The fastest way to get started is by running the Tembo docker image, where PGMQ comes pre-installed.
docker run -d --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p 5432:5432
PGMQ requires the postgres-server-dev
package to build. For example, to install
version 14 on ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install postgres-server-dev-14
If you already have Postgres installed locally, you can skip to Install PGMQ to Postgres.
If you need to install Postgres or want to set up a new environment for PGMQ development, pgenv is a command line utility that makes it very easy to install and manage multiple versions of Postgres.
Follow the installation instructions to install it.
If you are on MacOS, you may need link brew link icu4c --force
in order to successfully build Postgres.
Install Postgres 16.3
pgenv build 16.3
pgenv use 16.3
Connect to Postgres:
psql -U postgres
A fresh install will have not have PGMQ installed.
postgres=# \dx
List of installed extensions
Name | Version | Schema | Description
plpgsql | 1.0 | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language
(1 row)
Clone the repo and change into the directory.
git clone
cd pgmq/pgmq-extension
This will install the extension to the Postgres using the pg_config
that is currently on your PATH
. If you have multiple versions of Postgres installed, make sure you are using the correct installation by running make install PG_CONFIG=/path/to/pg_config
make install
Finally, you can create the extension and get started with the example in the
CREATE EXTENSION pgmq cascade;
If you are working with partitioned queues, you will need to install pg_partman
version <= 4.7.0
make install-pg-partman
Tests are written for pg_regress and pg_isolation_regress. The latter is available on Postgres 14 and higher, so the Makefile
skips them for earlier versions.
Once you have a postgres instance with the extension installed, run:
make installcheck
PGMQ Postgres Extension releases are automated through two Github workflows; Containers / Trunk packages, and PGXN distribution. To create a release:
- Update and commit the new valid semver version in pgmq.control.
- Create a Github release using the extension's version for the
. Auto-generate the release notes and/or add more relevant details as needed.
Postgres images with PGMQ and all required dependencies are built and published to{PG_VERSION}-pgmq:{TAG}
for all supported Postgres versions and PGMQ releases.
The required extension files are publish to and hosted at and PGXN.
See subdirectories for the Rust and Python SDK release processes.