads and Basic Authentication : Flash does not care about authenticated Browsers. Firefix/Win/Flash 9 can handle it, IE too, Mac can't handle it. Anyways, Flash will ask for its own access username and password. Requirements {#requirements} ------------------- *It does not depend on any server-side architecture or language.* ### MooTools JavaScript Framework 1.2 [__Download MooTools 1.2__]( - Element.Events - Fx.Tween - Fx.Transitions - Selectors - Json - Swiff - _DomReady (facultative)_ **Don't use compressed code during development to simplify debugging.** Download {#download} ------------------- * [FancyUpload2.js](source/FancyUpload2.js) * [Swiff.Uploader.js](source/Swiff.Uploader.js) * [Fx.ProgressBar.js](source/Fx.ProgressBar.js "Will get his own project page later") * [Swiff.Uploader.swf](source/Swiff.Uploader.swf "It is a hidden, 1px movie and only contains ActionScript!") (*Use right-click/save-as!*) * Complete ActionScript/JavaScript source, documentation and showcases are available at [github]( [digitarald-fancyupload repository]( * The [images]( from the [showcases](/project/fancyupload/2-0/showcase/photoqueue/) are also [downloadable]( References {#references} ------------------- - [MooTools Forum]( ["Fancy Upload by digitarald"]( with 15 pages - [Jason: Flash Upload Progress for Rails with FancyUpload for mootools]( - [FileReference ( - Version 9]( - [Ben Newton: Fancy Upload and Classic ASP](