from __future__ import annotations import logging import pathlib import ssl import sys import anyio import import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt import pytest from anyio import TASK_STATUS_IGNORED from import TaskStatus from paho.mqtt.enums import MQTTErrorCode from import Properties from paho.mqtt.subscribeoptions import SubscribeOptions from aiomqtt import ( Client, MqttError, MqttReentrantError, ProtocolVersion, TLSParameters, Will, ) from aiomqtt.types import PayloadType # This is the same as marking all tests in this file with @pytest.mark.anyio pytestmark = pytest.mark.anyio HOSTNAME = "" OS_PY_VERSION = sys.platform + "_" + ".".join(map(str, sys.version_info[:2])) TOPIC_PREFIX = OS_PY_VERSION + "/tests/aiomqtt/" async def test_client_unsubscribe() -> None: """Test that messages are no longer received after unsubscribing from a topic.""" topic_1 = TOPIC_PREFIX + "test_client_unsubscribe/1" topic_2 = TOPIC_PREFIX + "test_client_unsubscribe/2" async def handle(tg: -> None: is_first_message = True async for message in client.messages: if is_first_message: assert message.topic.value == topic_1 is_first_message = False else: assert message.topic.value == topic_2 tg.cancel_scope.cancel() async with Client(HOSTNAME) as client, anyio.create_task_group() as tg: await client.subscribe(topic_1) await client.subscribe(topic_2) tg.start_soon(handle, tg) await anyio.wait_all_tasks_blocked() await client.publish(topic_1, None) await client.unsubscribe(topic_1) await client.publish(topic_1, None) # Test that other subscriptions still receive messages await client.publish(topic_2, None) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "protocol, length", [(ProtocolVersion.V31, 22), (ProtocolVersion.V311, 0), (ProtocolVersion.V5, 0)], ) async def test_client_id(protocol: ProtocolVersion, length: int) -> None: client = Client(HOSTNAME, protocol=protocol) assert len(client.identifier) == length async def test_client_will() -> None: topic = TOPIC_PREFIX + "test_client_will" event = anyio.Event() async def launch_client() -> None: with anyio.CancelScope(shield=True) as cs: async with Client(HOSTNAME) as client: await client.subscribe(topic) event.set() async for message in client.messages: assert message.topic.value == topic cs.cancel() async with anyio.create_task_group() as tg: tg.start_soon(launch_client) await event.wait() async with Client(HOSTNAME, will=Will(topic)) as client: client._client._sock_close() async def test_client_tls_context() -> None: topic = TOPIC_PREFIX + "test_client_tls_context" async def handle(tg: -> None: async for message in client.messages: assert message.topic.value == topic tg.cancel_scope.cancel() async with Client( HOSTNAME, 8883, tls_context=ssl.SSLContext(protocol=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS), ) as client, anyio.create_task_group() as tg: await client.subscribe(topic) tg.start_soon(handle, tg) await anyio.wait_all_tasks_blocked() await client.publish(topic) async def test_client_tls_params() -> None: topic = TOPIC_PREFIX + "tls_params" async def handle(tg: -> None: async for message in client.messages: assert message.topic.value == topic tg.cancel_scope.cancel() async with Client( HOSTNAME, 8883, tls_params=TLSParameters( ca_certs=str(pathlib.Path.cwd() / "tests" / "") ), ) as client, anyio.create_task_group() as tg: await client.subscribe(topic) tg.start_soon(handle, tg) await anyio.wait_all_tasks_blocked() await client.publish(topic) async def test_client_username_password() -> None: topic = TOPIC_PREFIX + "username_password" async def handle(tg: -> None: async for message in client.messages: assert message.topic.value == topic tg.cancel_scope.cancel() async with Client( HOSTNAME, username="", password="" ) as client, anyio.create_task_group() as tg: await client.subscribe(topic) tg.start_soon(handle, tg) await anyio.wait_all_tasks_blocked() await client.publish(topic) async def test_client_logger() -> None: logger = logging.getLogger("aiomqtt") async with Client(HOSTNAME, logger=logger) as client: assert logger is client._client._logger async def test_client_max_concurrent_outgoing_calls( monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch, ) -> None: topic = TOPIC_PREFIX + "max_concurrent_outgoing_calls" class MockPahoClient(mqtt.Client): def subscribe( self, topic: str | tuple[str, int] | tuple[str, SubscribeOptions] | list[tuple[str, int]] | list[tuple[str, SubscribeOptions]], qos: int = 0, options: SubscribeOptions | None = None, properties: Properties | None = None, ) -> tuple[MQTTErrorCode, int | None]: assert client._outgoing_calls_sem is not None assert client._outgoing_calls_sem.locked() return super().subscribe(topic, qos, options, properties) def unsubscribe( self, topic: str | list[str], properties: Properties | None = None ) -> tuple[MQTTErrorCode, int | None]: assert client._outgoing_calls_sem is not None assert client._outgoing_calls_sem.locked() return super().unsubscribe(topic, properties) def publish( # noqa: PLR0913 self, topic: str, payload: PayloadType | None = None, qos: int = 0, retain: bool = False, properties: Properties | None = None, ) -> mqtt.MQTTMessageInfo: assert client._outgoing_calls_sem is not None assert client._outgoing_calls_sem.locked() return super().publish(topic, payload, qos, retain, properties) monkeypatch.setattr(mqtt, "Client", MockPahoClient) async with Client(HOSTNAME, max_concurrent_outgoing_calls=1) as client: await client.subscribe(topic) await client.unsubscribe(topic) await client.publish(topic) async def test_client_websockets() -> None: topic = TOPIC_PREFIX + "websockets" async def handle(tg: -> None: async for message in client.messages: assert message.topic.value == topic tg.cancel_scope.cancel() async with Client( HOSTNAME, 8080, transport="websockets", websocket_path="/", websocket_headers={"foo": "bar"}, ) as client: await client.subscribe(topic) async with anyio.create_task_group() as tg: tg.start_soon(handle, tg) await anyio.wait_all_tasks_blocked() await client.publish(topic) @pytest.mark.parametrize("pending_calls_threshold", [10, 20]) async def test_client_pending_calls_threshold( pending_calls_threshold: int, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture ) -> None: topic = TOPIC_PREFIX + "pending_calls_threshold" async with Client(HOSTNAME) as client: client.pending_calls_threshold = pending_calls_threshold nb_publish = client.pending_calls_threshold + 1 async with anyio.create_task_group() as tg: for _ in range(nb_publish): tg.start_soon(client.publish, topic) assert caplog.record_tuples == [ ( "mqtt", logging.WARNING, f"There are {nb_publish} pending publish calls.", ) ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("pending_calls_threshold", [10, 20]) async def test_client_no_pending_calls_warnings_with_max_concurrent_outgoing_calls( pending_calls_threshold: int, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, ) -> None: topic = ( TOPIC_PREFIX + "no_pending_calls_warnings_with_max_concurrent_outgoing_calls" ) async with Client(HOSTNAME, max_concurrent_outgoing_calls=1) as client: client.pending_calls_threshold = pending_calls_threshold nb_publish = client.pending_calls_threshold + 1 async with anyio.create_task_group() as tg: for _ in range(nb_publish): tg.start_soon(client.publish, topic) assert caplog.record_tuples == [] async def test_client_context_is_reusable() -> None: """Test that a client context manager instance is reusable.""" topic = TOPIC_PREFIX + "test_client_is_reusable" client = Client(HOSTNAME) async with client: await client.publish(topic, "foo") async with client: await client.publish(topic, "bar") async def test_client_context_is_not_reentrant() -> None: """Test that a client context manager instance is not reentrant.""" client = Client(HOSTNAME) async with client: with pytest.raises(MqttReentrantError): async with client: pass async def test_client_reusable_message() -> None: custom_client = Client(HOSTNAME) publish_client = Client(HOSTNAME) async def task_a_customer( task_status: TaskStatus[None] = TASK_STATUS_IGNORED, ) -> None: async with custom_client: await custom_client.subscribe("task/a") task_status.started() async for message in custom_client.messages: assert message.payload == b"task_a" return async def task_b_customer() -> None: async with custom_client: ... async def task_a_publisher() -> None: async with publish_client: await publish_client.publish("task/a", "task_a") async with anyio.create_task_group() as tg: await tg.start(task_a_customer) tg.start_soon(task_a_publisher) with pytest.raises(MqttReentrantError): # noqa: PT012 async with anyio.create_task_group() as tg: await tg.start(task_a_customer) tg.start_soon(task_b_customer) await anyio.sleep(1) tg.start_soon(task_a_publisher) async def test_aenter_state_reset_connect_failure() -> None: """Test that internal state is reset on CONNECT failure in ``aenter``.""" client = Client(hostname="invalid") with pytest.raises(MqttError): await client.__aenter__() assert not client._lock.locked() assert not client._connected.done() async def test_aenter_state_reset_connack_timeout() -> None: """Test that internal state is reset on CONNACK timeout in ``aenter``.""" client = Client(HOSTNAME, timeout=0) with pytest.raises(MqttError): await client.__aenter__() assert not client._lock.locked() assert not client._connected.done() async def test_aenter_state_reset_connack_negative() -> None: """Test that internal state is reset on negative CONNACK in ``aenter``.""" client = Client(HOSTNAME, username="invalid") with pytest.raises(MqttError): await client.__aenter__() assert not client._lock.locked() assert not client._connected.done() async def test_aexit_without_prior_aenter() -> None: """Test that ``aexit`` without prior (or unsuccessful) ``aenter`` runs cleanly.""" client = Client(HOSTNAME) await client.__aexit__(None, None, None) async def test_aexit_consecutive_calls() -> None: """Test that ``aexit`` runs cleanly when it was already called before.""" async with Client(HOSTNAME) as client: await client.__aexit__(None, None, None) async def test_aexit_client_is_already_disconnected_success() -> None: """Test that ``aexit`` runs cleanly if client is already cleanly disconnected.""" async with Client(HOSTNAME) as client: client._disconnected.set_result(None) async def test_aexit_client_is_already_disconnected_failure() -> None: """Test that ``aexit`` reraises if client is already disconnected with an error.""" client = Client(HOSTNAME) await client.__aenter__() client._disconnected.set_exception(RuntimeError) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): await client.__aexit__(None, None, None) async def test_messages_view_is_reusable() -> None: """Test that ``.messages`` is reusable after dis- and reconnection.""" topic = TOPIC_PREFIX + "test_messages_generator_is_reusable" client = Client(HOSTNAME) async with client: client._disconnected.set_result(None) with pytest.raises(MqttError): # TODO(felix): Switch to anext function from Python 3.10 await client.messages.__anext__() async with client: await client.subscribe(topic) await client.publish(topic, "foo") # TODO(felix): Switch to anext function from Python 3.10 message = await client.messages.__anext__() assert message.payload == b"foo" async def test_messages_view_multiple_tasks_concurrently() -> None: """Test that ``.messages`` can be used concurrently by multiple tasks.""" topic = TOPIC_PREFIX + "test_messages_generator_is_reentrant" async with Client(HOSTNAME) as client, anyio.create_task_group() as tg: async def handle() -> None: # TODO(felix): Switch to anext function from Python 3.10 await client.messages.__anext__() tg.start_soon(handle) tg.start_soon(handle) await anyio.wait_all_tasks_blocked() await client.subscribe(topic) await client.publish(topic, "foo") await client.publish(topic, "bar")