# Contribution Guide If you want to hack on Miri yourself, great! Here are some resources you might find useful. ## Getting started Check out the issues on this GitHub repository for some ideas. In particular, look for the green `E-*` labels which mark issues that should be rather well-suited for onboarding. For more ideas or help with hacking on Miri, you can contact us (`oli-obk` and `RalfJ`) on the [Rust Zulip]. [Rust Zulip]: https://rust-lang.zulipchat.com ## Preparing the build environment Miri heavily relies on internal and unstable rustc interfaces to execute MIR, which means it is important that you install a version of rustc that Miri actually works with. The `rust-version` file contains the commit hash of rustc that Miri is currently tested against. Other versions will likely not work. After installing [`rustup-toolchain-install-master`], you can run the following command to install that exact version of rustc as a toolchain: ``` ./miri toolchain ``` This will set up a rustup toolchain called `miri` and set it as an override for the current directory. You can also create a `.auto-everything` file (contents don't matter, can be empty), which will cause any `./miri` command to automatically call `./miri toolchain`, `clippy` and `rustfmt` for you. If you don't want all of these to happen, you can add individual `.auto-toolchain`, `.auto-clippy` and `.auto-fmt` files respectively. [`rustup-toolchain-install-master`]: https://github.com/kennytm/rustup-toolchain-install-master ## Building and testing Miri Invoking Miri requires getting a bunch of flags right and setting up a custom sysroot. The `miri` script takes care of that for you. With the build environment prepared, compiling Miri is just one command away: ``` ./miri build ``` Run `./miri` without arguments to see the other commands our build tool supports. ### Testing the Miri driver The Miri driver compiled from `src/bin/miri.rs` is the "heart" of Miri: it is basically a version of `rustc` that, instead of compiling your code, runs it. It accepts all the same flags as `rustc` (though the ones only affecting code generation and linking obviously will have no effect) [and more][miri-flags]. [miri-flags]: README.md#miri--z-flags-and-environment-variables For example, you can (cross-)run the driver on a particular file by doing ```sh ./miri run tests/pass/format.rs ./miri run tests/pass/hello.rs --target i686-unknown-linux-gnu ``` Tests in ``pass-dep`` need to be run using ``./miri run --dep ``. For example: ```sh ./miri run --dep tests/pass-dep/shims/libc-fs.rs ``` You can (cross-)run the entire test suite using: ```sh ./miri test ./miri test --target i686-unknown-linux-gnu ``` `./miri test FILTER` only runs those tests that contain `FILTER` in their filename (including the base directory, e.g. `./miri test fail` will run all compile-fail tests). Multiple filters are supported: `./miri test FILTER1 FILTER2` runs all tests that contain either string. #### Fine grained logging You can get a trace of which MIR statements are being executed by setting the `MIRI_LOG` environment variable. For example: ```sh MIRI_LOG=info ./miri run tests/pass/vec.rs ``` Setting `MIRI_LOG` like this will configure logging for Miri itself as well as the `rustc_middle::mir::interpret` and `rustc_mir::interpret` modules in rustc. You can also do more targeted configuration, e.g. the following helps debug the stacked borrows implementation: ```sh MIRI_LOG=rustc_mir::interpret=info,miri::stacked_borrows ./miri run tests/pass/vec.rs ``` Note that you will only get `info`, `warn` or `error` messages if you use a prebuilt compiler. In order to get `debug` and `trace` level messages, you need to build miri with a locally built compiler that has `debug=true` set in `config.toml`. #### Debugging error messages You can set `MIRI_BACKTRACE=1` to get a backtrace of where an evaluation error was originally raised. ### UI testing We use ui-testing in Miri, meaning we generate `.stderr` and `.stdout` files for the output produced by Miri. You can use `./miri test --bless` to automatically (re)generate these files when you add new tests or change how Miri presents certain output. Note that when you also use `MIRIFLAGS` to change optimizations and similar, the ui output will change in unexpected ways. In order to still be able to run the other checks while ignoring the ui output, use `MIRI_SKIP_UI_CHECKS=1 ./miri test`. For more info on how to configure ui tests see [the documentation on the ui test crate][ui_test] [ui_test]: https://github.com/oli-obk/ui_test/blob/main/README.md ### Testing `cargo miri` Working with the driver directly gives you full control, but you also lose all the convenience provided by cargo. Once your test case depends on a crate, it is probably easier to test it with the cargo wrapper. You can install your development version of Miri using ``` ./miri install ``` and then you can use it as if it was installed by `rustup` as a component of the `miri` toolchain. Note that the `miri` and `cargo-miri` executables are placed in the `miri` toolchain's sysroot to prevent conflicts with other toolchains. The Miri binaries in the `cargo` bin directory (usually `~/.cargo/bin`) are managed by rustup. There's a test for the cargo wrapper in the `test-cargo-miri` directory; run `./run-test.py` in there to execute it. You can pass `--target` to execute the test for another target. ### Using a modified standard library Miri re-builds the standard library into a custom sysroot, so it is fairly easy to test Miri against a modified standard library -- you do not even have to build Miri yourself, the Miri shipped by `rustup` will work. All you have to do is set the `MIRI_LIB_SRC` environment variable to the `library` folder of a `rust-lang/rust` repository checkout. Note that changing files in that directory does not automatically trigger a re-build of the standard library; you have to clear the Miri build cache manually (on Linux, `rm -rf ~/.cache/miri`; on Windows, `rmdir /S "%LOCALAPPDATA%\rust-lang\miri\cache"`; and on macOS, `rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/org.rust-lang.miri`). ### Benchmarking Miri comes with a few benchmarks; you can run `./miri bench` to run them with the locally built Miri. Note: this will run `./miri install` as a side-effect. Also requires `hyperfine` to be installed (`cargo install hyperfine`). ## Configuring `rust-analyzer` To configure `rust-analyzer` and VS Code for working on Miri, save the following to `.vscode/settings.json` in your local Miri clone: ```json { "rust-analyzer.rustc.source": "discover", "rust-analyzer.linkedProjects": [ "Cargo.toml", "cargo-miri/Cargo.toml", "miri-script/Cargo.toml", ], "rust-analyzer.check.overrideCommand": [ "env", "MIRI_AUTO_OPS=no", "./miri", "cargo", "clippy", // make this `check` when working with a locally built rustc "--message-format=json", "--all-targets", ], // Contrary to what the name suggests, this also affects proc macros. "rust-analyzer.cargo.buildScripts.overrideCommand": [ "env", "MIRI_AUTO_OPS=no", "./miri", "cargo", "check", "--message-format=json", "--all-targets", ], } ``` > #### Note > > If you are [building Miri with a locally built rustc][], set > `rust-analyzer.rustcSource` to the relative path from your Miri clone to the > root `Cargo.toml` of the locally built rustc. For example, the path might look > like `../rust/Cargo.toml`. See the rustc-dev-guide's docs on ["Configuring `rust-analyzer` for `rustc`"][rdg-r-a] for more information about configuring VS Code and `rust-analyzer`. [rdg-r-a]: https://rustc-dev-guide.rust-lang.org/building/suggested.html#configuring-rust-analyzer-for-rustc ## Advanced topic: Working on Miri in the rustc tree We described above the simplest way to get a working build environment for Miri, which is to use the version of rustc indicated by `rustc-version`. But sometimes, that is not enough. A big part of the Miri driver is shared with rustc, so working on Miri will sometimes require also working on rustc itself. In this case, you should *not* work in a clone of the Miri repository, but in a clone of the [main Rust repository](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/). There is a copy of Miri located at `src/tools/miri` that you can work on directly. A maintainer will eventually sync those changes back into this repository. When working on Miri in the rustc tree, here's how you can run tests: ``` ./x.py test miri ``` `--bless` will work, too. You can also directly run Miri on a Rust source file: ``` ./x.py run miri --stage 1 --args src/tools/miri/tests/pass/hello.rs ``` ## Advanced topic: Syncing with the rustc repo We use the [`josh` proxy](https://github.com/josh-project/josh) to transmit changes between the rustc and Miri repositories. You can install it as follows: ```sh RUSTFLAGS="--cap-lints=warn" cargo +stable install josh-proxy --git https://github.com/josh-project/josh --tag r23.12.04 ``` Josh will automatically be started and stopped by `./miri`. ### Importing changes from the rustc repo *Note: this usually happens automatically, so these steps rarely have to be done by hand.* We assume we start on an up-to-date master branch in the Miri repo. ```sh # Fetch and merge rustc side of the history. Takes ca 5 min the first time. # This will also update the `rustc-version` file. ./miri rustc-pull # Update local toolchain and apply formatting. ./miri toolchain && ./miri fmt git commit -am "rustup" ``` Now push this to a new branch in your Miri fork, and create a PR. It is worth running `./miri test` locally in parallel, since the test suite in the Miri repo is stricter than the one on the rustc side, so some small tweaks might be needed. ### Exporting changes to the rustc repo We will use the josh proxy to push to your fork of rustc. Run the following in the Miri repo, assuming we are on an up-to-date master branch: ```sh # Push the Miri changes to your rustc fork (substitute your github handle for YOUR_NAME). ./miri rustc-push YOUR_NAME miri ``` This will create a new branch called `miri` in your fork, and the output should include a link that creates a rustc PR to integrate those changes into the main repository. If that PR has conflicts, you need to pull rustc changes into Miri first, and then re-do the rustc push. If this fails due to authentication problems, it can help to make josh push via ssh instead of https. Add the following to your `.gitconfig`: ```toml [url "git@github.com:"] pushInsteadOf = https://github.com/ ``` ## Further environment variables The following environment variables are relevant to `./miri`: * `MIRI_AUTO_OPS` indicates whether the automatic execution of rustfmt, clippy and toolchain setup (as controlled by the `./auto-*` files) should be skipped. If it is set to `no`, they are skipped. This is used to allow automated IDE actions to avoid the auto ops. * `MIRI_LOG`, `MIRI_BACKTRACE` control logging and backtrace printing during Miri executions. * `MIRI_TEST_THREADS` (recognized by `./miri test`) sets the number of threads to use for running tests. By default, the number of cores is used. * `MIRI_SKIP_UI_CHECKS` (recognized by `./miri test`) disables checking that the `stderr` or `stdout` files match the actual output. Furthermore, the usual environment variables recognized by `cargo miri` also work for `./miri`, e.g. `MIRI_LIB_SRC`. Note that `MIRIFLAGS` is ignored by `./miri test` as each test controls the flags it is run with. The following environment variables are *internal* and must not be used by anyone but Miri itself. They are used to communicate between different Miri binaries, and as such worth documenting: * `CARGO_EXTRA_FLAGS` is understood by `./miri` and passed to all host cargo invocations. * `MIRI_BE_RUSTC` can be set to `host` or `target`. It tells the Miri driver to actually not interpret the code but compile it like rustc would. With `target`, Miri sets some compiler flags to prepare the code for interpretation; with `host`, this is not done. This environment variable is useful to be sure that the compiled `rlib`s are compatible with Miri. * `MIRI_CALLED_FROM_SETUP` is set during the Miri sysroot build, which will re-invoke `cargo-miri` as the `rustc` to use for this build. * `MIRI_CALLED_FROM_RUSTDOC` when set to any value tells `cargo-miri` that it is running as a child process of `rustdoc`, which invokes it twice for each doc-test and requires special treatment, most notably a check-only build before interpretation. This is set by `cargo-miri` itself when running as a `rustdoc`-wrapper. * `MIRI_CWD` when set to any value tells the Miri driver to change to the given directory after loading all the source files, but before commencing interpretation. This is useful if the interpreted program wants a different working directory at run-time than at build-time. * `MIRI_LOCAL_CRATES` is set by `cargo-miri` to tell the Miri driver which crates should be given special treatment in diagnostics, in addition to the crate currently being compiled. * `MIRI_ORIG_RUSTDOC` is set and read by different phases of `cargo-miri` to remember the value of `RUSTDOC` from before it was overwritten. * `MIRI_REPLACE_LIBRS_IF_NOT_TEST` when set to any value enables a hack that helps bootstrap run the standard library tests in Miri. * `MIRI_TEST_TARGET` is set by `./miri test` (and `./x.py test miri`) to tell the test harness about the chosen target. * `MIRI_VERBOSE` when set to any value tells the various `cargo-miri` phases to perform verbose logging. * `MIRI_HOST_SYSROOT` is set by bootstrap to tell `cargo-miri` which sysroot to use for *host* operations. * `RUSTC_BLESS` is set by `./miri test` (and `./x.py test miri`) to indicate bless-mode to the test harness.