function [data] = ft_appendspike(cfg, varargin) % FT_APPENDSPIKE combines continuous data (i.e. LFP) with point-process data % (i.e. spikes) into a single large dataset. For each spike channel an % additional continuos channel is inserted in the data that contains % zeros most of the time, and an occasional one at the samples at which a % spike occurred. The continuous and spike data are linked together using % the timestamps. % % Use as % [spike] = ft_appendspike(cfg, spike1, spike2, spike3, ...) % where the input structures come from FT_READ_SPIKE, or as % [data] = ft_appendspike(cfg, data, spike1, spike2, ...) % where the first data structure is the result of FT_PREPROCESSING % and the subsequent ones come from FT_READ_SPIKE. % % See also FT_APPENDDATA, FT_PREPROCESSING % Copyright (C) 2007, Robert Osotenveld % % This file is part of FieldTrip, see % for the documentation and details. % % FieldTrip is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % FieldTrip is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with FieldTrip. If not, see . % % $Id$ % these are used by the ft_preamble/ft_postamble function and scripts ft_revision = '$Id$'; ft_nargin = nargin; ft_nargout = nargout; % do the general setup of the function ft_defaults ft_preamble init ft_preamble debug ft_preamble provenance varargin % the ft_abort variable is set to true or false in ft_preamble_init if ft_abort return end isspike = zeros(size(varargin)); for i=1:length(varargin) % this is a quick test, more rigourous checking is done later isspike(i) = isfield(varargin{i}, 'timestamp') & isfield(varargin{i}, 'label'); end if all(isspike) spike = {}; for i=1:length(varargin) % check if the input data is valid for this function spike{i} = ft_checkdata(varargin{i}, 'datatype', 'spike'); end % check the validity of the channel labels label = {}; for i=1:length(spike) label = cat(1, label, spike{i}.label(:)); end if length(unique(label))~=length(label) ft_error('not all channel labels are unique'); end % concatenate the spikes data = spike{1}; for i=2:length(spike) data.label = cat(2, data.label, spike{i}.label); % use a try construction in case a field is missing try, data.waveform = cat(2, data.waveform, spike{i}.waveform); end try, data.timestamp = cat(2, data.timestamp, spike{i}.timestamp); end try, data.unit = cat(2, data.unit, spike{i}.unit); end % these are optional fields, so use a try construction. try, data.time = cat(2,data.time,spike{i}.time); end try, data.trial = cat(2, data.trial,spike{i}.trial); end try, data.fourierspctrm = cat(2,data.fourierspctrm,spike{i}.fourierspctrm); end end else % this checks the validity of the input data and simultaneously renames it for convenience data = varargin{1}; % ft_checkdata(varargin{1}, 'datatype', 'raw'); spike = ft_appendspike([], varargin{2:end}); % check the validity of the channel labels label = cat(1, data.label(:), spike.label(:)); if length(unique(label))~=length(label) ft_error('not all channel labels are unique'); end if isfield(data, 'cfg') trl = ft_findcfg(data.cfg, 'trl'); else trl = []; end if isempty(trl); ft_error('could not find the trial information in the continuous data'); end try FirstTimeStamp = data.hdr.FirstTimeStamp; TimeStampPerSample = data.hdr.TimeStampPerSample; catch ft_error('could not find the timestamp information in the continuous data'); end for i=1:length(spike.label) % append the data with an empty channel data.label{end+1} = spike.label{i}; for j=1:size(trl,1) data.trial{j}(end+1,:) = 0; end % determine the corresponding sample numbers for each timestamp ts = spike.timestamp{i}; % timestamps can be uint64, hence explicitely convert to double at the % right moment if strcmp(class(ts),class(FirstTimeStamp)) sample = round(double(ts-FirstTimeStamp)/TimeStampPerSample + 1); else sample = round(double(double(ts)-double(FirstTimeStamp))/TimeStampPerSample + 1); end fprintf('adding spike channel %s\n', spike.label{i}); for j=1:size(trl,1) begsample = trl(j,1); endsample = trl(j,2); sel = find((sample>=begsample) & (sample<=endsample)); fprintf('adding spike channel %s, trial %d contains %d spikes\n', spike.label{i}, j, length(sel)); for k=1:length(sel) indx = sample(sel(k))-begsample+1; data.trial{j}(end,indx) = data.trial{j}(end,indx)+1; end % for k end % for j end % for i end % do the general cleanup and bookkeeping at the end of the function ft_postamble debug ft_postamble previous varargin ft_postamble provenance data ft_postamble history data ft_postamble savevar data