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Standalone Python module to identify lake basins

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Standalone Python module to identify lake basins


The algorithm is based on the Connected Components algorithm and was inspired by the work of Constantine Khrulev (

Here you find a describtion of the steps done for the publication.


Run make all in base directory.


This python module can be imported by running import LakeCC in python. It basically consits of two submudules: LakeModelCC and SeaLevelModelCC, that are both based on the same algorithm. SeaLevelModelCC is used to compute the spatial sea-level that is needed used in LakeModelCC as a sink condition to determine if the lakes overflow.

Additionally to the python interface there is also a wrapper that reads netCDF files, calles the python interface and saves the results to a netCDF file.

In the following the python interface, the wrapper and an example are shortly described.

Python Interface


This model needs some input:

  • topography - spatial map of bedrock
  • ice_thickness - spatial map of ice thickness
  • sl_mask - a map that is 1 at cells that are known to be ocean, and zero otherwise. A mask that is only 1 at the margin would for example result in ocean basins that need to be connected to the margin of the domain, whereas cells below the sea-level that are cut off the ocean are not added to the ocean extent.
  • rho_ice and rho_sea - density of ice and sea water, respectively
  • ice_free_thickness - ice thickness threshold, below which a cell is considered as ice free
  • scalar sea-level


For initialization this model needs some input:

  • topography - spatial map of bedrock
  • ice_thickness - spatial map of ice thickness
  • ocean_mask - a map that is 1 at ocean cells and zero otherwise. This map can easily be computed from the output of SeaLevelModelCC
  • rho_ice and rho_fresh - density of ice and fresh water, respectively
  • ice_free_thickness - ice thickness threshold, below which a cell is considered as ice free
  • dz - step size between successive lake levels to be checked
  • zMin - lowest lake level
  • zMax - highest lake level - Wrapper

This is short description of the wrapper around the python scripts. It reads and writes netCDF files and therefore simplifies the application of these tools. Here is a list of all options available:

usage: [-h] -i FILE [-o FILE] [-sl SL] [-dz DZ] [-zMin ZMIN]
                    [-zMax ZMAX] [-rho_i RHOI] [-rho_s RHOS] [-rho_f RHOF]
                    [-thk_if THK_IF] [-tind TIND] [-ms] [-nms]

Fill lakes

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i FILE, --input FILE
                        Input file
  -o FILE, --output FILE
                        Output file
  -sl SL, --sea-level SL
                        scalar sea-level
  -dz DZ, --lake_level_spacing DZ
                        Lake level spacing
  -zMin ZMIN, --lake_level_min ZMIN
                        Lowest lake level
  -zMax ZMAX, --lake_level_max ZMAX
                        Highest lake level
  -rho_i RHOI, --ice_density RHOI
                        Density of ice
  -rho_s RHOS, --sea_water_density RHOS
                        Density of sea water
  -rho_f RHOF, --fresh_water_density RHOF
                        Density of fresh water
  -thk_if THK_IF, --icefree_thickness THK_IF
                        Icefree thickness
  -tind TIND, --time-index TIND
                        index of time dimension
  -ms, --setMarginSink  set margin of domain as sink
  -nms, --not-setMarginSink
                        not set margin of domain as sink

Most options are pretty self-explaning. By default this tool would take the domain's margin as a sink (i.e. a lake connected to the margin overflows), this can be disables by setting --not-setMarginSink.

It is important to mention that the variable names of the input files are important. Here is a list of all recognized fields:

  • topg - needed - topography of bedrock
  • thk - optional - ice thickness. If missing defaults to zero.
  • ocean_mask - optional. Mask that is one at ocean cells, zero otherwise. If missing it is determined from the sea_level
  • sea_level - optional. Spatial sea-level elevation. Invalid cells are excluded from the ocean extent. If missing it is calculated using SeaLevelModelCC.
  • sl_mask - optional. Map that is 1 at cells that are known to be ocean, and zero otherwise. If missing it is set to 1 only at the margin of the domain.


So far there is only one example: examples/ The first run can take some time since it downloads the Etopo1 dataset (~500MB). From this global dataset the script crops (and filters) the area of the Great lakes and applies the tool on it.