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NuPIC Core external libraries

NuPIC Core depends on a number of external libraries that are distributed with the source. The build of these libraries is integrated into the cmake-based build of nupic.core.

These libraries are found in the nupic.core sources under external/common/share.

NuPICs dependency on NuPIC Core

NuPIC's dependency on the Core library can be found here -'s-Dependency-on-nupic.core

It describes how the C++ library is linked to other languages using SWIG, such as Python x64. The NuPIC.Core repository consist of two parts;

  • Main C++ core library, and
  • Python SWIG based bindings.

NuPIC Core build overview

The NuPIC Core C++ build generates two static nupic_core libraries:

  • %NUPIC_CORE%/release/lib/nupic_core_solo.<staticlib-ext> contains only the core library
  • %NUPIC_CORE%/release/lib/nupic_core.<staticlib-ext> contains the C++ core and external support libraries

and nupic.bindings shared libraries.

Where NUPIC_CORE is an environment variable that points to the git cloned directory and <staticlib-ext> is the toolchain-specific extension for a static library.

CMake based build files are used to define the entire build process. The nupic.bindings SWIG side uses Python distutil and setuptools.

For build information on Unix platforms (e.g., Mac OS X and linux), refer to

Platform- and toolchain-specific information may be found in files located in platform/toolchain-specific subdirectories under nupic.core/external. E.g., the nupic.core/external/windows64-gcc directory contains information specific to Windows 64-bit builds using the mingwpy "gcc" toolchain.