include: - '' variables: JULIA_NUM_THREADS: '2' CI_APT_INSTALL: 'libgomp1' NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES: 'all' NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES: 'compute,utility' JULIA_CUDA_USE_BINARYBUILDER: 'false' # NOTE: we don't use BinaryBuilder by default to reduce the amount of network traffic image: nvidia/cuda:10.1-devel-ubuntu18.04 # Julia versions julia:1.4: extends: - .julia:1.4 - .test tags: - nvidia # julia:1.4-debug: # extends: # - .julia:source # - .test # tags: # - nvidia # - sm_70 # variables: # CI_CLONE_ARGS: '-b v1.4.0' # CI_BUILD_ARGS: 'BINARYBUILDER_LLVM_ASSERTS=1 debug' # allow_failure: true # julia:nightly: # extends: # - .julia:nightly # - .test # tags: # - nvidia # allow_failure: true # CUDA versions # NOTE: we support those CUDA versions for which the latest cuDNN is available # # the "primary" target, where we require a new GPU to make sure all tests are run cuda:10.1: extends: - .julia:1.4 - .test image: ubuntu:bionic variables: CI_THOROUGH: 'true' JULIA_CUDA_VERSION: '10.1' JULIA_CUDA_USE_BINARYBUILDER: 'true' tags: - nvidia - sm_70 cuda:10.0: extends: - .julia:1.4 - .test image: ubuntu:bionic variables: JULIA_CUDA_VERSION: '10.0' JULIA_CUDA_USE_BINARYBUILDER: 'true' tags: - nvidia cuda:9.2: extends: - .julia:1.4 - .test image: ubuntu:bionic variables: JULIA_CUDA_VERSION: '9.2' JULIA_CUDA_USE_BINARYBUILDER: 'true' tags: - nvidia # NOTE: CUDA 9.0 is broken cuda:none: extends: - .julia:1.4 - .test variables: NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES: '' script: - julia --project -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate();' - julia --project -e 'using CUDA; @assert !CUDA.functional(true)' # hardware platforms platform:arm64: image: extends: - .julia:1.4 - .test tags: - nvidia-arm64 allow_failure: true # special tests pool:none: extends: - .julia:1.4 - .test tags: - nvidia variables: JULIA_CUDA_MEMORY_POOL: 'none' pool:simple: extends: - .julia:1.4 - .test tags: - nvidia variables: JULIA_CUDA_MEMORY_POOL: 'simple' pool:split: extends: - .julia:1.4 - .test tags: - nvidia variables: JULIA_CUDA_MEMORY_POOL: 'split' allow_failure: true debug: extends: - .julia:1.4 - .test tags: - nvidia script: - julia --project -g2 -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate();; Pkg.test(; coverage=true);' # other tasks coverage: extends: - .julia:1.4 - .coverage documentation: extends: - .julia:1.4 - .documentation tags: - nvidia pages: stage: deploy script: - mv docs/build public artifacts: paths: - public only: - master