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This is the official repository for manuscript 'Improved Environmental Chemistry Property Prediction of Molecules with Graph Machine Learning'.

The implementation of NeuralFP is from DeepChem and the implementation of OGNN is from this repo.

Getting Started


First, clone the github repository:

git clone
cd envchemGNN

You can then install packages by creating an environment with the provided yaml file

conda env create -f environment.yml

Alternatively, you can install pakcages manually with the following instructions

#create conda environment
conda create --name ecgnn python=3.7
conda activate ecgnn

#install packages for model training
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda install pyg -c pyg
conda install pytorch-scatter pytorch-sparse -c pyg -c pytorch -c nvidia -c conda-forge
pip install ogb==1.3.5
pip install tensorboard
conda install -c rdkit rdkit
#feature-based, deepchem
pip install -U scikit-learn 
conda install -c rdkit -c mordred-descriptor mordred
pip install --pre deepchem[tensorflow]

#other packages for data analysis
pip install pandas matplotlib


Curated datasets can be found at './data': need to check the data policy folder structures:

--'BCF.csv': Bioconcentration
--'Clint.csv': Intrinsic Clearance
--'ESOL.csv': Solubility
--'O3_react.csv': Reactivity
--'SO4_react.csv': Reactivity
-o_gnn_input: input files for ognn model
--'BCF_1_N.csv': 1/N randomly sampled data from 'BCF.csv' for learning curve
--'Clint_1_N.csv': 1/N randomly sampled data from 'Clint.csv' for learning curve

Train a feature-based model

  1. run the following commands in your terminal
cd ./model/feature-based
task='ESOL' # other tasks: 'BCF' 'Clint'

#create features
python --input_path $data_path'random_split/'$task'.csv' \
        --output_path $data_path'features/'$task'/'

#train models (random split)
python --feat_path $data_path'features/'$task'/' \
    --label_path $data_path'random_split/'$task'.csv' --label_name 'label' \
    --task 'regression' --metric 'RMSE' --save_model --result_path $result_path
  1. The testing results are saved at $result_path/$csv_name/summary_kfold.csv for further analysis, along with the training-validation-testing-split indexes, and saved models. Notice that validation set is not necessary for the feature-based models except for Neural-networks, the validation-idx is empty.

  2. We observed a small stochasticity of model training, which didn't influence the model selection results.

Train a neuralFP model

  1. run the following commands in your terminal
cd ./deepchem/
split_id=0 # will run id=1,2,3,4 for cross validation

#need to first run feature-based models above, so that train-valid-test splits are provided. otherwise remove '--split_folder'.
python --folder_idx $split_id --data_path $data_path'random_split/'$task'.csv' --split_folder $result_path'feature_based/'$task'/' --result_path $result_path'neuralFP/'$task'/' \
        --dense 1 --dropout 0 --layer 1
  1. prediction results are saved at (5 files from an ensemble of 5 models): $result_path'neuralFP/'$task'NeuralFP/preds_'+str(split_id)+'.csv' which has 7 columns, including idx(test set indexs from original dataset), y_true (true labels) and y_pred_[0-4] from an esemble of 5 models. Then you can average the prediction of model ensembles and compare the predictions with true labels, get RMSE or other metrics. A small stochasticity was observed during model training, which didn't influence the qualitative conclusions.

  2. optimized hyperparameters for other tasks:

'BCF': --dense 1 --dropout 0 --layer 2
'Clint': --dense 1 --dropout 0 --layer 2
'O3': --dense 1 --dropout 0 --layer 0
'SO4': --dense 1 --dropout 0 --layer 2

Train a O-GNN model

  1. run the following command in your terminal
cd ./model/o-gnn
split_id=0 # will run id=1,2,3,4 for cross validation
N_epoch=200 #400 for BCF and SO4

python --random_seed 15213 \
        --input_path $data_path \
        --input_csv_name $task --gnn 'dualgraph2' \
        --save-test True \
        --batch-size 32 \
        --dropout 0.0 --pooler-dropout 0.0 \
        --init-face --use-bn --epochs $N_epoch --num-layers 5 --lr 0.0003 \
        --weight-decay 0.1 --beta2 0.999 --num-workers 1 \
        --mlp-hidden-size 256 --lr-warmup \
        --use-adamw --node-attn --period 25 \
        --split_folder $result_path'feature_based/'$task'/' \
        --kfold_idx $split_id \
        --result_path $result_path'o-gnn/'$task'/'

  1. prediction results are saved at : $result_path'o-gnn/'$task'/preds_'+str(split_id)+'.csv' which has 7 columns, including idx(test set indexs from original dataset), y_true (true labels) and y_pred_[0-4] from an esemble of 5 models. Then you can average the prediction of model ensembles and compare the predictions with true labels, get RMSE or other metrics. A small stochasticity was observed during model training, which didn't influence the qualitative conclusions.


Graph-based Models:

Duvenaud, D. K., et al. (2015). Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (Vol. 28). [link]

Ramsundar, B., et al. (2019). Deep Learning for the Life Sciences. O’Reilly Media. [DeepChem link]

Zhu, J., et al. (2023). The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations. [link]

Data Sources:

ESOL: Delaney, J. S. (2004). Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 44(3), 1000–1005. [link]

BCF: Grisoni, F., et al. (2015). Chemosphere, 127, 171–179. [link]

Clint: Dawson, D. E., et al. (2021). Environmental Science & Technology, 55(9), 6505–6517. [link]

O3/SO4: Zhong, S., et al. (2022). Environmental Science & Technology, 56(1), 681–692. [link]


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