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Websocket Processor

Stability alpha: logs, metrics, traces
Distributions []

The WebSocket processor, which can be positioned anywhere in a pipeline, allows data to pass through to the next component. Simultaneously, it makes a portion of the data accessible to WebSocket clients connecting on a configurable port. This functionality resembles that of the Unix tee command, which enables data to flow through while duplicating and redirecting it for inspection.

To avoid overloading clients, the amount of telemetry duplicated over any open WebSockets is rate limited by an adjustable amount.


The WebSocket processor has two configurable fields: port and limit:

  • port: The port on which the WebSocket processor listens. Optional. Defaults to 12001.
  • limit: The rate limit over the WebSocket in messages per second. Can be a float or an integer. Optional. Defaults to 1.

Example configuration:

  port: 12001
  limit: 1 # rate limit 1 msg/sec