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File metadata and controls

169 lines (142 loc) · 7.1 KB


Contributions are very welcome. Please file issues or submit pull requests in our GitHub repository. All contributors will be acknowledged.

In Brief

  • The tutorial lives in, which is translated into a static GitHub Pages website using Jekyll.

  • The source files for examples are in src/, while the output they generate is in out/.

  • Use pip install -r requirements.txt to install the packages required by the helper tools and Python examples. You may wish to create a new virtual environment before doing so. All code has been tested with Python 3.12.1.

  • Makefile contains the commands used to re-run each example. If you add a new example, please add a corresponding rule in Makefile.

  • Use {% raw %}{% include title="words" %}{% endraw %} to create a numbered section that includes a runnable code example.

  • Use {% raw %}{% include title="words" %}{% endraw %} to create an unnumbered section that doesn't include a runnable code example.

  • Use {% raw %}{% include stem="file" suffix="sql out" %}{% endraw %} in to include src/file.sql and out/file.out. (Any two suffixes can be provided, such as "py out".)

  • Use {% raw %}{% include file="dir/file.ext" %}{% endraw %} in to include an arbitrary text file without automatically including output. (Note that single requires a directory name such as src or out but double does not.)

  • Add important terms to _info/glossary.yml, which is in Glosario format.

  • Use {% raw %}<a href="#g:key">text</span>{% endraw %} to link to glossary entries. The key must identify an entry in _data/glossary.yml; the # makes it an in-page reference, while the g: prefix triggers CSS styling.

  • SVG images used in the tutorial are in img/ and can be edited using Please use 12-point Helvetica for text, solid 1-point black lines, and unfilled objects.

  • All external links are written using {% raw %}[box][notation]{% endraw %} inline and defined in _data/tutorial.yml.

Logical Structure

  • Introduction
    • A learner persona that characterizes the intended audience in concrete terms.
    • Prerequisites (which should be interpreted with reference to the learner persona).
    • Learning objectives that define the tutorial's scope.
    • Setup instructions that instructors and learners must go through in order to code along
  • Episodes
    • Runnable episodes are numbered. Each contains one code sample, its output, and notes for the instructor. Learners are not expected to be able to understand episodes without instructor elaboration.
    • Asides are not numbered, and contain code-less explanatory material, additional setup instructions, concept maps summarizing recently-introduced ideas, etc.
    • Episodes of both kinds may contain glossary references and/or explanatory diagrams.
  • Appendices
    • A glossary that defines terms called out in the episodes.
    • Acknowledgments that point at inspirations and thank contributors.

Physical Structure

  • source for Code of Conduct
    • auxiliary file to translate CoC into HTML
  • this guide
    • auxiliary file to translate this guide into HTML
  • licenses for code and prose
    • auxiliary file to translate licenses into HTML
  • Makefile: commands for rebuilding examples
    • Run make with no arguments to see available targets
  • home page
  • _config.yml: Jekyll configuration file
  • _data/: auxiliary data files used to build website
    • _data/thanks.yml: names of people to include in acknowledgments
  • _includes/: Jekyll inclusions (discussed above)
  • _layouts/: Jekyll layouts
  • _site/: Jekyll output (not stored in version control)
  • bin/: helper programs (e.g., for generating databases)
  • db/: databases used in examples
  • favicon.ico: favicon used in generated site
  • img/: images used in tutorial
  • home page for generated website
  • misc/: miscellaneous files
    • jupysql.ipynb: Jupyter notebook used in examples
    • penguins.csv: Palmer penguins data
    • sql_keywords.txt: all SQLite keywords
  • out/: generated output files for examples
  • requirements.txt: pip requirements file to build Python environment
  • res/: CSS and JavaScript for styling site
  • src/: source files for examples

Tags for Issues and Pull Requests

  • contribute-addition: a pull request that contains new material
  • contribute-change: a pull request that changes or fixes existing material
  • governance: discussion of direction, use, etc.
  • help-wanted: requires knowledge or skills the core maintainer lacks
  • in-content: issue or PR is related to lesson content
  • in-infrastructure: issue or PR is related to build tools, styling, etc.
  • report-bug: issue reporting an error
  • request-addition: issue asking for new content
  • request-change: issue asking for a change to existing content


Why SQL? : Because if you dig down far enough, almost every data science project sits on top of a relational database. (Jon Udell once called PostgreSQL "an operating system for data science".) SQL's relational model has also been a powerful influence on dataframe libraries like the tidyverse, Pandas, and Polars; understanding the former therefore helps people understand the latter.

Why Jekyll? : It's the default for GitHub Pages, and if we used something more comfortable people would spend time fiddling with the tools instead of writing content.

Why Make? : It runs everywhere, no other build tool is a clear successor, and, like Jekyll, it's uncomfortable enough to use that people won't be tempted to fiddle with it when they could be writing.

Why hand-drawn figures rather than Graphviz or Mermaid? : Because it's faster to Just Effing Draw than it is to try to tweak layout parameters for text-to-diagram systems. If you really want to make developers' lives better, build a diff-and-merge tool for SVG: programmers shouldn't have to use punchard-compatible data formats in the 21st Century just to get the benefits of version control.

Why make this tutorial freely available? : Because if we all give a little, we all get a lot.