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This is the source distribution of Sound Field Synthesis-Toolbox (SFS) licensed
under the GPLv3+. Please consult the file COPYING for more information about
this license.
The wiki at http: contains relevant
informations about the SFS, including installation instructions and a detailed
usage tutorial. Additional installation instructions can be found in the file

For questions, bug reports and feature requests:

Contact: [email protected]
Website: http:

Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Quality & Usability Lab
                        Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, TU Berlin
                        Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7, 10587 Berlin, Germany

# ===== Sound Field Synthesis (SFS) Toolbox =====

The Sound Field Synthesis (SFS) Toolbox for Matlab/Octave gives you the
possibility to play around with sound field synthesis methods like Wave Field
Synthesis (WFS) or Higher Order Ambisonics (HOA). There are functions to
simulate monochromatic wave fields for different secondary source
(loudspeaker) setups, time snapshots of full band impulses emitted by the
secondary source distributions, or even generate Binaural Room Scanning (BRS)
stimuli sets in order to simulate WFS with the SoundScape Renderer (SSR).

To start the Toolbox, have a look at the SFS_config.m file and set it up to your
needs, then run SFS_start which will add all necessary paths.

Here is an overview over the different folders containing in the SFS Toolbox:

# * SFS_analysis
Functions to do some additional analysis of some special applications like
extracting ITD, ILD or time of arrival for pre-echoes

# * SFS_binaural_resynthesis
Functions to create BRS sets for the SSR or a single IR to simulate different
loudspeaker setups and sources. Also some functions to auralize the given BRS
sets with audio material.

# * SFS_general
Diverse functions, ranging from loudspeaker positions to rad <> degree

# * SFS_helper
Helper functions for checking of input args

# * SFS_ir
Functions to read and generate IRs sets in our own file format. Also functions
to get single IRs as a vector and functions to manipulate these IRs.

# * SFS_monochromatic
Functions to simulate a monochromatic wave field with WFS for plane waves,
point sources or focused sources

# * SFS_plotting
Functions to plot diverse wave fields, etc.

# * SFS_time_domain
Functions to simulate time snapshots of impulses reproduced with WFS for plane
waves point sources or focused sources

# --- OCTAVE ---
All the functions will also work in gnu octave (http: But
therefore some additional packages from octave-forge
(http: are needed:
* audio (e.g. for wavwrite)
* signal (e.g. for firls)


Copy of SFS Toolbox for Matlab/Octave









  • MATLAB 99.1%
  • Gnuplot 0.9%