Assuming that you have previously installed containerd and kubetools, and have issues a failing kubeadm init ON ALL NODES 1. from ~/cka use git pull to update the git repo 2. sudo cp ~/cka/config.toml /etc/containerd/ 3. sudo systemctl restart containerd 4. sudo kubeadm reset ON CONTROL 1. sudo kubeadm init 2. follow the instructions to create the .kube/config that are printed after successful kubeadm init 3. kubectl apply -f 4. copy the kubeadm join command to run on the workers ON EACH WORKER 1. kubeadm join .... as instructed by the output of kubeadm init ON CONTROL 1. kubectl get nodes to verify the nodes are coming up and listed as ready 2. kubectl create deploy testnginx --image=nginx --replicas=3