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Wolfi base images for Sourcegraph containers

Rather than building our containers on top of an upstream image like alpine:latest, at Sourcegraph we build our own containers entirely from scratch using Bazel and apko.

This directory contains the configuration for each of our base images. Base images contain all the dependencies that the various components of Sourcegraph require in order to run, such as packages, users, groups, directores, and environment variables. For example, the gitserver configuration file ensures that Git is installed.

To create the final images that are shipped and deployed, we take the base image and use Bazel to build and add our own binaries on top.

The structure of this directory is:

  • <image>.yaml - apko configuration that declares the set of packages, users & groups, directories, and envars for each base image
  • <image>.lock.json - a lockfile which contains precise versions and hashes of packages, used by Bazel for reproducible builds. Generated from <image>.yaml using sg wolfi lock.

Getting started

See the Add and Update Wolfi Base Images docs for guides to add new images and updating existing images. For more background, see the Wolfi docs.


  • sg wolfi lock gitserver - update the .lock.json for gitserver with the latest set of package versions
  • sg wolfi image gitserver - build the gitserver base image

High-level Architecture

  │          │
  │          │
  │   YAML   ├────────┐
  │          │        │          sg wolfi image <image>
  │          │        │                                            bazel target
  └─────┬────┘        │                   OR                      ┌─────────────────────┐
        │             │                                           │                     │
        │             │     bazel build //<image>/:base_image     │                     │
   sg wolfi lock      ├──────────────────────────────────────────►│     :base_image     │
   (manual step)      │                                           │                     │
        │             │                                           │                     │
   file │             │                                           └──────────┬──────────┘
  ┌─────▼─────┐       │                                                      │
  │           │       │                                                      │
  │           │       │                                                      │
  │ Lockfile  ├───────┘                                                      │
  │           │            ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  │           │            │
  └───────────┘            │
                           │      bazel rule
                           │     ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐
                           │     │                                      │
                           │     │  oci_image(                          │
                           │     │                                      │
                           │     │    name = "image"                    │
                           │     │                                      │
                           └─────┼──► base = ":base_image"              │
    Bazel-genenarated            │                                      │
    binaries and      ───────────┼──► tars = ":tar_sourcegraph_binary"  │
    other resources              │                                      │
                                 │    [...]                             │
                                 │                                      │
                                 │  )                                   │
                                 │                                      │