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Passwordless.ID / webauthn

A greatly simplified and opiniated wrapper to invoke the webauthn protocol more conviniently.

Check out the demos:

Installation / Usage


npm install @passwordless-id/webauthn
import * as webauthn from '@passwordless-id/webauthn'


<script type="module">
  import * as webauthn from ''



Returns true or false depending on whether the Webauthn protocol is available on this platform/browser.

await webauthn.isLocalAuthenticator()

This promise returns true or false depending on whether the device itself can act as authenticator. Otherwise, an "extern" authenticator like a smartphone or usb security key can be used. This information is mainly used for information messages and user guidance.


Example call:

webauthn.register("Arnaud", "random-server-challenge", {
  "authenticatorType": "auto",
  "userVerification": "required",
  "timeout": 60000,
  "attestation": false

Example response:

  "username": "Arnaud",
  "challenge": "random-server-challenge",
  "credential": {
    "id": "RufE-HKYK2...",
    "publicKey": "MIIBIjANBg...",
    "algorithm": "RS256"
  "authenticator": {
    "isLocal": true,
    "aaguid": "08987058-cadc-4b81-b6e1-30de50dcbe96",
    "name": "Windows Hello Hardware Authenticator",
    "attestation": "o2NmbXRjdH...",
    "clientData": "eyJ0eXBlIj..."


  • username: The desired username.
  • challenge: A server-side randomly generated string.
  • options: See below.


Example call:

webauthn.login(["credentialIdBase64encoded"], "random-server-challenge", {
  "authenticatorType": "auto",
  "userVerification": "required",
  "timeout": 60000

Example response:

  "credentialId": "c8VC7q_TY0NvKIhcS_rafPLEvdw8GwePABH81QRNt4Y",
  "userHash": "awopRTWFXAQrBPRAbEPFg3WUd4forBvMho7Ie4sxabE=",
  "clientJson": {
    "type": "webauthn.get",
    "challenge": "ZTEyNGE0ZTAtNjg4NS00YzhlLWFhODktNTZkMjJhZDUxNGYz",
    "origin": "http:https://localhost:8080",
    "crossOrigin": false
  "clientData": "eyJ0eXBlIjoid2ViYXV0aG4uZ2V0IiwiY2hhbGxlbmdlIjoiWlRFeU5HRTBaVEF0TmpnNE5TMDBZemhsTFdGaE9Ea3ROVFprTWpKaFpEVXhOR1l6Iiwib3JpZ2luIjoiaHR0cDovL2xvY2FsaG9zdDo4MDgwIiwiY3Jvc3NPcmlnaW4iOmZhbHNlfQ==",
  "signature": "J8PbSE9ZgC2JME9r2SYGY7WMDUKVDFby8WPXxSpXYfLpmfjimGed8oEqvUtD4UhvshjKV9FOlS0Dc8N8ILvIDL77gmUPeY6oZbTqrw9+2NgeXONM9hNDnxIjOUxekC8a3LY1HFq7aWy4v9I/gu1vD5NGSouvlzxJXPHcC30Bxu70EMcTwtz3EnRmQ3UGuZXjYO2xd2l2BsUgyI87c/wpquaCThrOPEf1PlzS4Larv5lE/Lfh4gQ2O/1TvmBcjtT/oSFkkb6hAgJp51/QbrUbnzdAtTtbGnSTOukM/HZ6yFY5i4oy3l+cJbwAGxEqFUU7yAdPrmTJdLeLmzimve58RA==",
  "authenticatorJson": {
    "rpIdHash": "SZYN5YgOjGh0NBcPZHZgW4/krrmihjLHmVzzuoMdl2M=",
    "flags": {
      "userPresent": true,
      "userVerified": true,
      "backupEligibility": false,
      "backupState": false,
      "attestedData": false,
      "extensionsIncluded": false
    "counter": 1
  "authenticatorData": "SZYN5YgOjGh0NBcPZHZgW4/krrmihjLHmVzzuoMdl2MFAAAAAQ=="


  • credentialIds: The list of credential IDs that can be used for signing.
  • challenge: A server-side randomly generated string, the base64url encoded version will be signed.
  • options: See below.


  • timeout: Number of milliseconds the user has to respond to the biometric/PIN check. (Default: 60000)
  • userVerification: Whether to prompt for biometric/PIN check or not. (Default: "required")
  • authenticatorType: Which device to use as authenticator. Possible values:
    • 'auto': if the local device can be used as authenticator it will be preferred. Otherwise it will prompt for an external device. (Default)
    • 'local': use the local device (using TouchID, FaceID, Windows Hello or PIN)
    • 'extern': use an external device (security key or connected phone)
    • 'both': prompt the user to choose between local or external device. The UI and user interaction in this case is platform specific.
  • attestation: (Only for registration) If enabled, the device attestation and clientData will be provided as base64 encoded binary data. Note that this is not available on some platforms. (Default: false)


Unlike the webauthn protocol, some defaults are different:

  • The timeout is one minute by default.
  • If the device can act as authenticator itself, it is preffered instead of asking which authenticator type to use.
  • The userVerification is required by default.


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  • TypeScript 99.2%
  • JavaScript 0.8%