* [Statistical Mechanics](#statisticalmechanics) * auditory.jl :: [Auditory filterbanks in Julia](https://github.com/jfsantos/auditory.jl) * CMSSW.jl :: [A work-in-progress wrapper for ROOT.jl](https://github.com/jpata/CMSSW.jl) * Codata.jl :: https://github.com/kofron/Codata.jl * HEP.jl :: [A collection of methods useful for HEP](https://github.com/jpata/HEP.jl) * Physical.jl :: https://github.com/ggggggggg/Physical.jl * Quantities.jl :: [Dimensions and Quantities](https://github.com/ElOceanografo/Quantities.jl) * ROOT.jl :: [A toy experiment interfacing ROOT and Julia through FWLite](https://github.com/jpata/ROOT.jl). [ROOT](http://root.cern.ch) is a data analysis library widely used at experiments at CERN for HEP data analyses. * ROOTDataFrames.jl :: [A wrapper for ROOT Trees through the Abstract DataFrame interface](https://github.com/jpata/ROOTDataFrames.jl) * SALT.jl :: [SALT (steady-state ab-initio laser theory) solver package for Julia](https://github.com/xdavidliu/SALT.jl) * Sparrow.jl :: [Visual Psychophysics package](https://github.com/rennis250/Sparrow.jl) for Julia. ### Statistical Mechanics * IsingModels.jl :: [The Ising model as a Julian distribution](https://github.com/johnmyleswhite/IsingModels.jl)