*Desktop and other handy utilities* * [DOCUMENTATION](#documentation) * [DVCS](#dvcs) * [GIT API](#git-api) * [General Utilities](#general-utilities) * [CLI](#cli) * [File Compression](#file-compression) * [Desktop Document Processing](#desktop-document-processing) * [Document Generator](#document-generator) * [Language API](#language-api) * [C++](#c++) * [Fortran](#fortran) * [Java](#java) * [MATLAB](#matlab) * [Python](#python) * [R](#r) * [REPL](#repl) * [IJulia](#ijulia) * [WIDE](#wide) # DOCUMENTATION * [Julia Documentation README](https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/master/doc/README.md) * Roxygen.jl :: [A Roxygen-like documentation package for automatically generating documentation from Julia source files](https://github.com/johnmyleswhite/Roxygen.jl). # DVCS ### Git API * LibGit2.jl :: [Julia bindings to the LibGit2 library](https://github.com/jakebolewski/LibGit2.jl). * Octokit.jl :: Julia Package to [access the GitHub API](https://github.com/loladiro/Octokit.jl). # General Utilities ## CLI * ArgParse.jl:: [Package for parsing command-line arguments](https://github.com/carlobaldassi/ArgParse.jl) to Julia programs. ## File compression * gzip.jl:: [GunZip in Julia](https://github.com/jvns/gzip.jl). ## Desktop Document processing * Taro.jl :: [can process office documents in Julia](https://github.com/aviks/Taro.jl). ## Document Generator * Judo.jl :: is a [Julia document generator](https://github.com/dcjones/Judo.jl), which takes documents written in pandoc markdown and converts them into html, but differs from general purpose markdown tools in a few ways. * HelpTestbed.jl :: [https://github.com/tshort/HelpTestbed.jl](package is for exploring options for help when you add a Julia package)- when used from the REPL, the @help macro fetches, say, the signature of a function call, which can be used to find the package. # Language API's ## C++ * Cpp.jl :: [Utilities for calling C++ from Julia](https://github.com/timholy/Cpp.jl). ## Fortran * FortranIO.jl :: [Input/Output of fortran unformatted binary files](https://github.com/rephorm/FortranIO.jl). * TEOS.jl :: Julia wrapper for [TEOS-10 Gibbs Seawater Oceanographic Toolbox](https://github.com/njwilson23/TEOS.jl). ## Java * JavaCall.jl :: [is a package that lets you call Java programs from Julia](http://aviks.github.io/JavaCall.jl). ## MATLAB * MAT.jl :: [is a Julia module for reading MATLAB](https://github.com/simonster/MAT.jl) files. * MATLAB.jl :: [library for Matlab files](https://github.com/lindahua/MATLAB.jl) and how to [read-write MATLAB files]](https://github.com/lindahua/MATLAB.jl#readwrite-mat-files). ## Python * PyCall.jl :: [lets you call Python functions](https://github.com/stevengj/PyCall.jl) from the Julia language. * PyJulia :: [python interface to julia](https://github.com/jakebolewski/pyjulia). ## R * Rif.jl :: An [interface to the R language](https://github.com/lgautier/Rif.jl) and its fork, [Julio](https://github.com/tshort/julio). # REPL, Text editors * jEdit-julia :: A [https://github.com/tuckerkevin/jedit-julia](jEdit mode) for Julia. * JuliaStudio :: [http://forio.com/products/julia-studio/](Julia Studio by Forio.com) and [https://github.com/forio/julia-tutorials](Tutorials for Julia-Studio). * [Julia-Vim](https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia-vim). * Julietta.jl :: [is an integrated developement environment (IDE)](https://github.com/tknopp/Julietta.jl) for the programming language Julia. * REPL.jl :: [Pure-julia REPL implementation](https://github.com/loladiro/REPL.jl) * REPLCompletions.jl :: [Tab completions for your Julia REPL](https://github.com/loladiro/REPLCompletions.jl) * Sublime-Julia :: [Sublime Syntax, Build, Snippets, and REPL](https://github.com/karbarcca/Sublime-Julia) for the Julia language. ### IJulia * Autoreload.jl :: [A package for autoreloading files for interactive work](https://github.com/malmaud/Autoreload.jl) - Modeled after IPython's autoreload extension. * Hydra.jl :: [Hosted Multi-user IJulia distribution](https://github.com/loladiro/Hydra.jl). * IJulia.jl :: [Julia kernel and magics for IPython](https://github.com/JuliaLang/IJulia.jl) * WeavePynb.jl :: [Simple package to convert markdown files to IJulia notebooks](https://github.com/jverzani/WeavePynb.jl) ### WIDE * Use [Julia on the SageMath cloud server](https://cloud.sagemath.com). * koding.com has [an interactive REPL](https://koding.com/Julia) online.