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Shaken Fist: Opinionated to the point of being impolite

What is this?

Shaken Fist is a deliberately minimal cloud. You can read more about Shaken Fist at and -- this repository is the deployment and CI tooling for the project, and therefore not a great place to start your journey.


Build an acceptable deployment, noting that only Ubuntu is supported. Deployments are based on Hashicorp terraform configuration found in deploy/ansible/terraform/ where "cloud" is one of the following at the time of writing:

  • aws: Amazon EC2 bare metal (3 node cluster)
  • aws-single-node: Amazon EC2 bare metal (1 node cluster), note that the CI tests will not pass on a single node cluster
  • gcp: Google cloud, using nested virtualization (see additional steps below). This deployment option is not for production use because of its lack of bare metal support and low MTUs affecting virtual network performance. We mainly use it for CI testing.
  • metal: Baremetal provisioned outside of terraform
  • openstack: OpenStack, using nested virtualization
  • shakenfist: Shaken Fist can self host, this is useful for CI for example

Common first steps

sudo apt-get install ansible tox pwgen build-essential python3-dev python3-wheel curl
git clone
ansible-galaxy install andrewrothstein.etcd-cluster andrewrothstein.terraform andrewrothstein.go

Google Cloud additional first steps

On Google Cloud, you need to enable nested virt first:

# Create an image with nested virt enabled (only once)
gcloud compute disks create sf-source-disk --image-project ubuntu-os-cloud \
    --image-family ubuntu-1804-lts --zone us-central1-b
gcloud compute images create sf-image \
  --source-disk sf-source-disk --source-disk-zone us-central1-b \
  --licenses ""

VMWare ESXi additional first steps

The "metal" installation option can be used to create a test cluster on VMWare ESXi hypervisors.

Virtual machines hosted under ESXi need two CPU options enabled.

Hardware virtualization:
    Expose hardware assisted virtualization to the guest OS

Performance counters:
    Enable virtualized CPU performance counters

Other caveats

The installer will also enforce the following sanity checks:

  • That KVM will operate on your machines. This is generally fine unless you're using virtual machines at which point nested virtualization needs to be enabled.
  • That your network interface MTU is greater than 2,000 bytes. This is required because the VXLAN mesh our virtual networks use add overhead to packets and a standard MTU of 1500 bytes for the physical network will result in packets being fragmented too frequently on the virtual networks. You can set a higher MTU if you desire, I generally select 9,000 bytes.


Each deployment takes slight different arguments. I tend to write a small shell script to wrap these up for convenience. Here's an example for a baremetal deployment:

$ cat ~/sf-deploys/ 

export CLOUD=metal
export ADMIN_PASSWORD="p4ssw0rd"
export BOOTDELAY=0

# Tests are not currently safe for clusters whose data you are fond of
export SKIP_SF_TESTS=1


I then execute that script from the deploy/ansible directory to do a deployment or upgrade. Note that running the CI suite will destroy the contents of your cloud so be sure to use SKIP_SF_TESTS if you're upgrading a cluster with real users.

Deployment variables

Option Terraform definition Description
MODE All Options are "deploy" (the default) or "hotfix". Deploy performs a full install, whereas hotfix skips steps to try and push only changes to Shaken Fist code as quickly as possible.
RELEASE All Which release to run. This can be a version number from pypi, the keyword "git:" for the current state of master, or "git:branch" to use a branch called "branch" from your local git.
CLOUD All The terraform definition to use
ADMIN_PASSWORD All The admin password for the cloud once installed
FLOATING_IP_BLOCK All The IP range to use for the floating network
BOOTDELAY All How long to wait for terraform deployed instances to boot before continuing with install, in minutes
SKIP_SF_TEST All Set to 1 to skip running destructive testing of the cloud
KSM_ENABLED All Set to 1 to enable KSM, 0 to disable
AWS_REGION aws, aws-single-node The AWS region to deploy in
AWS_AVAILABILITY_ZONE aws, aws-single-node The AWS availability zone to deploy in
AWS_VPC_ID aws, aws-single-node The AWS VPC to use
AWS_SSH_KEY_NAME aws, aws-single-node The name of an SSH key in the AWS region to use for ansible
GCP_PROJECT gcp The GCP project id to deploy in
OS_SSH_KEY_NAME openstack The name of a SSH key in the OpenStack cloud to use for ansible
OS_FLAVOR_NAME openstack The OpenStack flavor to use for instances
OS_EXTERNAL_NET_NAME openstack The UUID of an OpenStack network with internet access
METAL_IP_SF1 metal The IP address of a baremetal machine
METAL_IP_SF2 metal The IP address of a baremetal machine
METAL_IP_SF3 metal The IP address of a baremetal machine
SHAKENFIST_KEY shakenfist The authentication key for a user on the shakenfist cluster to deploy in
SHAKENFIST_SSH_KEY shakenfist The path to a SSH key to use for ansible