Project Name,Package Name,Architecture Smell,Cause of the Smell akto,,Dense Structure, The tool detected the smell because all the analyzed components exhibit excessive and dense dependencies among themselves. Average degree = 9.29. All the dependencies among components: from: com.akto.dao to: com.akto.dto.type; from: com.akto.dao to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.dao to: com.akto.dto.data_types; from: com.akto.dao to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.dao to: com.akto; from: com.akto.dao to: com.akto.dto.traffic; from: com.akto.dao to: com.akto.dto.runtime_filters; from: com.akto.dao.loaders to: com.akto.dto.loaders; from: com.akto.dao.loaders to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.utils.grpc to: com.akto.util.grpc; from: com.akto.utils to: com.akto; from: com.akto.utils to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.utils to: com.akto.util.modifier; from: com.akto.utils to: com.akto.util; from: com.akto.utils to: com.akto.log; from: com.akto.utils to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.utils to: com.akto.testing; from: com.akto.utils to: com.akto.runtime; from: com.akto.utils to: com.akto.parsers; from: com.akto.utils to: com.akto.dto.type; from: com.akto.utils to: com.akto.dto.third_party_access; from: com.akto.utils to: com.akto.listener; from: com.akto.utils to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.utils to: com.akto.dto.traffic; from: com.akto.utils to: com.akto.runtime.policies; from: com.akto.utils.modifier to: com.akto.util.modifier; from: com.akto.utils.modifier to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.dto to: com.akto.dto.type; from: com.akto.dto to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.dto to: com.akto.types; from: com.akto.dto to: com.akto.dto.data_types; from: com.akto.dto to: com.akto.util; from: com.akto.dto.type to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.dto.type to: com.akto.dto.data_types; from: com.akto.dto.type to: com.akto.types; from: com.akto.dto.type to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.dto.type to: com.akto.util; from: com.akto.dto.type to: com.akto.dto.traffic; from: com.akto.dto.type to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.dto.api_workflow to: com.akto.dto.testing; from: com.akto.dto.data_types to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.dto.data_types to: com.akto.dto.type; from: com.akto.dto.testing to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.dto.testing to: com.akto.dto.data_types; from: com.akto.dto.testing to: com.akto.dto.type; from: com.akto.dto.testing to:; from: com.akto.dto.testing to: com.akto.dao.testing; from: com.akto.dto.testing to: com.akto.util; from: com.akto.dto.testing to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.dto.runtime_filters to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto to: com.akto.util; from: com.akto to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto to: com.akto.dto.testing; from: com.akto to: com.akto.dto.data_types; from: com.akto to: com.akto.dto.type; from: com.akto to: com.akto.dto.third_party_access; from: com.akto to: com.akto.dto.notifications; from: com.akto to: com.akto.util.enums; from: com.akto to: com.akto.dto.traffic_metrics; from: com.akto to: com.akto.dto.loaders; from: com.akto to: com.akto.dto.auth; from: com.akto to: com.akto.dto.runtime_filters; from: com.akto to: com.akto.types; from: com.akto to: com.akto.dto.test_run_findings; from: com.akto to: com.akto.dto.testing.sources; from: com.akto to:; from: com.akto to: com.akto.dto.gpt; from: com.akto to: com.akto.dto.demo; from: com.akto to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto to: com.akto.har; from: com.akto to: com.akto.graphql; from: com.akto.dao.traffic_metrics to: com.akto.dto.traffic_metrics; from: com.akto.dao.traffic_metrics to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.dao.demo to: com.akto.util.enums; from: com.akto.dao.testing to: com.akto.dto.testing; from: com.akto.dao.testing to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.dao.testing to: com.akto.util.enums; from: com.akto.dao.testing to: com.akto.dto.data_types; from: com.akto.dao.testing to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.dao.testing to: com.akto.util; from: com.akto.dao.testing.sources to: com.akto.dto.testing.sources; from: com.akto.dao.testing.sources to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.dao.test_editor.executor to: com.akto.dto.test_editor; from: com.akto.dao.test_editor.executor to: com.akto.dao.test_editor; from: com.akto.dao.test_editor.auth to: com.akto.dto.test_editor; from: com.akto.dao.test_editor to: com.akto.dto.test_editor; from: com.akto.dao.test_editor to:; from: com.akto.dao.test_editor to: com.akto.dao.test_editor.auth; from: com.akto.dao.test_editor to: com.akto.dao.test_editor.filter; from: com.akto.dao.test_editor to: com.akto.dao.test_editor.executor; from: to: com.akto.dto.test_editor; from: com.akto.dao.test_editor.filter to: com.akto.dto.test_editor; from: com.akto.dao.test_editor.filter to: com.akto.dao.test_editor; from: com.akto.dao.context to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.dao.context to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.dao.testing_run_findings to: com.akto.util.enums; from: com.akto.util to: com.akto.util.modifier; from: com.akto.util to: com.akto.util.grpc; from: com.akto.util to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.util to: com.akto.dto.testing; from: com.akto.util to: com.akto; from: com.akto.util to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.util to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.util to: com.akto.dto.type; from: com.akto.util.modifier to: com.akto.dto.type; from: com.akto.util.modifier to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.dto.auth to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.dto.demo to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.dto.test_run_findings to: com.akto.util.enums; from: com.akto.dto.test_run_findings to: com.akto.dto.testing.sources; from: com.akto.dto.test_editor to: com.akto.util.enums; from: com.akto.dto.test_editor to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.dto.third_party_access to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.calendar to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.open_api to: com.akto.dto.type; from: com.akto.open_api to: com.akto.log; from: com.akto.open_api to: com.akto.types; from: com.akto.har to: com.akto.log; from: com.akto.notifications.slack to: com.akto.dto.test_run_findings; from: com.akto.notifications.slack to: com.akto.dto.testing; from: com.akto.notifications.slack to: com.akto.calendar; from: com.akto.notifications.slack to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.notifications.slack to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.notifications.slack to: com.akto.dao.testing; from: com.akto.notifications.slack to: com.akto.dao.testing_run_findings; from: com.akto.notifications.slack to: com.akto.util.enums; from: to: com.akto.dto.traffic; from: to: com.akto.dto.testing; from: to: com.akto.dto; from: to: com.akto.dao; from: to: com.akto.dto.type; from: to: com.akto.log; from: to: com.akto.dao.testing; from: com.akto.testing_utils to: com.akto.dto.test_run_findings; from: com.akto.testing_utils to: com.akto.dto.testing.sources; from: com.akto.testing_utils to: com.akto.dao.testing.sources; from: com.akto.testing_utils to: com.akto.util.enums; from: com.akto.task to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.task to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.task to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.graphql to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.log to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.log to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.log to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.postman to: com.akto; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.dto.pii; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.dao.pii; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.dto.type; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.dto.test_run_findings; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.dao.testing_run_findings; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.util.enums; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.dao.test_editor; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.log; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.dto.testing.sources; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.dto.traffic; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.util; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.dto.data_types; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.notifications.slack; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.dto.notifications; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.testing; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.utils; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.action.observe; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.action; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.dto.test_editor; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.dao.testing.sources; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.dao.notifications; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.dao.testing; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.dao.traffic_metrics; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.dao.loaders; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.kafka; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.parsers; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.runtime.policies; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.runtime; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.dto.testing; from: com.akto.listener to: com.akto.dao.demo; from: com.akto.action.traffic_metrics to: com.akto.dto.traffic_metrics; from: com.akto.action.traffic_metrics to: com.akto.dao.traffic_metrics; from: com.akto.action to: com.akto.dto.traffic; from: com.akto.action to: com.akto; from: com.akto.action to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.action to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.action to: com.akto.dto.type; from: com.akto.action to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.action to: com.akto.dto.data_types; from: com.akto.action to: com.akto.dto.notifications; from: com.akto.action to: com.akto.utils; from: com.akto.action to: com.akto.dao.notifications; from: com.akto.action to: com.akto.action.observe; from: com.akto.action to: com.akto.parsers; from: com.akto.action to: com.akto.log; from: com.akto.action to: com.akto.listener; from: com.akto.action to: com.akto.dto.testing; from: com.akto.action to: com.akto.action.testing; from: com.akto.action to: com.akto.util.enums; from: com.akto.action to: com.akto.runtime; from: com.akto.action to: com.akto.har; from: com.akto.action to: com.akto.open_api; from: com.akto.action to:; from: com.akto.action to: com.akto.utils.platform; from: com.akto.action to:; from: com.akto.action to:; from: com.akto.action to:; from: com.akto.action to: com.akto.dao.loaders; from: com.akto.action to: com.akto.dto.third_party_access; from: com.akto.action to: com.akto.postman; from: com.akto.action to: com.akto.dto.loaders; from: com.akto.action.testing_issues to: com.akto.dto.test_run_findings; from: com.akto.action.testing_issues to: com.akto.dto.testing; from: com.akto.action.testing_issues to: com.akto.dto.testing.sources; from: com.akto.action.testing_issues to: com.akto.dto.test_editor; from: com.akto.action.testing_issues to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.action.testing_issues to: com.akto.dao.testing.sources; from: com.akto.action.testing_issues to: com.akto.dao.testing_run_findings; from: com.akto.action.testing_issues to: com.akto.dao.testing; from: com.akto.action.testing_issues to: com.akto.dao.test_editor; from: com.akto.action.testing_issues to: com.akto.util.enums; from: com.akto.action.testing_issues to: com.akto.dao.demo; from: com.akto.action.observe to: com.akto.dto.type; from: com.akto.action.observe to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.action.observe to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.action.observe to: com.akto.log; from: com.akto.action.observe to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.action.observe to: com.akto.util; from: com.akto.action.testing to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.action.testing to: com.akto.action.test_editor; from: com.akto.action.testing to: com.akto.dto.test_editor; from: com.akto.action.testing to: com.akto.dao.test_editor; from: com.akto.action.testing to: com.akto.dto.testing; from: com.akto.action.testing to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.action.testing to: com.akto.dao.testing; from: com.akto.action.testing to: com.akto.dto.type; from: com.akto.action.testing to: com.akto.dto.data_types; from: com.akto.action.testing to: com.akto.log; from: com.akto.action.testing to: com.akto.util; from: com.akto.action.testing to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.action.testing to: com.akto.testing; from: com.akto.action.testing to: com.akto.util.enums; from: com.akto.action.testing to: com.akto.dto.test_run_findings; from: com.akto.action.testing to: com.akto.utils; from: com.akto.action.testing to: com.akto.dto.testing.sources; from: com.akto.action.testing to: com.akto.dao.testing.sources; from: com.akto.action.testing to: com.akto.dao.testing_run_findings; from: to:; from: to: com.akto.log; from: to:; from: to: com.akto.log; from: to: com.akto.log; from: to:; from: com.akto.filter to: com.akto.utils; from: com.akto.filter to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.filter to: com.akto.log; from: com.akto.filter to: com.akto.listener; from: com.akto.filter to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.filter to: com.akto.action; from: com.akto.filter to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.action.growth_tools to: com.akto.dto.traffic; from: com.akto.action.growth_tools to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.action.growth_tools to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.action.growth_tools to: com.akto.dto.type; from: com.akto.action.quick_start to:; from: com.akto.action.quick_start to: com.akto.log; from: com.akto.action.quick_start to:; from: com.akto.action.quick_start to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.action.quick_start to: com.akto.dto.third_party_access; from: com.akto.action.quick_start to: com.akto.utils; from: com.akto.action.quick_start to: com.akto.utils.platform; from: com.akto.action.quick_start to:; from: com.akto.action.quick_start to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.action.quick_start to:; from: com.akto.action.quick_start to:; from: com.akto.action.quick_start to: com.akto.util; from: com.akto.action.quick_start to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.action.quick_start to:; from: com.akto.action.gpt.validators to: com.akto.dto.gpt; from: com.akto.action.gpt.validators to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.action.gpt.validators to: com.akto.action.gpt; from: com.akto.action.gpt.handlers to: com.akto.action.gpt.result_fetchers; from: com.akto.action.gpt.handlers to: com.akto.action.gpt; from: com.akto.action.gpt.handlers to: com.akto.action.gpt.utils; from: com.akto.action.gpt.handlers to: com.akto.action; from: com.akto.action.gpt.handlers to: com.akto.dto.test_editor; from: com.akto.action.gpt.handlers to: com.akto.dao.test_editor; from: com.akto.action.gpt.handlers to: com.akto.action.gpt.data_extractors; from: com.akto.action.gpt.utils to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.action.gpt to: com.akto.dto.gpt; from: com.akto.action.gpt to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.action.gpt to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.action.gpt to: com.akto.action.gpt.handlers; from: com.akto.action.gpt.data_extractors to: com.akto.action.observe; from: com.akto.action.user to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.action.test_editor to: com.akto.dto.testing; from: com.akto.action.test_editor to: com.akto.dto.test_run_findings; from: com.akto.action.test_editor to: com.akto.dto.test_editor; from: com.akto.action.test_editor to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.action.test_editor to: com.akto.dao.test_editor; from: com.akto.action.test_editor to: com.akto.testing; from: com.akto.action.test_editor to:; from: com.akto.action.test_editor to: com.akto.action.testing_issues; from: com.akto.action.test_editor to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.action.test_editor to: com.akto; from: com.akto.action.test_editor to: com.akto.dao.testing; from: com.akto.action.test_editor to: com.akto.util; from: com.akto.action.test_editor to: com.akto.util.enums; from: com.akto.action.test_editor to: com.akto.dto.type; from: com.akto.action.test_editor to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.action.misc to: com.akto.log; from: com.akto.action.misc to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.action.misc to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.action.misc to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.action.tpi to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.action.tpi to: com.akto.listener; from: com.akto.action.tpi to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.action.tpi to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.testing_issues to: com.akto.dto.testing; from: com.akto.testing_issues to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.testing_issues to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.testing_issues to: com.akto.log; from: com.akto.testing_issues to: com.akto.dto.test_run_findings; from: com.akto.testing_issues to: com.akto.dto.testing.sources; from: com.akto.testing_issues to: com.akto.testing_utils; from: com.akto.testing_issues to: com.akto.dao.testing.sources; from: com.akto.testing_issues to: com.akto.util.enums; from: com.akto.testing_issues to: com.akto.dao.testing_run_findings; from: com.akto.testing to: com.akto.dto.testing; from: com.akto.testing to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.testing to: com.akto.dto.type; from: com.akto.testing to: com.akto.dto.api_workflow; from: com.akto.testing to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.testing to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.testing to: com.akto.log; from: com.akto.testing to: com.akto.dto.testing.rate_limit; from: com.akto.testing to: com.akto; from: com.akto.testing to: com.akto.dao.testing; from: com.akto.testing to: com.akto.util; from: com.akto.testing to: com.akto.utils; from: com.akto.testing to: com.akto.rules; from: com.akto.testing to:; from: com.akto.testing to: com.akto.runtime; from: com.akto.testing to: com.akto.testing_issues; from: com.akto.testing to: com.akto.dto.test_editor; from: com.akto.testing to: com.akto.testing.yaml_tests; from: com.akto.testing to: com.akto.dao.test_editor; from: com.akto.testing to: com.akto.util.enums; from: com.akto.rules to: com.akto.testing; from: com.akto.rules to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.rules to: com.akto.dto.type; from: com.akto.rules to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.rules to: com.akto.util; from: com.akto.rules to: com.akto.util.modifier; from: com.akto.rules to: com.akto.log; from: com.akto.rules to:; from: com.akto.rules to:; from: com.akto.rules to: com.akto.dto.testing; from: com.akto.rules to: com.akto.runtime; from: com.akto.rules to: com.akto.utils; from: com.akto.rules to: com.akto.dto.test_editor; from: com.akto.rules to: com.akto.test_editor.filter; from: com.akto.rules to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.testing.yaml_tests to: com.akto.log; from: com.akto.testing.yaml_tests to: com.akto.dto.test_editor; from: com.akto.testing.yaml_tests to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.testing.yaml_tests to: com.akto.dto.testing; from: com.akto.testing.yaml_tests to: com.akto.rules; from: com.akto.testing.yaml_tests to: com.akto.test_editor.auth; from: com.akto.testing.yaml_tests to: com.akto.testing; from: com.akto.testing.yaml_tests to: com.akto.test_editor.execution; from: com.akto.testing.yaml_tests to: com.akto.utils; from: com.akto.test_editor.auth to: com.akto.dto.test_editor; from: com.akto.test_editor.auth to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.test_editor.auth to: com.akto.dto.testing; from: com.akto.test_editor.auth to: com.akto.util; from: com.akto.test_editor.auth to: com.akto.testing; from: com.akto.test_editor.auth to: com.akto.test_editor.execution; from: com.akto.test_editor.auth to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.test_editor.execution to: com.akto.util.modifier; from: com.akto.test_editor.execution to: com.akto.dto.type; from: com.akto.test_editor.execution to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.test_editor.execution to: com.akto.dto.test_editor; from: com.akto.test_editor.execution to: com.akto.util; from: com.akto.test_editor.execution to: com.akto.test_editor; from: com.akto.test_editor.execution to: com.akto.log; from: com.akto.test_editor.execution to: com.akto.dto.testing; from: com.akto.test_editor.execution to: com.akto.testing; from: com.akto.test_editor.execution to: com.akto.dao.test_editor; from: com.akto.test_editor.execution to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.test_editor.filter.data_operands_impl to: com.akto.dto.test_editor; from: com.akto.test_editor.filter.data_operands_impl to: com.akto.test_editor; from: com.akto.test_editor.filter.data_operands_impl to: com.akto.dto.type; from: com.akto.test_editor.filter to: com.akto.dto.test_editor; from: com.akto.test_editor.filter to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.test_editor.filter to: com.akto.rules; from: com.akto.test_editor.filter to: com.akto.utils; from: com.akto.test_editor.filter to: com.akto.runtime.policies; from: com.akto.test_editor.filter to: com.akto.dto.type; from: com.akto.test_editor.filter to: com.akto.test_editor.filter.data_operands_impl; from: com.akto.test_editor.filter to: com.akto.test_editor.execution; from: com.akto.test_editor.filter to: com.akto.test_editor; from: com.akto.test_editor.filter to: com.akto.util; from: com.akto.test_editor.filter to: com.akto.runtime; from: com.akto.test_editor.filter to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.test_editor.filter to: com.akto.log; from: com.akto.parsers to: com.akto.dto.traffic_metrics; from: com.akto.parsers to: com.akto.dao.traffic_metrics; from: com.akto.parsers to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.parsers to: com.akto.runtime; from: com.akto.parsers to: com.akto.dto.type; from: com.akto.parsers to: com.akto.dto.traffic; from: com.akto.parsers to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.parsers to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.parsers to: com.akto.dto.runtime_filters; from: com.akto.parsers to: com.akto.log; from: com.akto.parsers to: com.akto.util; from: com.akto.parsers to: com.akto.graphql; from: com.akto.runtime.merge to: com.akto.types; from: com.akto.runtime.merge to: com.akto.dto.type; from: com.akto.runtime.merge to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.runtime.merge to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.runtime.merge to: com.akto.dto.traffic; from: com.akto.runtime to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.runtime to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.runtime to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.runtime to: com.akto.dto.type; from: com.akto.runtime to: com.akto.runtime.merge; from: com.akto.runtime to: com.akto.dto.traffic; from: com.akto.runtime to: com.akto.log; from: com.akto.runtime to: com.akto.kafka; from: com.akto.runtime to: com.akto.parsers; from: com.akto.runtime to: com.akto.runtime.policies; from: com.akto.runtime to: com.akto; from: com.akto.runtime to: com.akto.utils; from: com.akto.runtime to: com.akto.types; from: com.akto.runtime to: com.akto.task; from: com.akto.runtime.policies to: com.akto.dto; from: com.akto.runtime.policies to: com.akto.parsers; from: com.akto.runtime.policies to: com.akto.runtime; from: com.akto.runtime.policies to: com.akto.dto.type; from: com.akto.runtime.policies to: com.akto.runtime.merge; from: com.akto.runtime.policies to: com.akto.dao.context; from: com.akto.runtime.policies to: com.akto.dao; from: com.akto.runtime.policies to: com.akto.dto.runtime_filters; from: com.akto.runtime.policies to: com.akto.log; from: com.akto.runtime.policies to: com.akto.util. akto,com.akto.dao,God Component,The tool detected the smell in this component because the component contains high number of classes. Number of classes in the component are: 58 akto,com.akto.dao,Unstable Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component depends on other components that are less stable than itself. This component depends on following less stable component(s): com.akto akto,com.akto.dao,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto.type; com.akto.dto. akto,com.akto.dao,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.types; com.akto.dto.type. akto,com.akto.dao,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto; com.akto.dao.context. akto,com.akto.dao,Cyclic Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component participates in a cyclic dependency. The participating components in the cycle are: com.akto.dao; com.akto.dto.type; com.akto.dao akto,com.akto.dao,Cyclic Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component participates in a cyclic dependency. The participating components in the cycle are: com.akto.dao; com.akto.dao.context; com.akto.dao akto,com.akto.dao.loaders,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto.loaders; com.akto.dao. akto,com.akto.utils,Unstable Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component depends on other components that are less stable than itself. This component depends on following less stable component(s): com.akto; com.akto.testing; com.akto.runtime; com.akto.parsers; com.akto.listener; com.akto.runtime.policies akto,com.akto.utils,Feature Concentration,The tool detected the smell in this component because the component realizes more than one architectural concern/feature. Independent sets of related classes within this component are: [MongoBasedTest; SampleDataToSTITest; CustomAuthUtilTest; SampleDataToSTI; CustomAuthUtil]; [TestJsonUtils]; [DaoConnect]; [TestUtils; Utils; RedactSampleData; TestRedactSampleData]; [TestRateLimitCache; RateLimitCache]; [HttpUtils]; [RandomString]; [RateLimitCache.CACHE_TYPE]; [RateLimitCache.IpInfo]; [DashboardMode]; [HtmlCleanPolicy]; [Token; JWT]; [AktoCustomException]; [Mention]. LCC (Lack of Component Cohesion) = 0.61 akto,com.akto.dto,God Component,The tool detected the smell in this component because the component contains high number of classes. Number of classes in the component are: 78 akto,com.akto.dto,Unstable Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component depends on other components that are less stable than itself. This component depends on following less stable component(s): com.akto.dto.type; com.akto.dto.data_types; com.akto.util akto,com.akto.dto,Feature Concentration,The tool detected the smell in this component because the component realizes more than one architectural concern/feature. Independent sets of related classes within this component are: [TestOriginalHttpResponse; OriginalHttpResponse; TestOriginalHttpRequest; OriginalHttpRequest; RawApi; PercentageMatchRequest]; [TestApiInfo; ApiInfo; ApiInfo.ApiInfoKey; FilterSampleData; FilterSampleData.FilterKey; PolicyCatalog; CustomFilter; HttpResponseParams; HttpRequestParams; ApiInfoCatalog]; [Team]; [Team.UserType]; [AwsResources]; [SensitiveSampleData]; [IgnoreData; AktoDataType; CustomDataType]; [Log]; [AccountSettings]; [AccountSettings.SetupType]; [ApiToken]; [ApiToken.Utility]; [TagConfig]; [OTPMessage]; [BackwardCompatibility]; [UserAccountEntry]; [KafkaHealthMetric]; [TestEnvSettings]; [TestEnvSettings.LogLevel]; [Relationship]; [Relationship.ApiRelationInfo]; [APISpec]; [APISpec.Type]; [SignupInfo; SignupInfo.GoogleSignupInfo; SignupInfo.SlackSignupInfo; SignupInfo.WebpushSubscriptionInfo; SignupInfo.PasswordHashInfo; Config; Config.SlackConfig; Config.GoogleConfig; Config.WebpushConfig; Config.SalesforceConfig; User; SignupUserInfo]; [BurpPluginInfo]; [Markov]; [Markov.State]; [APIConfig]; [SampleRequestReplayResponse]; [HttpResponseParams.Source]; [TestRun]; [TestRun.TestRunStatus]; [AwsResource]; [CustomAuthType]; [Config.ConfigType]; [Scan]; [SensitiveParamInfo]; [PendingInviteCode]; [Dibs]; [RecordedLoginFlowInput]; [RBAC]; [RBAC.Role]; [Account]; [Attempt]; [Attempt.AttemptResult]; [Attempt.Success]; [Attempt.Err]; [Attempt.Status]; [ApiCollection]; [ApiInfo.AuthType]; [ApiInfo.ApiAccessType]. LCC (Lack of Component Cohesion) = 0.65 akto,com.akto.dto,Cyclic Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component participates in a cyclic dependency. The participating components in the cycle are: com.akto.dto; com.akto.dto.data_types; com.akto.dto akto,com.akto.dto.type,Unstable Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component depends on other components that are less stable than itself. This component depends on following less stable component(s): com.akto.dto.data_types; com.akto.util; com.akto.dao akto,com.akto.dto.type,Feature Concentration,The tool detected the smell in this component because the component realizes more than one architectural concern/feature. Independent sets of related classes within this component are: [TestUrlMethods; URLMethods]; [TestKeyTypes; KeyTypes; RequestTemplate; SingleTypeInfo; URLTemplate; URLStatic; TrafficRecorder; TestSubType; TestSingleTypeInfo; TestRequestTemplate]; [RequestTemplate.AllParams]; [RequestTemplate.MergeTrieKeyFunc]; [APICatalog]; [EndpointInfo]; [URLMethods.Method]; [SingleTypeInfo.SuperType]; [SingleTypeInfo.Position]; [SingleTypeInfo.SubType]; [SingleTypeInfo.ParamId]; [SingleTypeInfo.Domain]. LCC (Lack of Component Cohesion) = 0.55 akto,com.akto.dto.type,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.util; com.akto.dao.context. akto,com.akto.dto.type,Cyclic Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component participates in a cyclic dependency. The participating components in the cycle are: com.akto.dto.type; com.akto.util; com.akto.util.modifier; com.akto.dto.type akto,com.akto.dto.data_types,Feature Concentration,The tool detected the smell in this component because the component realizes more than one architectural concern/feature. Independent sets of related classes within this component are: [TestPredicates; ContainsPredicate; NotBelongsToPredicate; IsNumberPredicate; BelongsToPredicate; StartsWithPredicate; EqualsToPredicate; RegexPredicate; EndsWithPredicate; TestCustomDataType; Conditions; Predicate]; [Predicate.Type]; [Conditions.Operator]. LCC (Lack of Component Cohesion) = 0.21 akto,com.akto.dto.testing,God Component,The tool detected the smell in this component because the component contains high number of classes. Number of classes in the component are: 41 akto,com.akto.dto.testing,Unstable Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component depends on other components that are less stable than itself. This component depends on following less stable component(s): com.akto.dto.data_types; com.akto.dto.type; com.akto.dao.testing; com.akto.util; com.akto.dao akto,com.akto.dto.testing,Feature Concentration,The tool detected the smell in this component because the component realizes more than one architectural concern/feature. Independent sets of related classes within this component are: [AuthMechanismTests; AuthMechanism; TestRoles; EndpointLogicalGroup; AuthParam; TestingEndpoints; CustomTestingEndpoints; CollectionWiseTestingEndpoints; TestingRun; WorkflowTestingEndpoints; WorkflowTest; TestingRunResultSummary; TestingSchedule; HardcodedAuthParam; TestingRunConfig; LoginRequestAuthParam; AuthParamData; TestLogicalGroupTestingEndpoint; LogicalGroupTestingEndpoint]; [GenericTestResult; TestResult]; [WorkflowNodeDetails; WorkflowUpdatedSampleData]; [WorkflowNodeDetails.Type]; [TestingEndpoints.Type]; [TestResult.Confidence]; [TestResult.TestError]; [OtpTestData]; [TestingRunResult]; [LoginFlowParams]; [TestSuite]; [LoginVerificationCodeData]; [WorkflowTestResult]; [WorkflowTestResult.NodeResult]; [LoginWorkflowGraphEdge]; [RequestData]; [TestingRun.State]; [LoginFlowResponse]; [LoginFlowStepsData]; [WorkflowTest.State]; [AuthParam.Location]. LCC (Lack of Component Cohesion) = 0.51 akto,com.akto.dto.testing,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto; com.akto.util. akto,com.akto.dto.runtime_filters,Feature Concentration,The tool detected the smell in this component because the component realizes more than one architectural concern/feature. Independent sets of related classes within this component are: [TestFieldExistsFilter; FieldExistsFilter]; [TestResponseCodeRuntimeFilter; ResponseCodeRuntimeFilter; RuntimeFilter]; [RuntimeFilter.UseCase]; [RuntimeFilter.Operator]. LCC (Lack of Component Cohesion) = 0.57 akto,com.akto,Feature Concentration,The tool detected the smell in this component because the component realizes more than one architectural concern/feature. Independent sets of related classes within this component are: [DaoInit; MongoBasedTest]; [TestGraphQLUtils]; [InstanceDetails]; [TimeoutObject; ApiRequest]. LCC (Lack of Component Cohesion) = 0.67 akto,com.akto,Cyclic Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component participates in a cyclic dependency. The participating components in the cycle are: com.akto; com.akto.util; com.akto akto,com.akto,Cyclic Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component participates in a cyclic dependency. The participating components in the cycle are: com.akto; com.akto.dto.third_party_access; com.akto.dao.context; com.akto.dao; com.akto akto,com.akto,Cyclic Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component participates in a cyclic dependency. The participating components in the cycle are: com.akto; com.akto.dto.auth; com.akto.dao.context; com.akto.dao; com.akto akto,com.akto,Cyclic Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component participates in a cyclic dependency. The participating components in the cycle are: com.akto; com.akto.dto.runtime_filters; com.akto.dto; com.akto.util; com.akto akto,com.akto,Cyclic Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component participates in a cyclic dependency. The participating components in the cycle are: com.akto; com.akto.dto.demo; com.akto.dto; com.akto.util; com.akto akto,com.akto,Cyclic Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component participates in a cyclic dependency. The participating components in the cycle are: com.akto; com.akto.har; com.akto.log; com.akto.dao; com.akto akto,com.akto,Cyclic Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component participates in a cyclic dependency. The participating components in the cycle are: com.akto; com.akto.graphql; com.akto.dto; com.akto.util; com.akto akto,com.akto.dao.testing,Feature Concentration,The tool detected the smell in this component because the component realizes more than one architectural concern/feature. Independent sets of related classes within this component are: [TestingRunResultDao]; [WorkflowTestsDao]; [WorkflowTestResultsDao]; [TestingRunConfigDao]; [EndpointLogicalGroupDao]; [TestingRunResultSummariesDao]; [TestRolesDao]; [TestingSchedulesDao]; [TestingRunDao]; [LoginFlowStepsDao]. LCC (Lack of Component Cohesion) = 1.0 akto,com.akto.dao.testing,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dao.context; com.akto.dao. akto,com.akto.dao.testing,Cyclic Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component participates in a cyclic dependency. The participating components in the cycle are: com.akto.dao.testing; com.akto.dto.testing; com.akto.dao.testing akto,com.akto.dao.test_editor,Unstable Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component depends on other components that are less stable than itself. This component depends on following less stable component(s):; com.akto.dao.test_editor.auth; com.akto.dao.test_editor.filter; com.akto.dao.test_editor.executor akto,com.akto.dao.test_editor,Feature Concentration,The tool detected the smell in this component because the component realizes more than one architectural concern/feature. Independent sets of related classes within this component are: [TestEditorEnums]; [TestEditorEnums.DataOperands]; [TestEditorEnums.CollectionOperands]; [TestEditorEnums.TermOperands]; [TestEditorEnums.PredicateOperator]; [TestEditorEnums.KeyValOperator]; [TestEditorEnums.BodyOperator]; [TestEditorEnums.ExtractOperator]; [TestEditorEnums.OperandTypes]; [TestEditorEnums.ContextOperator]; [TestEditorEnums.ExecutorParentOperands]; [TestEditorEnums.RequestParentOperand]; [TestEditorEnums.TerminalExecutorDataOperands]; [TestEditorEnums.NonTerminalExecutorDataOperands]; [TestEditorEnums.ExecutorOperandTypes]; [TestConfigYamlParser; YamlTemplateDao]. LCC (Lack of Component Cohesion) = 0.94 akto,com.akto.dao.test_editor,Cyclic Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component participates in a cyclic dependency. The participating components in the cycle are: com.akto.dao.test_editor; com.akto.dao.test_editor.filter; com.akto.dao.test_editor akto,com.akto.dao.test_editor,Cyclic Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component participates in a cyclic dependency. The participating components in the cycle are: com.akto.dao.test_editor; com.akto.dao.test_editor.executor; com.akto.dao.test_editor akto,com.akto.dao.context,Unstable Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component depends on other components that are less stable than itself. This component depends on following less stable component(s): com.akto.dto; com.akto.dao akto,com.akto.dao.context,Cyclic Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component participates in a cyclic dependency. The participating components in the cycle are: com.akto.dao.context; com.akto.dto; com.akto.dao.context akto,com.akto.util,Unstable Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component depends on other components that are less stable than itself. This component depends on following less stable component(s): com.akto akto,com.akto.util,Feature Concentration,The tool detected the smell in this component because the component realizes more than one architectural concern/feature. Independent sets of related classes within this component are: [JsonStringPayloadModifier; TokenPayloadModifier; CookieTransformer]; [JSONUtils]; [Pair; Trie]; [HttpRequestResponseUtils]; [Constants]; [DateUtils; DateUtils.TrackingPeriod]; [RecordedLoginFlowUtil]; [EnumCodec]; [Trie.Node]. LCC (Lack of Component Cohesion) = 0.69 akto,com.akto.util.enums,Feature Concentration,The tool detected the smell in this component because the component realizes more than one architectural concern/feature. Independent sets of related classes within this component are: [GlobalEnums]; [GlobalEnums.TestErrorSource]; [GlobalEnums.TestCategory]; [GlobalEnums.IssueTags]; [GlobalEnums.Severity]; [GlobalEnums.TestRunIssueStatus]; [GlobalEnums.YamlTemplateSource]; [MongoDBEnums]; [MongoDBEnums.DB]; [MongoDBEnums.Collection]; [LoginFlowEnums]; [LoginFlowEnums.AuthMechanismTypes]; [LoginFlowEnums.LoginStepTypesEnums]. LCC (Lack of Component Cohesion) = 1.0 akto,com.akto.dto.auth,Feature Concentration,The tool detected the smell in this component because the component realizes more than one architectural concern/feature. Independent sets of related classes within this component are: [APIAuthAPIKey; APIAuth; APIAuthBasic; APIAuthOAuth]; [APIAuthAPIKey.Placement]; [APIAuth.Type]. LCC (Lack of Component Cohesion) = 0.5 akto,com.akto.dto.test_editor,Feature Concentration,The tool detected the smell in this component because the component realizes more than one architectural concern/feature. Independent sets of related classes within this component are: [YamlTemplate; Info; Category; TestConfig; ConfigParserResult; FilterNode; ExecutorConfigParserResult; ExecutorNode; Auth]; [ExecutorSingleRequest]; [FilterActionRequest]; [DataOperandsFilterResponse]; [ConfigParserValidationResult]; [Config]; [DataOperandFilterRequest]; [ExecutionResult]; [ExecutorSingleOperationResp]. LCC (Lack of Component Cohesion) = 0.53 akto,com.akto.open_api,Feature Concentration,The tool detected the smell in this component because the component realizes more than one architectural concern/feature. Independent sets of related classes within this component are: [TestPathBuilder; PathBuilder; TestAddPathItems; Main; SchemaBuilder; TestSchemaBuilder; TestCustomSchemasFromSingleTypeInfo]; [SchemaBuilder.CustomSchema]. LCC (Lack of Component Cohesion) = 0.25 akto,com.akto.log,Unstable Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component depends on other components that are less stable than itself. This component depends on following less stable component(s): com.akto.dao akto,com.akto.postman,Unstable Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component depends on other components that are less stable than itself. This component depends on following less stable component(s): com.akto akto,com.akto.listener,Unstable Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component depends on other components that are less stable than itself. This component depends on following less stable component(s): com.akto.notifications.slack; com.akto.action akto,com.akto.listener,Feature Concentration,The tool detected the smell in this component because the component realizes more than one architectural concern/feature. Independent sets of related classes within this component are: [TestFileTypes; InitializerListener; AfterMongoConnectListener; RuntimeListener; TestListener; TestInitializerListener; TestFintechTypes]; [InfraMetricsListener]; [InitializerListener.ChangesInfo]; [InitializerListener.UrlResult]; [KafkaListener]. LCC (Lack of Component Cohesion) = 0.45 akto,com.akto.listener,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dao; com.akto.dto; com.akto.dto.pii. akto,com.akto.listener,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.log; com.akto.dao. akto,com.akto.listener,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto.notifications; com.akto.dao; com.akto.log; com.akto.dao.context; com.akto.notifications.slack. akto,com.akto.listener,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto; com.akto.dao.context; com.akto.dao. akto,com.akto.listener,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dao; com.akto. akto,com.akto.listener,Cyclic Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component participates in a cyclic dependency. The participating components in the cycle are: com.akto.listener; com.akto.utils; com.akto.listener akto,com.akto.action,God Component,The tool detected the smell in this component because the component contains high number of classes. Number of classes in the component are: 51 akto,com.akto.action,Unstable Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component depends on other components that are less stable than itself. This component depends on following less stable component(s): com.akto.action.testing akto,com.akto.action,Feature Concentration,The tool detected the smell in this component because the component realizes more than one architectural concern/feature. Independent sets of related classes within this component are: [TestCustomDataTypeAction; CustomDataTypeAction; UserAction; TeamAction; PostmanAction; DbLogsAction; LogoutAction; ProfileAction; TagConfigsAction; TestExportSampleDataAction; ExportSampleDataAction; TestCustomAuthTypeAction; CustomAuthTypeAction; TestWebhookAction; WebhookAction; TestApiCollectionsAction; ApiCollectionsAction; TestIgnoreFalsePositivesAction; IgnoreFalsePositivesAction; TestParamStateAction; ParamStateAction; AccessTokenAction; HomeAction; BurpJarAction; ApiTokenAction; OnboardingAction; AdminSettingsAction; HarAction; OpenApiAction; AccountAction; LogsAction; ApiInfoAction; LoadersAction; MiddlewareConfigAction; SensitiveFieldAction; FilterAction; TestSignupAction; SignupAction; LoginAction]; [TestSwaggerData]; [HarAction.Awesome]; [HarAction.GoString]; [HarAction.ByReference]; [HarAction.ByValue]; [APICatalogAction]; [CustomDataTypeAction.ConditionFromUser]; [CustomDataTypeAction.CustomSubTypeMatch]; [CustomDataTypeAction.MatchResult]; [ValidateEmailAction]; [InfraMetricsAction]; [TrafficAction]. LCC (Lack of Component Cohesion) = 0.25 akto,com.akto.action,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto; com.akto.dao. akto,com.akto.action,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto.notifications; com.akto.dao; com.akto.dto. akto,com.akto.action,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto; com.akto.log; com.akto.dao. akto,com.akto.action,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto; com.akto.dao.context; com.akto.dao. akto,com.akto.action,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dao.context; com.akto.dto.type; com.akto.dto; com.akto.dao. akto,com.akto.action,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dao; com.akto.utils. akto,com.akto.action,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto; com.akto.dao.context; com.akto.dto.notifications; com.akto.dao. akto,com.akto.action,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dao.context; com.akto.dao. akto,com.akto.action,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.log; com.akto.dto.third_party_access. akto,com.akto.action,Cyclic Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component participates in a cyclic dependency. The participating components in the cycle are: com.akto.action; com.akto.listener; com.akto.action akto,com.akto.action,Cyclic Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component participates in a cyclic dependency. The participating components in the cycle are: com.akto.action; com.akto.action.testing; com.akto.utils; com.akto.listener; com.akto.action akto,com.akto.action.testing_issues,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto.test_run_findings; com.akto.dao. akto,com.akto.action.observe,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto; com.akto.dao. akto,com.akto.action.observe,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto.type; com.akto.dto; com.akto.dao. akto,com.akto.action.testing,Feature Concentration,The tool detected the smell in this component because the component realizes more than one architectural concern/feature. Independent sets of related classes within this component are: [TestSaveTestEditorAction]; [TestStartTestAction; StartTestAction]; [TestRolesActionTest; TestRolesAction]; [LoginRecorderAction]; [TestRolesAction.RolesConditionUtils]; [WorkflowTestAction]; [OtpTestDataAction]; [AuthMechanismAction]; [StartTestAction.CallSource]; [MarketplaceAction]. LCC (Lack of Component Cohesion) = 0.83 akto,com.akto.action.testing,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dao; com.akto.dao.context; com.akto.dto.testing. akto,com.akto.action.testing,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dao; com.akto.dto.testing. akto,com.akto.action.testing,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.action; com.akto.log; com.akto.dto. akto,com.akto.action.testing,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto; com.akto.dao.context; com.akto.dto.testing; com.akto.action. akto,com.akto.action.testing,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto; com.akto.dao.context; com.akto.action. akto,com.akto.filter,Feature Concentration,The tool detected the smell in this component because the component realizes more than one architectural concern/feature. Independent sets of related classes within this component are: [MetaInfoFilter]; [SecurityHeadersFilter]; [RateLimitFilter]; [InfraMetricsFilter]; [HttpMethodFilter]; [MongoConnectCheckFilter]; [AuthorizationFilter]; [GrowthToolsFilter]; [UserDetailsFilter]. LCC (Lack of Component Cohesion) = 1.0 akto,com.akto.action.gpt.handlers,Unstable Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component depends on other components that are less stable than itself. This component depends on following less stable component(s): com.akto.action akto,com.akto.action.gpt.handlers,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.action.gpt.data_extractors; com.akto.action.gpt.validators. akto,com.akto.action.gpt,Unstable Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component depends on other components that are less stable than itself. This component depends on following less stable component(s): com.akto.action.gpt.handlers akto,com.akto.action.gpt,Cyclic Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component participates in a cyclic dependency. The participating components in the cycle are: com.akto.action.gpt; com.akto.action.gpt.handlers; com.akto.action.gpt akto,com.akto.action.gpt.data_extractors,Unstable Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component depends on other components that are less stable than itself. This component depends on following less stable component(s): com.akto.action.observe akto,com.akto.testing_issues,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.log; com.akto.dao.context; com.akto.dto.testing; com.akto.dao.testing.sources; com.akto.dto.testing.sources; com.akto.dto.test_run_findings. akto,com.akto.testing,Unstable Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component depends on other components that are less stable than itself. This component depends on following less stable component(s): com.akto.rules; com.akto.testing_issues; com.akto.testing.yaml_tests akto,com.akto.testing,Feature Concentration,The tool detected the smell in this component because the component realizes more than one architectural concern/feature. Independent sets of related classes within this component are: [TestExecutorTest; TestExecutor; ApiWorkflowExecutorTest; ApiWorkflowExecutor; ApiExecutor; HTTPClientHandler; StatusCodeAnalyser; StatusCodeAnalyserTest; Main]; [ApiExecutorTest]; [NucleiExecutor]; [NucleiExecutor.NucleiResult]; [NucleiExecutor.State]; [StatusCodeAnalyser.StatusCodeIdentifier]. LCC (Lack of Component Cohesion) = 0.43 akto,com.akto.testing,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dao.context; com.akto.dao. akto,com.akto.testing,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto.testing; com.akto.dao. akto,com.akto.testing,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dao; com.akto.dto; com.akto.dto.testing.rate_limit. akto,com.akto.testing,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto.api_workflow; com.akto.dto.testing. akto,com.akto.testing,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto; com.akto.log. akto,com.akto.testing,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.log; com.akto.dto.testing. akto,com.akto.testing,Cyclic Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component participates in a cyclic dependency. The participating components in the cycle are: com.akto.testing; com.akto.testing.yaml_tests; com.akto.testing akto,com.akto.rules,Unstable Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component depends on other components that are less stable than itself. This component depends on following less stable component(s): com.akto.test_editor.filter akto,com.akto.rules,Feature Concentration,The tool detected the smell in this component because the component realizes more than one architectural concern/feature. Independent sets of related classes within this component are: [TestFuzzingTest; FuzzingTest; TestTestPlugin; TestPlugin]; [TestPlugin.ContainsPrivateResourceResult]; [TestPlugin.ApiExecutionDetails]; [TestPlugin.ExecutorResult]; [TestPlugin.Result]; [TestPlugin.TestRoleMatcher]. LCC (Lack of Component Cohesion) = 0.67 akto,com.akto.rules,Cyclic Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component participates in a cyclic dependency. The participating components in the cycle are: com.akto.rules; com.akto.testing; com.akto.rules akto,com.akto.rules,Cyclic Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component participates in a cyclic dependency. The participating components in the cycle are: com.akto.rules; com.akto.test_editor.filter; com.akto.rules akto,com.akto.test_editor.auth,Cyclic Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component participates in a cyclic dependency. The participating components in the cycle are: com.akto.test_editor.auth; com.akto.testing; com.akto.testing.yaml_tests; com.akto.test_editor.auth akto,com.akto.test_editor.execution,Cyclic Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component participates in a cyclic dependency. The participating components in the cycle are: com.akto.test_editor.execution; com.akto.testing; com.akto.testing.yaml_tests; com.akto.test_editor.execution akto,com.akto.test_editor.filter,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto.test_editor; com.akto.dto. akto,com.akto.test_editor.filter,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto.test_editor; com.akto.dto; com.akto.rules. akto,com.akto.test_editor.filter,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto.type; com.akto.dto.test_editor; com.akto.dto. akto,com.akto.parsers,Unstable Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component depends on other components that are less stable than itself. This component depends on following less stable component(s): com.akto.runtime akto,com.akto.parsers,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dao; com.akto.dto.traffic_metrics. akto,com.akto.parsers,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto; com.akto.runtime; com.akto.dto.type. akto,com.akto.parsers,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto.type; com.akto.runtime. akto,com.akto.parsers,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dao; com.akto.dto. akto,com.akto.parsers,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto.type; com.akto.dao; com.akto.runtime. akto,com.akto.parsers,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dao; com.akto.runtime. akto,com.akto.parsers,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.runtime; com.akto.dao.context. akto,com.akto.parsers,Cyclic Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component participates in a cyclic dependency. The participating components in the cycle are: com.akto.parsers; com.akto.runtime; com.akto.parsers akto,com.akto.runtime.merge,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dao; com.akto.dto. akto,com.akto.runtime.merge,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dao; com.akto.dto.type. akto,com.akto.runtime.merge,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dao; com.akto.dto; com.akto.dto.type. akto,com.akto.runtime,Unstable Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component depends on other components that are less stable than itself. This component depends on following less stable component(s): com.akto.runtime.merge; com.akto.runtime.policies; com.akto akto,com.akto.runtime,Feature Concentration,The tool detected the smell in this component because the component realizes more than one architectural concern/feature. Independent sets of related classes within this component are: [MarkovTest; Flow; MarkovSync; TestMainSubFunctions; Main; APICatalogSync; URLAggregator; TestApiCatalogSync; RelationshipTest; RelationshipSync; FlowTest]; [Main.AccountInfo]; [PayloadAnalyzer]; [KafkaHealthMetricSyncTask]; [APICatalogSync.ApiMergerResult]; [APICatalogSync.DbUpdateReturn]. LCC (Lack of Component Cohesion) = 0.38 akto,com.akto.runtime,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto; com.akto.dao. akto,com.akto.runtime,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dao; com.akto.log. akto,com.akto.runtime,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dao; com.akto.dto.type; com.akto.log. akto,com.akto.runtime,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto.type; com.akto.log. akto,com.akto.runtime,Cyclic Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component participates in a cyclic dependency. The participating components in the cycle are: com.akto.runtime; com.akto.runtime.policies; com.akto.runtime akto,com.akto.runtime.policies,Unstable Dependency,The tool detected the smell in this component because this component depends on other components that are less stable than itself. This component depends on following less stable component(s): com.akto.runtime.merge akto,com.akto.runtime.policies,Feature Concentration,The tool detected the smell in this component because the component realizes more than one architectural concern/feature. Independent sets of related classes within this component are: [TestAktoPolicy; AktoPolicyNew; ApiAccessTypePolicy; AuthPolicy; AktoPolicies; SetFieldPolicyTest; SetFieldPolicy; ApiAccessTypePolicyTest; AuthPolicyTest]; [TestAktoPolicyWithoutDbCall]; [AktoPolicyNew.UpdateReturn]. LCC (Lack of Component Cohesion) = 0.27 akto,com.akto.runtime.policies,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto; com.akto.dto.runtime_filters. akto,com.akto.runtime.policies,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto; com.akto.dto.runtime_filters; com.akto.dao.context. akto,com.akto.runtime.policies,Scattered Functionality,The tool detected the smell in this component because a set of two or more components realizes the same high-level architectural concern. Following components realize the same concern: com.akto.dto; com.akto.dto.type.