![Flow Exporter Icon](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/romannurik/Sketch-FlowExporter/master/assets/icon.png) # Flow Exporter plugin for Sketch 49+ This plugin exports prototype flows (artboards you link together) to HTML, which you can then host using any web host (such as [Firebase Hosting](https://firebase.google.com/docs/hosting/)) and share with users, design stakeholders, etc. # Installation * [Download the latest release](https://github.com/romannurik/Sketch-FlowExporter/releases/latest) and double-click the `.sketchplugin` file to install. * Or you can install the plugin with [Sketch Runner](http://bit.ly/SketchRunnerWebsite). # Build instructions _This plugin was created using `skpm`. For a detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the [skpm Readme](https://github.com/skpm/skpm/blob/master/README.md)._