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Docker Stats Receiver

Stability alpha
Supported pipeline types metrics
Distributions contrib

The Docker Stats receiver queries the local Docker daemon's container stats API for all desired running containers on a configured interval. These stats are for container resource usage of cpu, memory, network, and the blkio controller.

ℹ️ Requires Docker API version 1.22+ and only Linux is supported.


The following settings are required:

  • endpoint (default = unix:https:///var/run/docker.sock): Address to reach the desired Docker daemon.

The following settings are optional:

  • collection_interval (default = 10s): The interval at which to gather container stats.
  • container_labels_to_metric_labels (no default): A map of Docker container label names whose label values to use as the specified metric label key.
  • env_vars_to_metric_labels (no default): A map of Docker container environment variables whose values to use as the specified metric label key.
  • excluded_images (no default, all running containers monitored): A list of strings, regexes, or globs whose referent container image names will not be among the queried containers. !-prefixed negations are possible for all item types to signify that only unmatched container image names should be excluded.
    • Regexes must be placed between / characters: /my?egex/. Negations are to be outside the forward slashes: !/my?egex/ will exclude all containers whose name doesn't match the compiled regex my?egex.
    • Globs are non-regex items (e.g. /items/) containing any of the following: *[]{}?. Negations are supported: !my*container will exclude all containers whose image name doesn't match the blob my*container.
  • timeout (default = 5s): The request timeout for any docker daemon query.
  • api_version (default = 1.22): The Docker client API version (must be 1.22+). Docker API versions.
  • metrics (defaults at ./ Enables/disables individual metrics. See ./ for full detail.


    collection_interval: 2s
    timeout: 20s
    api_version: 1.24
      my.container.label: my-metric-label
      my.other.container.label: my-other-metric-label
      MY_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE: my-metric-label
      MY_OTHER_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE: my-other-metric-label
      - undesired-container
      - /.*undesired.*/
      - another-*-container
        enabled: true
        enabled: false

The full list of settings exposed for this receiver are documented here with detailed sample configurations here.

Migrating from ScraperV1 to ScraperV2

Note: These changes are now in effect and ScraperV1 have been removed as of v0.71.

There are some breaking changes from ScraperV1 to ScraperV2. The work done for these changes is tracked in #9794.

Breaking Change Action
Many metrics are no longer emitted by default. See to see which metrics are enabled by default. Enable/disable as desired.
BlockIO metrics names changed. The type of operation is no longer in the metric name suffix, and is now in an attribute. For example becomes container.blockio.io_merged_recursive with an operation:read attribute. Be aware of the metric name changes and make any adjustments to what your downstream expects from BlockIO metrics.
Memory metrics measured in Bytes are now non-monotonic sums instead of gauges. Most likely there is no action. The aggregation type is different but the values are the same. Be aware of how your downstream handles gauges vs non-monotonic sums.
Config option provide_per_core_cpu_metrics has been removed. Enable the container.cpu.usage.percpu metric as per