Starred repositories
Polyfill to remove click delays on browsers with touch UIs
Efficient Augmented Reality for the Web - 60fps on mobile!
Zepto.js is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers, with a jQuery-compatible API
JavaScript diagramming library for interactive flowcharts, org charts, design tools, planning tools, visual languages.
🎉 (RuoYi)官方仓库 基于SpringBoot的权限管理系统 易读易懂、界面简洁美观。 核心技术采用Spring、MyBatis、Shiro没有任何其它重度依赖。直接运行即可用
A concise API for exploratory data visualization implementing a layered grammar of graphics
Knife4j is a set of Swagger2 and OpenAPI3 All-in-one enhancement solution
An extension for the svg.js library to make elements draggable
sharmun / compat-table
Forked from compat-table/compat-tableECMAScript 5/6/7 compatibility tables