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Journald Receiver

Stability alpha: logs
Distributions contrib, observiq, splunk, sumo
Issues Open issues Closed issues
Code Owners @sumo-drosiek, @djaglowski

Parses Journald events from systemd journal. Journald receiver requires that:

  • the journalctl binary is present in the $PATH of the agent; and
  • the collector's user has sufficient permissions to access the journal through journalctl.


Field Default Description
directory /run/log/journal or /run/journal A directory containing journal files to read entries from
files A list of journal files to read entries from
start_at end At startup, where to start reading logs from the file. Options are beginning or end
units A list of units to read entries from. See Multiple filtering options examples.
identifiers Filter output by message identifiers (SYSTEMD_IDENTIFIER). See Multiple filtering options examples.
matches A list of matches to read entries from. See Matches and Multiple filtering options examples.
priority info Filter output by message priorities or priority ranges. See Multiple filtering options examples.
grep Filter output to entries where the MESSAGE= field matches the specified regular expression. See Multiple filtering options examples.
dmesg 'false' Show only kernel messages. This shows logs from current boot and adds the match _TRANSPORT=kernel. See Multiple filtering options examples.
storage none The ID of a storage extension to be used to store cursors. Cursors allow the receiver to pick up where it left off in the case of a collector restart. If no storage extension is used, the receiver will manage cursors in memory only.
retry_on_failure.enabled false If true, the receiver will pause reading a file and attempt to resend the current batch of logs if it encounters an error from downstream components.
retry_on_failure.initial_interval 1 second Time to wait after the first failure before retrying.
retry_on_failure.max_interval 30 seconds Upper bound on retry backoff interval. Once this value is reached the delay between consecutive retries will remain constant at the specified value.
retry_on_failure.max_elapsed_time 5 minutes Maximum amount of time (including retries) spent trying to send a logs batch to a downstream consumer. Once this value is reached, the data is discarded. Retrying never stops if set to 0.
operators [] An array of operators. See below for more details


Each operator performs a simple responsibility, such as parsing a timestamp or JSON. Chain together operators to process logs into a desired format.

  • Every operator has a type.
  • Every operator can be given a unique id. If you use the same type of operator more than once in a pipeline, you must specify an id. Otherwise, the id defaults to the value of type.
  • Operators will output to the next operator in the pipeline. The last operator in the pipeline will emit from the receiver. Optionally, the output parameter can be used to specify the id of another operator to which logs will be passed directly.
  • Only parsers and general purpose operators should be used.

Example Configurations

    directory: /run/log/journal
      - ssh
      - kubelet
      - docker
      - containerd
    priority: info


The following configuration:

- type: journald_input
    - _SYSTEMD_UNIT: ssh
    - _SYSTEMD_UNIT: kubelet
      _UID: "1000"

will be passed to journalctl as the following arguments: journalctl ... _SYSTEMD_UNIT=ssh + _SYSTEMD_UNIT=kubelet _UID=1000, which is going to retrieve all entries which match at least one of the following rules:

  • _SYSTEMD_UNIT is ssh
  • _SYSTEMD_UNIT is kubelet and _UID is 1000

Multiple filtering options

In case of using multiple following options, conditions between them are logically ANDed and within them are logically ORed:

( dmesg )
( priority )
( units[0] OR units[1] OR units[2] OR ... units[U] )
( identifier[0] OR identifier[1] OR identifier[2] OR ... identifier[I] )
( matches[0] OR matches[1] OR matches[2] OR ... matches[M] )
( grep )

Consider the following example:

- type: journald_input
    - _SYSTEMD_UNIT: ssh
    - _SYSTEMD_UNIT: kubelet
      _UID: "1000"
    - kubelet
    - systemd
  priority: info
    - systemd

The above configuration will be passed to journalctl as the following arguments journalctl ... --priority=info --unit=kubelet --unit=systemd --identifier=systemd _SYSTEMD_UNIT=ssh + _SYSTEMD_UNIT=kubelet _UID=1000, which is going to effectively retrieve all entries which matches the following set of rules:

  • _PRIORITY is 6, and

  • _SYSTEMD_UNIT is kubelet or systemd, and

  • SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER systemd, and

  • entry matches at least one of the following rules:

    • _SYSTEMD_UNIT is ssh
    • _SYSTEMD_UNIT is kubelet and _UID is 1000

Setup and deployment

The user running the collector must have enough permissions to access the journal; not granting them will lead to issues.

When running in a containerized environment, differences in the systemd version running on the host and on the container may prevent access to logs due to different features and configurations (e.g. zstd compression, keyed hash etc).


When running otelcol in a container, note that:

  1. the container must run as a user that has permission to access the logs
  2. the path to the log directory (/run/log/journal, /var/log/journal...) must be mounted in the container
  3. depending on your guest system, you might need to explicitly set the log directory in the configuration

Please note that the official otelcol images do not contain the journald binary; you will need to create your custom image or find one that does.

Linux packaging

When installing otelcol as a linux package, you will most likely need to add the otelcol-contrib or otel user to the systemd-journal group. The exact user and group might vary depending on your package and linux distribution of choice.

You can test if the user has sufficient permissions by running something like (you might need to adjust according to available shell and opentelemetry user)

sudo su -s /bin/bash -c 'journalctl --lines 5' otelcol-contrib

if the permissions are set correctly you will see some logs, otherwise a clear error message.


See the instructions for Docker and adapt according to your Kubernetes distribution and node OS.