# localsumm 🤖📕 Fast, 100% local web page summarization with the Microsoft Phi-3 LLM! ## demo ![Demo](./assets/demo.gif) ## setup ### 1. Install and set up Ollama 1. Install Ollama from https://ollama.com/ 2. Make sure the Ollama app is running 3. Install the Phi-3 model: `ollama run phi3` 4. Address CORS Settings - [tutorial](https://medium.com/dcoderai/how-to-handle-cors-settings-in-ollama-a-comprehensive-guide-ee2a5a1beef0) ### 2. Install the localsumm Chrome extension 1. `git clone git@github.com:samrawal/localsumm.git` 2. In Chrome, go to `chrome://extensions` -> Developer Mode (top right) -> Load Unpacked (top left) -> select `localsumm` folder ### You're ready! ## about/contact/issues This extension has been very quickly put together, so any PRs with bugfixes/features are welcome! Feel free to reach out to me with any comments, questions, or issues! - [samrawal.com](http://samrawal.com) - [@samarthrawal](https://twitter.com/samarthrawal)