Opentip ======= [Opentip][opentip] is a free opensource Java-Script tooltip class. Features -------- It supports: - Stems (little pointers) - Automatic content download with [AJAX][ajax] - Different styles - Automatic repositioning of the tooltip if it's not in the viewport of the browser anymore - All kind of triggers (The tooltip can be triggered by mouse over, click, form submit,... everything you can think of really) - CSS3 Animations - Well tested, with over 200 unit tests As of Version 2.0 Opentip does **no longer depend on [Prototype]**. You can choose *any* adapter you want so you can work with the framework of your choice. Supported frameworks are: - Native. You can use this one if you don't use any framework. - [Ender] - [Component] - [jQuery] - [Prototype] > If you want to contribute, please read on in the [contribute]( > file. If you are migrating from version **1.x** please refer to the > [migration section](#migrating-from-opentip-1x-to-2x) ### Build status Master [![Build Status](]( Develop [![Build Status](]( Installation ------------ ### jQuery, Prototype, Native Just download `lib/opentip.js` and `lib/adapter.FRAMEWORK.js` and include them in this order. You can also take the already minified and combined files in the `downloads/` folder. ### Component The easiest and recommended way to install *opentip* is with [component]. Just add `enyo/opentip` as dependency in your `component.json` and rebuild it. Simply requiring opentip then activates the tooltips: `require "opentip";` ### Ender If you prefer [ender] as package manager just install it like this: ```bash $ ender build opentip ``` ### Bower Another package manager supported is [bower]: ```bash $ bower install opentip ``` * * * You should include opentip's CSS as well. It's in `css/opentip.css`. (Except for [component] of course which automatically bundles the css.) * * * If you want to work it with <=IE8, you have to include excanvas as well. Please refer to the [installation guide]( Usage ----- *Version 2.4.6* With HTML data attributes: ```html
Click me
``` or with the Javascript API: ```js $('elementId').opentip('Content', { showOn: "click", ...options... }); ``` For the complete documentation please visit [][opentip]. Future plans ------------ - ~~Become library independant. I'm currently working on extracting all prototype functionality, so I can switch library easily. The next library I'll support will be jquery, and then mootools.~~ - Add more skins. - ~~Add cooler loading animation.~~ - ~~Implement unit tests.~~ If you have ideas, please contact me! Contribute ---------- Please refer to the [CONTRIBUTING]( readme. Migrating from Opentip 1.x to 2.x --------------------------------- Those are the major changes you should look out for when migrating from 1.x to 2.x: - There's no `Tip` or `Tips` object anymore. Everything is done through `Opentip` - The recommend way to create opentips now is to call `new Opentip(element, content, title, options)`, or with the framework of your choice (eg, [ender]: `$("#my-div").opentip(content, title options)`) - The instantiation of new tips inside an event (eg: `onclick`, `onmouseover`) is no longer supported! This would create new opentips everytime the event is fired. - `Opentip.debugging = true;` does no longer exist. Use `Opentip.debug = true;` - Positions are no longer of the weird form `[ "left", "top" ]` but simply strings like `"top left"` or `"right"` - `stem.size` has been dropped in favor of `stem.length` and `stem.base` - Most of the design is now done in JS since the whole thing is a canvas now. - The way close buttons are defined has completely changed. Please refer to the docs for more information. Tagging ------- Tagging in this project is done with my [tag script]( Authors ------- Opentip is written by Matias Meno.
Original graphics by Tjandra Mayerhold. ### Contributors Thanks to the following people for providing bug reports, feature requests and fixes: - Torsten Saam - Aaron Peckham - Oguri - MaxKirillov - Nick Daugherty If I forgot somebody, please just tell me. ### Related projects You might also be interested in my [formwatcher]( or [dropzone]( License ------- (The MIT License) Copyright (c) 2012 Matias Meno <>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. [opentip]: [prototype]: [jquery]: [ajax]: [excanvas]: [ender]: [component]: [bower]: