This app is a fitness planner where users can add and configure their own training plans. These training plans can be selected and saved via a calendar for corresponding training days. It works on Windows, Mac and Linux.
Remake of the "FitHub" project made for the mobile application module:
This project extends already existing functionality and makes it usable for multiple Platforms (Android, IOS, Web).
flutter run -d chrome
This builds and runs the app in your webbrowser. For using the app on Android and iOS, refer to the Build for Release Section.
dart run build_runner build
flutter test
flutter test -d linux integration_test/regression.dart
flutter analyze
dart analyze
dart format lib
dart doc
flutter pub get
flutter build apk
flutter build appbundle
For convenience this project uses Husky Pre-Commit hooks for analyzing and formatting the code.
Add husky to your dev dependencies in pubspec.yaml
dart pub add --dev husky
Enable Git Hooks
dart run husky install
By default, this projects provides hooks for the following commands:
flutter analyze
dart analyze
flutter format lib
To create your own Hooks or in case this documentation is outdated check: