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Webhook Event Receiver

Stability alpha: logs
Distributions []
Issues Open issues Closed issues
Code Owners @atoulme, @shalper2

The Webhook Event Receiver is a push based event collector component meant to act as a generally available receiver for any webhook style data source. It is designed to work alongside other pipeline components like the transform processor to allow the ingestion of generic events as logs into the opentelemetry collector.


The following settings are required:

  • endpoint (no default): The endpoint where you may point your webhook to emit events to

The following settings are optional:

  • path (default: '/events'): Path where the receiver instance will accept events
  • health_path (default: '/health_check'): Path available for checking receiver status
  • read_timeout (default: '500ms'): Maximum wait time while attempting to read a received event
  • write_timeout (default: '500ms'): Maximum wait time while attempting to write a response
  • required_header (optional):
    • key (required if required_header config option is set): Represents the key portion of the required header.
    • value (required if required_header config option is set): Represents the value portion of the required header.


        endpoint: localhost:8088
        read_timeout: "500ms"
        path: "eventsource/receiver"
        health_path: "eventreceiver/healthcheck"
            key: "required-header-key"
            value: "required-header-value"

The full list of settings exposed for this receiver are documented here with a detailed sample configuration here