# Next * feat: introduce repo locking [#429] * ci: update go-ipfs to `0.7.0` for interop tests [#428] * refactor(http): introduce `Config` as the facade for configuration [#423] * feat(http): create `Profile` abstraction [#421] * feat: `sled` pinstore [#439], [#442], [#444] * chore: update a lot of dependencies including libp2p, tokio, warp [#446] * fix: rename spans (part of [#453]) * fix: connect using DialPeer instead of DialAddress [#454] * fix: compilation error when used as a dependency [#470] * perf: use hash_hasher where the key is Cid [#467] * chore: upgrade to libp2p 0.39.1, update most of the other deps with the notable exception of cid and multihash [#472] * refactor(swarm): swarm cleanup following libp2p upgrade to v0.39.1 [#473] * fix: strict ordering for DAG-CBOR-encoded map keys [#493] * feat: upgrade libp2p to v0.43.0 [#499] * feat(http): default values for --bits and --profile [#502] * feat: return time since connecting began instead of null for latency [#479] [#429]: https://github.com/rs-ipfs/rust-ipfs/pull/429 [#428]: https://github.com/rs-ipfs/rust-ipfs/pull/428 [#423]: https://github.com/rs-ipfs/rust-ipfs/pull/423 [#421]: https://github.com/rs-ipfs/rust-ipfs/pull/421 [#439]: https://github.com/rs-ipfs/rust-ipfs/pull/439 [#442]: https://github.com/rs-ipfs/rust-ipfs/pull/442 [#444]: https://github.com/rs-ipfs/rust-ipfs/pull/444 [#446]: https://github.com/rs-ipfs/rust-ipfs/pull/446 [#453]: https://github.com/rs-ipfs/rust-ipfs/pull/453 [#454]: https://github.com/rs-ipfs/rust-ipfs/pull/454 [#470]: https://github.com/rs-ipfs/rust-ipfs/pull/470 [#467]: https://github.com/rs-ipfs/rust-ipfs/pull/467 [#472]: https://github.com/rs-ipfs/rust-ipfs/pull/472 [#473]: https://github.com/rs-ipfs/rust-ipfs/pull/473 [#493]: https://github.com/rs-ipfs/rust-ipfs/pull/493 [#499]: https://github.com/rs-ipfs/rust-ipfs/pull/499 [#502]: https://github.com/rs-ipfs/rust-ipfs/pull/502 [#479]: https://github.com/rs-ipfs/rust-ipfs/pull/479 # 0.2.1 * fix: restore_bootstrappers doesn't enable content discovery [#406] [#406]: https://github.com/rs-ipfs/rust-ipfs/pull/406 # 0.2.0 First real release, with big changes and feature improvements. Started tracking a changelog.