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Section 17- ES2015 Part 2

Section slides


  • class Keyword

    Classes MDN Doc

    • A new reserved keyword provided by ES2015
    • The class keyword creates a constant - can not be redeclared
    • The class keyword is an abstraction of constructor functions and prototypes because Javascript does not have OOP
    • class does not hoist - declare classes at the top of the file
    • Still use the new keyword to create objects

    In ES5 here is how we create objects:

    • 1st create a constructor function
    • use new to create new objects

    ES2015 version:

    • use the class keyword instead of creating a function
    • inside, use a special method constructor which is run when new is used
    • use the new keyword to create objects
    • in ES5, shared methods are put in the constructor's prototype:
    • Instance Methods

      in ES2015 the methods are placed inside of the class, and it uses no function keyword, similar to object shorthand
    • Class methods

      ES5 Class Methods
      • Class methods are placed directly on the constructor function
      ES2015 Class Methods
      • Class methods are created using static keyword
  • Inheritance

    Passing along methods and properties from one class to another

    ES5 Inheritance
    • Set the prototype property of a constructor to be an object created from another prototype property
    • Reset the constructor property on a constructor function
    ES2015 inheritance

    use the extends keyword

  • super keyword

    ES5 Refactoring constructors
    • Notice the duplication in the Student constructor function!
    Use apply
    • Use call or apply in a constructor function - apply is handy when there are many arguments
    ES2015 Super
    • Super can only be used if a method by the same name is implemented in the parent class
  • Maps

    Maps MDN doc

    What you should know about ES6 Maps - Hackernoon

    • Also called "hash maps" in other languages
    • Until ES2015 - objects were replacements for maps
    • Similar to objects, except the keys can be ANY data type!
    • Created using the new keyword
    Setting values

    Extracting values
    Easily iterate over maps
    Maps implement a Symbol.iterator w/c means we can use a for...of loop
    Accessing keys and values in map

    we can access everything with .entries() and destructuring!

    Why Use Maps?

    • Finding the size is easy - no more loops or Object.keys()
    • The keys can be any data type!
    • You can accidentally overwrite keys on the Object.prototype in an object you make - maps do not have that issue
    • Iterating over keys and values in a map is quite easy as well

    When to use Map

    • If you need to look up keys dynamically (they are not hard coded strings)
    • If you need keys that are not strings!
    • If you are frequently adding and removing key/value pairs
    • Are key-value pairs frequently added or removed?
    • If you are operating on multiple keys at a time
  • WeakMap

    MDN Doc

    • Similar to a map, but all keys MUST be objects
    • Values in a WeakMap can be cleared from memory if there is no reference to them
    • More performant than maps, but can not be iterated over
  • Sets

    MDN doc

    • All values in a set are unique
    • Any type of value can exist in a set
    • Created using the new keyword
    • Exist in quite a few other languages, ES2015 finally brings them to JavaScript
  • Weaksets

    MDN doc

    • Similar to a set, but all values MUST be objects
    • Values in a WeakSet can be cleared from memory if there is no reference to them
    • More performant than sets, but can not be iterated over
  • Promises

    • A one time guaranteed return of some future value
    • When that value is figured out - the promise is resolved/fulfilled or rejected
    • Friendly way to refactor callback code
    • Libraries have implemented Promises for a while, ES2015 is a little late to the game


    • Accepts an array of promises and resolves all of them or rejects once a single one of the promises has been first rejected (fail fast).
    • If all of the passed-in promises fulfill, Promise.all is fulfilled with an array of the values from the passed-in promises, in the same order as the promises passed in.
    • You may have seen something like this when $.when in jQuery or Q
    • The promises don't resolve sequentially, but Promise.all waits for them
  • Generators

    function* MDN doc

    Generator MDN doc

    Iterators and Generators MDN doc

    • A special kind of function which can pause execution and resume at any time
    • Created using a *
    • When invoked, a generator object is returned to us with the keys of value and done.
    • Value is what is returned from the paused function using the yield keyword
    • Done is a boolean which returns true when the function has completed
    Yield Multiple Values

    We can place multiple yield keywords inside of a generator function to pause multiple times!

    Async Generators

    We can use generators to pause asynchronous code!

  • Object.assign

    Create copies of objects without the same reference!

    Not a deep clone

    If we have objects inside of the object we are copying - those still have a reference!

  • Array.from()

    Convert other data types into arrays

    How it was done in ES5
    ES2015 way:
  • find

    • Invoked on arrays
    • Accepts a callback with value, index and array (just like forEach, map, filter, etc.)
    • Returns the value found or undefined if not found


    Similar to find, but returns an index or -1 if the value is not found

  • includes

    returns a boolean if a value is in a string - easier than using indexOf

  • Number.isFinite()

    A handy way for handling NaN being a typeof number