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168 lines (132 loc) · 15.1 KB

Transform Processor

Stability alpha
Supported pipeline types traces, metrics, logs
Distributions contrib
Warnings Unsound Transformations, Identity Conflict, Orphaned Telemetry, Other

The transform processor modifies telemetry based on configuration using the Telemetry Query Language. It takes a list of queries which are performed in the order specified in the config.

Queries are composed of the following parts

  • Path expressions: Fields within the incoming data can be referenced using expressions composed of the names as defined in the OTLP protobuf definition. e.g., status.code, attributes["http.method"], trace_state["example_key"]. If the path expression begins with resource. or instrumentation_library., it will reference those values. For metrics, name, description, unit, type, is_monotonic, and aggregation_temporality are accessed via metric.
    • The name instrumentation_library within OpenTelemetry is currently under discussion and may be changed in the future.
    • Metric data types are None, Gauge, Sum, Histogram, ExponentialHistogram, and Summary
    • aggregation_temporality is converted to and from the protobuf's numeric definition. Interact with this field using 0, 1, or 2.
    • Until the grammar can handle booleans, is_monotic is handled via strings the strings "true" and "false".
  • Literals: Strings, ints, floats, bools, and nil can be referenced as literal values. Byte slices can be references as a literal value via a hex string prefaced with 0x, such as 0x0001.
  • Function invocations: Functions can be invoked with arguments matching the function's expected arguments. The literal nil cannot be used as a replacement for maps or slices in function calls.
  • Where clause: Telemetry to modify can be filtered by appending where a <op> b, with a and b being any of the above.

Supported functions:

  • SpanID(bytes) - bytes is a byte slice of exactly 8 bytes. The function returns a SpanID from bytes. e.g., SpanID(0x0000000000000000)

  • TraceID(bytes) - bytes is a byte slice of exactly 16 bytes. The function returns a TraceID from bytes. e.g., TraceID(0x00000000000000000000000000000000)

  • IsMatch(target, pattern) - target is either a path expression to a telemetry field to retrieve or a literal string. pattern is a regexp pattern. The function matches the target against the pattern, returning true if the match is successful and false otherwise. If target is nil or not a string false is always returned.

  • set(target, value) - target is a path expression to a telemetry field to set value into. value is any value type. e.g., set(attributes["http.path"], "/foo"), set(name, attributes["http.route"]), set(trace_state["svc"], "example"), set(attributes["source"], trace_state["source"]). If value resolves to nil, e.g. it references an unset map value, there will be no action.

  • keep_keys(target, string...) - target is a path expression to a map type field. The map will be mutated to only contain the fields specified by the list of strings. e.g., keep_keys(attributes, "http.method"), keep_keys(attributes, "http.method", "http.route")

  • truncate_all(target, limit) - target is a path expression to a map type field. limit is a non-negative integer. The map will be mutated such that all string values are truncated to the limit. e.g., truncate_all(attributes, 100) will truncate all string values in attributes such that all string values have less than or equal to 100 characters. Non-string values are ignored.

  • limit(target, limit) - target is a path expression to a map type field. limit is a non-negative integer. The map will be mutated such that the number of items does not exceed the limit. e.g., limit(attributes, 100) will limit attributes to no more than 100 items. Which items are dropped is random.

  • replace_match(target, pattern, replacement) - target is a path expression to a telemetry field, pattern is a string following filepath.Match syntax, and replacement is a string. If target matches pattern it will get replaced with replacement. e.g., replace_match(attributes[""], "/user/*/list/*", "/user/{userId}/list/{listId}")

  • replace_all_matches(target, pattern, replacement) - target is a path expression to a map type field, pattern is a string following filepath.Match syntax, and replacement is a string. Each string value in target that matches pattern will get replaced with replacement. e.g., replace_all_matches(attributes, "/user/*/list/*", "/user/{userId}/list/{listId}")

  • replace_pattern(target, regex, replacement) - target is a path expression to a telemetry field, regex is a regex string indicating a segment to replace, and replacement is a string. If one or more sections of target match regex they will get replaced with replacement. e.g., replace_pattern(resource.attributes["process.command_line"], "password\\=[^\\s]*(\\s?)", "password=***")

  • replace_all_patterns(target, regex, replacement) - target is a path expression to a map type field, regex is a regex string indicating a segment to replace, and replacement is a string. If one or more sections of target match regex they will get replaced with replacement. e.g., replace_all_patterns(attributes, "/account/\\d{4}", "/account/{accountId}")

Metric only functions:

  • convert_sum_to_gauge() - Converts incoming metrics of type "Sum" to type "Gauge", retaining the metric's datapoints. Noop for metrics that are not of type "Sum". NOTE: This function may cause a metric to break semantics for Gauge metrics. Use at your own risk.

  • convert_summary_count_val_to_sum(aggregation_temporality, is_monotonic) - Creates a new Sum metric out of incoming metrics of type "Summary" with a "Count" Value. Noop for metrics that are not of type "Summary". The name for the new metric with be <summary metric>_count. The fields that are copied are: timestamp, starttimestamp, attibutes, and description. NOTE: This function may cause a metric to break semantics for Sum metrics. Use at your own risk.

  • convert_summary_sum_val_to_sum(aggregation_temporality, is_monotonic) - Creates a new Sum metric out of incoming metrics of type "Summary" with a "Sum" Value. Noop for metrics that are not of type "Summary". The name for the new metric with be <summary metric>_sum. The fields that are copied are: timestamp, starttimestamp, attibutes, and description. The new metric that is created will be passed to all functions in the metrics queries list. Function conditions will apply. NOTE: This function may cause a metric to break semantics for Sum metrics. Use at your own risk.

  • convert_gauge_to_sum(aggregation_temporality, is_monotonic) - aggregation_temporality specifies the resultant metric's aggregation temporality. aggregation_temporality may be "cumulative" or "delta". is_monotonic specifies the resultant metric's monotonicity. is_monotonic is a boolean. Converts incoming metrics of type "Gauge" to type "Sum", retaining the metric's datapoints and setting its aggregation temporality and monotonicity accordingly. Noop for metrics that are not of type "Gauge". The new metric that is created will be passed to all functions in the metrics queries list. Function conditions will apply. NOTE: This function may cause a metric to break semantics for Sum metrics. Use at your own risk.

Supported where operations:

  • == - matches telemetry where the values are equal to each other
  • != - matches telemetry where the values are not equal to each other

Example configuration:



        - set(status.code, 1) where attributes["http.path"] == "/health"
        - keep_keys(resource.attributes, "", "service.namespace", "cloud.region", "process.command_line")
        - set(name, attributes["http.route"])
        - replace_match(attributes[""], "/user/*/list/*", "/user/{userId}/list/{listId}")
        - replace_pattern(resource.attributes["process.command_line"], "password\\=[^\\s]*(\\s?)", "password=***")
        - limit(attributes, 100)
        - limit(resource.attributes, 100)
        - truncate_all(attributes, 4096)
        - truncate_all(resource.attributes, 4096)
        - set(metric.description, "Sum") where metric.type == "Sum"
        - keep_keys(resource.attributes, "")
        - limit(attributes, 100)
        - truncate_all(attributes, 4096)
        - truncate_all(resource.attributes, 4096)
        - convert_sum_to_gauge() where == "system.processes.count"
        - convert_gauge_to_sum("cumulative", false) where == "prometheus_metric"
        - set(severity_text, "FAIL") where body == "request failed"
        - replace_all_matches(attributes, "/user/*/list/*", "/user/{userId}/list/{listId}")
        - replace_all_patterns(attributes, "/account/\\d{4}", "/account/{accountId}")
        - set(body, attributes["http.route"])
        - keep_keys(resource.attributes, "", "service.namespace", "cloud.region")
      receivers: [otlp]
      processors: [transform]
      exporters: [nop]
      receivers: [otlp]
      processors: [transform]
      exporters: [nop]

This processor will perform the operations in order for

All spans

  1. Set status code to OK for all spans with a path /health
  2. Keep only, service.namespace, cloud.region resource attributes
  3. Set name to the http.route attribute if it is set
  4. Replace the value of an attribute named with /user/{userId}/list/{listId} if the value matched /user/*/list/*
  5. Update the value of an attribute named process.command_line, by replacing any substrings that match the regex password\\=[^\\s]*(\\s?) with password=***
  6. Limit all span attributes such that each span has no more than 100 attributes.
  7. Limit all resource attributes such that each resource no more than 100 attributes.
  8. Truncate all span attributes such that no string value has more than 4096 characters.
  9. Truncate all resource attributes such that no string value has more than 4096 characters.

All metrics and their data points

  1. Set metric description to "Sum" if the metric type is "Sum"
  2. Keep only the resource attributes
  3. Limit all data point attributes such that each data point has no more than 100 attributes.
  4. Truncate all data point attributes such that no string value has more than 4096 characters.
  5. Truncate all resource attributes such that no string value has more than 4096 characters.
  6. Convert all metrics with name system.processes.count from a Sum to Gauge.
  7. Convert all metrics with name prometheus_metric from Gauge to a cumulative, non-monotonic Sum.

All logs

  1. Set severity text to FAIL if the body contains a string text "request failed"
  2. Replace any attribute value that matches /user/*/list/* with /user/{userId}/list/{listId}
  3. Update the value of any attribute, by replacing any substrings that match the regex /account/\\d{4} with /account/{accountId}
  4. Set body to the http.route attribute if it is set
  5. Keep only, service.namespace, cloud.region resource attributes




The transform processor's implementation of the Telemetry Query Language (TQL) allows users to modify all aspects of their telemetry. Some specific risks are listed below, but this is not an exhaustive list. In general, understand your data before using the transform processor.

  • Unsound Transformations: Several Metric-only functions allow you to transform one metric data type to another or create new metrics from an existing metrics. Transformations between metric data types are not defined in the metrics data model. These functions have the expectation that you understand the incoming data and know that it can be meaningfully converted to a new metric data type or can meaningfully be used to create new metrics.
    • Although the TQL allows the set function to be used with metric.data_type, its implementation in the transform processor is NOOP. To modify a data type you must use a function specific to that purpose.
  • Identity Conflict: Transformation of metrics have the potential to affect the identity of a metric leading to an Identity Crisis. Be especially cautious when transforming metric name and when reducing/changing existing attributes. Adding new attributes is safe.
  • Orphaned Telemetry: The processor allows you to modify span_id, trace_id, and parent_span_id for traces and span_id, and trace_id logs. Modifying these fields could lead to orphaned spans or logs.
  • The limit function drops attributes at random. If there are attributes that should never be dropped then this function should not be used. #9734