==================== django-smarturlfield ==================== Django model and form fields that performs URL normalization. For example it adds `'http://'` prefix and forces punicode encoding for non-ascii URLS. There are also fields that stores a list of URLs. Tested with Django 3.0.x (should also work with 2.x) .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/shantilabs/django-smarturlfield.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/shantilabs/django-smarturlfield :alt: Travis-CI build status Installing ========== $ pip install django-smarturlfield Fields ====== **SmartURLFormField** renders as `` and can handle values like this: - ``http://example.com`` - `example.com` (normalized to ``http://example.com``) - `земфира.рф` (normalized to ``http://xn--80ajfftz0a.xn--p1ai``) **MultipleSmartURLFormField** renders as `