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If this guide for some reason does not seem to be clear to you, if you are stuck or if something doesn't work, don't hesitate to submit an issue on this github page.

1. Set Up your LEDs

My RGB-strip setup is this one:, except that I'm using the pins 17, 13 and 12.

13 and 12 are hardware controlled gpios for much higher resolutions and hence smother color fades.

At the moment there is no config file for that, you need to open server/ and edit the config dictionary at the top of the file.

2. Server

Your raspberry

sudo pigpiod -s 1
git clone
cd sezanlight
python3 server/

Edit the config file in the repositories root if you are using gpios different from 1. or some port other than 3546.

The server accepts the colors from the most recently seen client and rejects colors from older clients afterwards. As long as you don't have flatmates that try to mess with your LEDs, this should be fine. (This also makes development for me easier as I don't have to take care about stopping old clients anymore that run on a different machine)

3. Client

on your client (the X11 device you use to watch videos, etc.):

for arch/manjaro, a PKGBUILD file for pacman is available:

NOTE, this is not tested since I switched from arch to ubuntu again and ported the client from c++ to python

mkdir sezanlight_tmp
cd sezanlight_tmp
makepkg -is
cd ..
sudo rm sezanlight_tmp -r

If you are using something different (ubuntu), take a look at

to uninstall, use pacman -R sezanlight

4. Automatically Start Raspberry Server

Once you know that the stuff is working you can go ahead and add it to autostart if you want on the pi.

4.1 init.d service

Assuming you are running Raspbian on your pi (Debian based), edit install/initscript to fit your path into which you cloned the repo and your pi's username, then do:

sudo cp initscript /etc/init.d/sezanlight
sudo sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/sezanlight
sudo update-rc.d sezanlight defaults

To test if the init file works at all:

sudo service sezanlight start

And try to set some color from the client using the web or the gtk tool

4.2 static local raspberry ip

Set the Raspberries IP to a static one so that the client does not have to be reconfigured later again. I did that in the raspberries dhcpcd.conf, which has lots of comments and which is rather straightforward.

(This broke the internet connection of my pi until I set up the routers IP address in dhcpcd.conf)

like so (insert your ips):

interface wlan0
static ip_address=
static routers=