function conf = SFS_config() %SFS_CONFIG Configuration file for the SoundFieldSynthesis functions % % Usage: conf = SFS_config % % Output parameters: % conf - struct containing all configuration variables % % SFS_CONFIG() creates the struct conf containing the default % configuration values. If you want to create other entries, please set % them in your script (e.g. conf.fs = 48000) and pass the conf struct to % the desired function as last input (e.g. tapering_window(x0,conf)). % % So edit this function only, if the default values have changed! % % see also: SFS_start %***************************************************************************** % Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Quality & Usability Lab, together with * % Assessment of IP-based Applications * % Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, TU Berlin * % Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7, 10587 Berlin, Germany * % * % Copyright (c) 2013 Institut für Nachrichtentechnik * % Universität Rostock * % Richard-Wagner-Strasse 31, 18119 Rostock * % * % This file is part of the Sound Field Synthesis-Toolbox (SFS). * % * % The SFS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * % the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * % Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * % any later version. * % * % The SFS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * % WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * % FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * % See the GNU General Public License for more details. * % * % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * % with this program. If not, see . * % * % The SFS is a toolbox for Matlab/Octave to simulate and investigate sound * % field synthesis methods like wave field synthesis or higher order * % ambisonics. * % * % * %***************************************************************************** %% ===== Checking of input parameters ================================== nargmin = 0; nargmax = 0; error(nargchk(nargmin,nargmax,nargin)); %% ===== Configuration default values =================================== % ===== Table of Content ======================== % % - Misc % - Audio % - Simulations % - Secondary Sources % - Binaural Reproduction % * Headphone compensation % * HRIR/BRIR % * Auralization % - WFS % * Pre-equalization % * Tapering % * Virtual Sources % - SDM % - HOA % - Plotting % * Gnuplot % % ===== Misc ==================================== conf.tmpdir = '/tmp/sfs'; % Debugging level. We are supporting 3 levels: % 0 - normal mode % 1 - debug modus, showing interim results and plots conf.debug = 0; % ===== Audio =================================== % Samplingrate conf.fs = 44100; % Hz % Speed of sound conf.c = 343; % m/s % use fractional delays for delay lines conf.usefracdelay = 0; conf.fracdelay_method = 'resample'; % ===== Simulations ============================= % xyresolution for wavefield simulations conf.xysamples = 300; % samples % Phase of omega of wavefield (change this value to create monochromatic wave % fields with different phases for a movie) conf.phase = 0; % rad % Time frame to simulate for wave field in time domain (change this value to % create impulse response movies of the wave field conf.frame = 1000; % ===== Secondary Sources ======================= % Interspacing (distance) between the secondary sources conf.dx0 = 0.15; % m % Array position conf.X0 = [0 0 0]; % m % Array geometry % Possible values are: 'linear', 'box', 'circle', 'U', 'custom' conf.array = 'linear'; % Vector containing custom secondary source positions and directions. % conf.x0 = [x0; y0; z0; phi]; conf.x0 = []; % m; m; m; rad % ===== Binaural reproduction =================== % % === Headphone compensation === % Headphone compensation conf.usehcomp = true; % boolean % Headphone compensation file for left and right ear. conf.hcomplfile = ... '~/data/ir_databases/headphone_compensations/TU_FABIAN_AKGK601_hcompl.wav'; conf.hcomprfile = ... '~/data/ir_databases/headphone_compensations/TU_FABIAN_AKGK601_hcompr.wav'; % % === HRIR/BRIR === % Target length of BRIR impulse responses (2^14 may be enough for your % purposes, but for a large distance between source and listener, this will % be not enough to contain the desired time delay. But don't worry, SFS % checks for you if conf.N is large enough) conf.N = 2^15; % samples % To use a dynamic binaural simulation together with the SoundScape Renderer % (SSR) and a headtracker, brs sets can be created. If these sets should be % used in BRS mode of the SSR, the angles have to be: % conf.brsangles = 0:1:359; % If the brs set should be used as IRs for the SSR, the angles have to be: % conf.brsangles = 360:-1:1; conf.brsangles = 0:1:359; % degree % % === Auralisation === % These files are used for the auralization of impulse responses by the % auralize_ir() function. % NOTE: you have to provide them by yourself! conf.speechfile = ''; conf.cellofile = ''; conf.castanetsfile = ''; conf.noisefile = ''; conf.pinknoisefile = ''; % ===== WFS ===================================== % The amplitude will be correct at the point xref for 2.5D % synthesis. % Thi point is also used to scale the wave field to 1 at this point. conf.xref = [0 2 0]; % m, m, m % % ===== Pre-Equalization ===== % WFS can be implemented very efficiently using a delay-line with different % amplitudes and convolving the whole signal once with the so called % pre-equalization filter [References]. If we have aliasing in our system we % only want to use the pre-equalization filter until the aliasing frequency, % because of the energy the aliasing is adding to the spectrum above this % frequency (which means the frequency response over the aliasing frequency is % allready "correct") [Reference] % Use WFS preequalization-filter conf.usehpre = false; % boolean % Lower frequency limit of preequalization filter (~ frequency when % subwoofer is active) conf.hpreflow = 50; % Hz % Upper frequency limit of preequalization filter (~ aliasing frequency of % system) conf.hprefhigh = 1200; % Hz % % ===== Tapering ===== % The truncation of the loudspeaker array leads to diffraction of the % synthesized wave field. It has been shown that the truncation can be discribed % by cylindrical waves originating from the edges of the array % [Young,Sommerfeld,Rubinovitch]. Therefore a good method to reduce artifacts % due to the diffraction edge waves is to fade out the amplitude of the driving % function at the edges of the array. This method is called tapering and % implemented using a Hanning window. % Use tapering window conf.usetapwin = true; % boolean % Size of the tapering window conf.tapwinlen = 0.3; % percent of array length 0..1 % % === Virtual Sources === % Pre-delay for causality for focused sources % Note: for a non focused point source this will be set automaticly to 0 % from brs_wfs_25d! conf.t0 = -3*1024/conf.fs; % s % ===== SDM ===================================== % Use the evanescent part of the driving function for SDM conf.withev = true; % boolean % ===== HOA ===================================== % TODO % ===== Plotting ================================ % Plot the results (wave fields etc.) directly conf.useplot = false; % boolean % Plot mode (uses the GraphDefaults function). Avaiable modes are: % 'monitor' - displays the plot on the monitor % 'paper' - eps output in conf.plot.outfile % 'png' - png output in conf.plot.outfile conf.plot.mode = 'monitor'; % Plot amplitudes in dB (e.g. wavefield plots) conf.plot.usedb = false; % boolean % caxis settings (leave blank, if you would use the default values of the given % plot function) conf.plot.caxis = ''; % Default colormap to use (note this works only with Matlab at the moment) conf.plot.colormap = 'gray'; % (default: 'gray') % Plot loudspeakers in the wave field plots conf.plot.loudspeakers = true; % boolean % Use real loudspeakers symbols (otherwise crosses are used) conf.plot.realloudspeakers = true; % boolean % Size of the loudspeaker conf.plot.lssize = conf.dx0; % m % Size of the plot conf.plot.size = [16,11.55]; % cm % Additional plot command conf.plot.cmd = ''; % output of plot (file or screen) conf.plot.usefile = 0; conf.plot.file = 'sfs'; % % === Gnuplot === % Use gnuplot conf.plot.usegnuplot = false; % boolean