Protobuf and gRPC rules for Bazel
Version 4.6.0 has been released, which contains a few bug fixes for Bazel 7 support. Note that this is likely to be the last WORKSPACE supporting release of rules_proto_grpc, as new bzlmod supporting rules are introduced in the next major release
Version 4.5.0 has been released, which contains a number of version updates, bug fixes and usability improvements over 4.4.0. Additionally, the Rust rules contain a major change of underlying gRPC and Protobuf library; the rules now use Tonic and Prost respectively
Full documentation for the current and previous versions can be found here
Language | Rule | Description |
Android | android_proto_compile | Generates an Android protobuf .jar file (example) |
Android | android_grpc_compile | Generates Android protobuf and gRPC .jar files (example) |
Android | android_proto_library | Generates an Android protobuf library using android_library from rules_android (example) |
Android | android_grpc_library | Generates Android protobuf and gRPC library using android_library from rules_android (example) |
Buf | buf_proto_breaking_test | Checks .proto files for breaking changes (example) |
Buf | buf_proto_lint_test | Lints .proto files (example) |
C | c_proto_compile | Generates C protobuf .h & .c files (example) |
C | c_proto_library | Generates a C protobuf library using cc_library , with dependencies linked (example) |
C++ | cpp_proto_compile | Generates C++ protobuf .h & .cc files (example) |
C++ | cpp_grpc_compile | Generates C++ protobuf and gRPC .h & .cc files (example) |
C++ | cpp_proto_library | Generates a C++ protobuf library using cc_library , with dependencies linked (example) |
C++ | cpp_grpc_library | Generates a C++ protobuf and gRPC library using cc_library , with dependencies linked (example) |
C# | csharp_proto_compile | Generates C# protobuf .cs files (example) |
C# | csharp_grpc_compile | Generates C# protobuf and gRPC .cs files (example) |
C# | csharp_proto_library | Generates a C# protobuf library using csharp_library from rules_dotnet . Note that the library name must end in .dll (example) |
C# | csharp_grpc_library | Generates a C# protobuf and gRPC library using csharp_library from rules_dotnet . Note that the library name must end in .dll (example) |
D | d_proto_compile | Generates D protobuf .d files (example) |
D | d_proto_library | Generates a D protobuf library using d_library from rules_d (example) |
Documentation | doc_docbook_compile | Generates DocBook .xml documentation file (example) |
Documentation | doc_html_compile | Generates .html documentation file (example) |
Documentation | doc_json_compile | Generates .json documentation file (example) |
Documentation | doc_markdown_compile | Generates Markdown .md documentation file (example) |
Documentation | doc_template_compile | Generates documentation file using Go template file (example) |
F# | fsharp_proto_compile | Generates F# protobuf .fs files (example) |
F# | fsharp_grpc_compile | Generates F# protobuf and gRPC .fs files (example) |
F# | fsharp_proto_library | Generates a F# protobuf library using fsharp_library from rules_dotnet . Note that the library name must end in .dll (example) |
F# | fsharp_grpc_library | Generates a F# protobuf and gRPC library using fsharp_library from rules_dotnet . Note that the library name must end in .dll (example) |
Go | go_proto_compile | Generates Go protobuf .go files (example) |
Go | go_grpc_compile | Generates Go protobuf and gRPC .go files (example) |
Go | go_validate_compile | Generates Go protobuf and gRPC validation .go files (example) |
Go | go_proto_library | Generates a Go protobuf library using go_library from rules_go (example) |
Go | go_grpc_library | Generates a Go protobuf and gRPC library using go_library from rules_go (example) |
Go | go_validate_library | Generates a Go protobuf and gRPC validation library using go_library from rules_go (example) |
grpc-gateway | gateway_grpc_compile | Generates grpc-gateway .go files (example) |
grpc-gateway | gateway_openapiv2_compile | Generates grpc-gateway OpenAPI v2 .json files (example) |
grpc-gateway | gateway_grpc_library | Generates grpc-gateway library files (example) |
Java | java_proto_compile | Generates a Java protobuf srcjar file (example) |
Java | java_grpc_compile | Generates a Java protobuf and gRPC srcjar file (example) |
Java | java_proto_library | Generates a Java protobuf library using java_library (example) |
Java | java_grpc_library | Generates a Java protobuf and gRPC library using java_library (example) |
JavaScript | js_proto_compile | Generates JavaScript protobuf .js and .d.ts files (example) |
JavaScript | js_grpc_node_compile | Generates JavaScript protobuf and gRPC-node .js and .d.ts files (example) |
JavaScript | js_grpc_web_compile | Generates JavaScript protobuf and gRPC-Web .js and .d.ts files (example) |
JavaScript | js_proto_library | Generates a JavaScript protobuf library using js_library from rules_nodejs (example) |
JavaScript | js_grpc_node_library | Generates a Node.js protobuf + gRPC-node library using js_library from rules_nodejs (example) |
JavaScript | js_grpc_web_library | Generates a JavaScript protobuf + gRPC-Web library using js_library from rules_nodejs (example) |
Objective-C | objc_proto_compile | Generates Objective-C protobuf .m & .h files (example) |
Objective-C | objc_grpc_compile | Generates Objective-C protobuf and gRPC .m & .h files (example) |
Objective-C | objc_proto_library | Generates an Objective-C protobuf library using objc_library (example) |
Objective-C | objc_grpc_library | Generates an Objective-C protobuf and gRPC library using objc_library (example) |
PHP | php_proto_compile | Generates PHP protobuf .php files (example) |
PHP | php_grpc_compile | Generates PHP protobuf and gRPC .php files (example) |
Python | python_proto_compile | Generates Python protobuf .py files (example) |
Python | python_grpc_compile | Generates Python protobuf and gRPC .py files (example) |
Python | python_grpclib_compile | Generates Python protobuf and grpclib .py files (supports Python 3 only) (example) |
Python | python_proto_library | Generates a Python protobuf library using py_library from rules_python (example) |
Python | python_grpc_library | Generates a Python protobuf and gRPC library using py_library from rules_python (example) |
Python | python_grpclib_library | Generates a Python protobuf and grpclib library using py_library from rules_python (supports Python 3 only) (example) |
Ruby | ruby_proto_compile | Generates Ruby protobuf .rb files (example) |
Ruby | ruby_grpc_compile | Generates Ruby protobuf and gRPC .rb files (example) |
Ruby | ruby_proto_library | Generates a Ruby protobuf library using ruby_library from rules_ruby (example) |
Ruby | ruby_grpc_library | Generates a Ruby protobuf and gRPC library using ruby_library from rules_ruby (example) |
Rust | rust_prost_proto_compile | Generates Rust protobuf .rs files using prost (example) |
Rust | rust_tonic_grpc_compile | Generates Rust protobuf and gRPC .rs files using prost and tonic (example) |
Rust | rust_prost_proto_library | Generates a Rust prost protobuf library using rust_library from rules_rust (example) |
Rust | rust_tonic_grpc_library | Generates a Rust prost protobuf and tonic gRPC library using rust_library from rules_rust (example) |
Scala | scala_proto_compile | Generates a Scala protobuf .jar file (example) |
Scala | scala_grpc_compile | Generates Scala protobuf and gRPC .jar file (example) |
Scala | scala_proto_library | Generates a Scala protobuf library using scala_library from rules_scala (example) |
Scala | scala_grpc_library | Generates a Scala protobuf and gRPC library using scala_library from rules_scala (example) |
Swift | swift_proto_compile | Generates Swift protobuf .swift files (example) |
Swift | swift_grpc_compile | Generates Swift protobuf and gRPC .swift files (example) |
Swift | swift_proto_library | Generates a Swift protobuf library using swift_library from rules_swift (example) |
Swift | swift_grpc_library | Generates a Swift protobuf and gRPC library using swift_library from rules_swift (example) |
This project is derived from stackb/rules_proto under the Apache 2.0 license and this project therefore maintains the terms of that license