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基于 axios 实现的 Vue 组合式函数,使请求状态管理变得更简单

Axios + Vue = Axues ✌️

English | 简体中文


  • 🦾 支持 axios 的所有特性
  • ✨ 同时支持 Vue 3 和 Vue 2.7
  • 🎭 全局的请求配置、响应处理及错误处理
  • 🎃 响应数据可缓存,请求可重试、可取消
  • 🕰️ 易于集成全局交互组件,例如 loading、confirm 弹窗,或者 toast 等
  • 🏍️ 内置防抖


npm i axues
# 或者
pnpm add axues
# 或者
yarn add axues

注意: 必须安装 vue >= v3 或 >= 2.7, 且 axios >= 1.0


首先,创建 axues 实例,并把他当成一个插件注册到 app 中,就像使用vue-router and pinia 一样。

Vue 3

// main.js
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import axios from 'axios'
import { createAxues } from 'axues'
import App from './App.vue'

const app = createApp(App)
const axues = createAxues(axios)


Vue 2.7

// main.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import axios from 'axios'
import { createAxues } from 'axues'
import App from './App.vue'

const axues = createAxues(axios)

new Vue({
  render: h => h(App)


<script setup>
import { useAxues } from 'axues'
const { loading, success, error, data } = useAxues('/api/foo', { immediate: true })
    <p v-if="loading">loading...</p>
    <div v-if="success">{{ data }}</div>
    <p v-if="error">Something went error: {{ error.message }}</p>

单看 useAxues, 它看起来很像 vueusenuxtuseFetch, 那 为什么 axues 需要创建并且注册成组件?

这个例子就是最简单的使用示例,将 url 传给第一个参数,options 传给第二个参数, useAxues 将返回一些非常好用的状态和方法,我们可以将这些状态、方法直接绑定到模板中。

options 可以传给第一个参数:

const { loading, success, error, data } = useAxues({
  url: '/api/foo',
  method: 'post',
  data: { foo: 'bar' },
  immediate: true
// 等同于
const { loading, success, error, data } = useAxues('/api/foo', {
  method: 'post',
  data: { foo: 'bar' },
  immediate: true


  <axues url="/api/foo" :immediate="true" v-slot="{ loading, success, data, error }">
      <p v-if="loading">loading...</p>
      <div v-if="success">{{ data }}</div>
      <p v-if="error">Something went error: {{ error.message }}</p>

接管 promise 的状态

有些场景下我们需要将请求封装起来以便复用,所以 useAxues 也支持传入任意的返回 promise 的函数。

import { useAxues, axues } from 'axues'

const fetchUsers = () => fetch('/api/users')
const { loading, error, data } = useAxues(fetchUsers, { immediate: true })

const anyPromiseFn = () => Promise.resolve('foo')
const { loading: loading2 } = useAxues(anyPromiseFn, { immediate: true })

const fetchBooks = () => axues.get('/api/books') // same as axios api, just change a name
const { loading: loading3, data: bookData } = useAxues({
  promise: fetchBooks,
  immediate: true


以上的例子都传入 immediate 这个配置项,意味着一载入即发起请求。如果想要手动触发请求,我们需要调用 useAxues 返回的 action 方法。

<script setup>
import { useAxues } from 'axues'
const { loading, success, error, data, action } = useAxues('/api/foo')
    <p v-if="loading">loading...</p>
    <div v-if="success">{{ data }}</div>
    <p v-if="error">Something went error: {{ error.message }}</p>
    <button @click="action">execute</button>

如果 action 可能会被多次调用,那么 action 支持传参是很有必要的:

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { useAxues } from 'axues'
const list = ref([1, 2, 3])
const { loading, action } = useAxues({
  url: '/api/foo',
  method: 'post',
  data: actionPayload => ({ idx: actionPayload })
  <div v-for="li in list">
    <input v-model="li" />
    <button @click="action(li)" :disabled="loading">save</button>

为什么命名为 action 而不是 execute 或其他?

每次从请求开始到渲染完成的过程,就像是一场戏,浏览器是剧场,JS 代码是剧本,HTML 是演员,css 是道具和装扮,只要导演发出 action 指令,演员们就会根据剧本完成演绎,那谁是那个导演呢?当然是我们的用户啦。


默认情况下,如果 action 调用频率过高,axues 只会执行第一次请求,在第一次请求完成前,调用 action 都是无效的。

<script setup>
import { useAxues } from 'axues'
// 只会发起一次请求
const { action } = useAxues('/api/foo')
    <button @click="action">double click me</button>


<script setup>
import { useAxues } from 'axues'
const keyword = ref('')
const { data, action } = useAxues({
  url: '/api/foo',
  params: () => ({ keyword: keyword.value }),
  debounce: true,
  debounceTime: 600 // default: 500 (ms)
    <input v-model="keyword" @input="action" />
      <p v-for="k in data" @click="() => (keyword = k)">{{ k }}</p>



<script setup>
import { useAxues } from 'axues'
const { error, action, retryTimes, retryCountdown, retry, retrying } = useAxues({
  url: '/api/foo',
  autoRetryTimes: 2, // 自动重试次数
  autoRetryInterval: 3 // 自动重试间隔,默认: 2 (s)
    <div v-if="error">
      <p>请求出错: {{ error.message }}</p>
        重试次数: {{ retryTimes }}
        <button @click="retry">立即重试</button>
    <p v-if="retryCountdown > 0">
      {{ `将在 ${retryCountdown} 秒后重试` }}
    <p v-if="retrying">正在重试...</p>


<script setup>
import { useAxues } from 'axues'
const { loading, success, error, data, action, refresh, refreshing } = useAxues('/api/foo')
    <p v-if="loading">正在加载...</p>
    <p v-if="refreshing">正在刷新...</p>
    <div v-if="success">{{ data }}</div>
    <p v-if="error">请求出错: {{ error.message }}</p>
    <button @click="action">执行</button>
    <button @click="refresh">刷新</button>



<script setup>
import { useAxues } from 'axues'
const { loading, action, canAbort, abort, aborted } = useAxues('/api/foo')
    <p v-if="loading">加载中...</p>
    <p v-if="aborted">已取消</p>
    <button @click="action">执行</button>
    <button @click="abort" v-if="canAbort">取消请求</button>

我们还可以为传入的 promise 方法提供取消操作。

import { useAxues, axues } from 'axues'

const fetchUsers = (actionPayload, signal) => fetch('/api/users', { signal })
const { loading, canAbort, abort } = useAxues(fetchUsers, { immediate: true })

const fetchBooks = (actionPayload, signal) => axues.get('/api/books', { signal })
const { loading: loading2, abort: abort2 } = useAxues({ promise: fetchBooks, immediate: true })


分页查询是 web 开发中非常常见的场景,使用 axues 做分页也很简单。

<script setup>
import { reactive } from 'vue'
import { useAxues } from 'axues'

const pagination = reactive({
  current: 1,
  pageSize: 20,
  total: 0
const { loading, action, data } = useAxues({
  url: '/api/pagination',
  params: p => ({ p: pagination.current + ~~p, s: pagination.pageSize }),
  immediate: true,
  onSuccess(data) {
    pagination.current = data.current =
    <p v-if="loading">加载中...</p>
    <p>current page: {{ pagination.current }}</p>
    <p>{{ data }}</p>
    <button v-if="pagination.current > 1" @click="action(-1)">上一页</button>
    <button @click="action(1)">下一页</button>


<script setup>
// ...
const { loading, action, data } = useAxues({
  // ...
  initialData: [],
  onData: (data, newData) => data.value.push(...newData)
  // ...


为了与 UI 与交互的一致性,我们通常会编写通用的交互组件。 这些组件在请求期间被调用,根据请求成功或失败通知用户请求状态。 比如一个删除数据的场景,如果按照传统的方式,我们会这样写:

<script setup>
import { Loading, Confirm, Toast } from 'some-UI-lib'
import axios from 'axios'
function deleteItem(id) {
    // 让用户确认以防误操作
    () => { // 调用loading动画组件
          res => {
            Toast('已删除') // 提示用户当前状态
          err => {
            Toast.error(`删除id为: [${id}] 时出错: ${err}`) // 告知用户出错
        .finally(Loading.close) // 关闭loading动画
    () => {}
    <button @click="deleteItem(1)"></button>

过程式的调用代码看起来就像意大利面,现在有了 axues,你可以使用声明式极大的简化代码。

<script setup>
import { useAxues } from 'axues'
const { action } = useAxues({
  url: id => `/api/delete/${id}`,
  method: 'delete',
  confirmOverlay: '确定要删除这条数据吗?',
  loadingOverlay: true,
  successOverlay: '已删除',
  errorOverlay: (id, err) => `删除id为: [${id}] 时出错: ${err}`
    <button @click="action(1)"></button>

当然,这一切的前提是你必须在根组件中注册这些交互组件。 在根组件中注册一次总是比每次调用都注册要好,对吧?

<!-- App.vue -->
<script setup>
import { Loading, Confirm, Toast, Modal } from 'some-UI-lib'
import { useOverlayImplement } from 'axues'
  loadingOpen(options) {{
      text: options.text
  loadingClose: Loading.close,
  confirm(options) {
    return Confirm({
      title: options.title,
      content: options.content
  success(options) {
    if ( === 1) {
      // 可以使用多种样式
    } else {
        title: options.title,
        content: options.content
  error(options) {
    if ( === 1) {
    } else {
        title: options.title,
        content: options.content

为什么 axues 需要创建并且注册成组件?

在实际应用中,我们通常需要在一个统一的地方处理请求和响应, 比如在每个请求头中携带 Authorization,转换响应数据,或处理错误并上报错误。

// main.js
// ...
const axues = createAxues(axios, {
  requestConfig: () => ({
    baseURL: '',
    timeout: 30000,
    headers: { Authorization: localStorage.getItem('Authorization') }
  responseHandle(response) {
    if ( === 401) {
      return new Error('Unauthorized')
  errorHandle(err) {
    return new Error(`[${err.response.status}]${err.config.url}: ${err.message}`)

你可能认为对每个请求都执行 requestConfig 方法会损耗一点性能,直接使用 axios.create 来创建 axios 实例可能是一个更好的主意.

// main.js
// ...
const axiosInstance = axios.create({
  baseURL: '',
  timeout: 30000
const axues = createAxues(axiosInstance, {
  requestConfig: () => ({
    // Authorization 可能会变化,这类可能变化的数据就不应该放到 axios.create 中
    headers: { Authorization: localStorage.getItem('Authorization') }
  // ...

如你所见,createAxues 会返回一个 axues 的实例,这样我们在创建应用的时候就可以共享全局的请求配置,比如在 router 中调用请求:

// main.js
const axues = createAxues(axios, {
  requestConfig: () => ({
    headers: { Authorization: localStorage.getItem('Authorization') }
const router = createRouter({
  // ...
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
  if (to.meta.sendToAnalytics) {'/api/sendToAnalytics', { path: to.fullPath })

这就是要先创建 axues 实例的原因.


Click to show


type MaybeComputedRef<T> = MaybeRef<T> | (() => T) | ComputedRef<T>

interface CreateAxuesOptions {
  requestConfig?: MaybeComputedRef<AxiosRequestConfig>
  transformUseOptions?: (options: UseAxuesOptions) => UseAxuesOptions
  responseHandle?: (response: AxiosResponse, requestConfig: AxuesRequestConfig) => unknown
  errorHandle?: (err: AxiosError, requestConfig: AxuesRequestConfig) => Error
  cacheInstance?: {
    get: (key: string) => unknown
    set: (key: string, value: string) => void
    delete: (key: string) => void
  errorReport?: (err: Error) => void
  rewriteDefault?: {
    immediate?: boolean
    shallow?: boolean
    loadingDelay?: number
    debounce?: boolean
    debounceTime?: number
    autoRetryTimes?: number
    autoRetryInterval?: number
    throwOnActionFailed?: boolean
  overlayImplement?: {
    loadingOpen?: (options: LoadingOverlayType) => void
    loadingClose?: () => void
    success?: (options: SuccessOrErrorOverlayType) => void
    error?: (options: SuccessOrErrorOverlayType) => void
    confirm?: (options: ConfirmOverlayType) => Promise<unknown>
interface CreateReturn extends Axues {
  install: (app: App) => void
  vue2Plugin: Plugin
declare function createAxues(axiosInstance: AxiosInstance, createOptions?: CreateAxuesOptions): CreateReturn


type MaybeRef<T> = T | Ref<T>
type MaybeComputedRefWithoutFn<T> = ComputedRef<T> | MaybeRef<T>
type MaybeComputedOrActionRef<T, TAction = any> = MaybeComputedRefWithoutFn<T> | ((actionPayload?: TAction) => T)

interface AxuesRequestConfig<TI = any, TAction = any> extends Omit<AxiosRequestConfig, 'url' | 'headers'> {
  url?: MaybeComputedOrActionRef<string, TAction>
  params?: MaybeComputedOrActionRef<TI, TAction>
  data?: MaybeComputedOrActionRef<TI, TAction>
  contentType?: MaybeComputedOrActionRef<ContentType, TAction>
  headers?: MaybeComputedOrActionRef<RawAxiosRequestHeaders, TAction>
  responseHandlingStrategy?: any
  errorHandlingStrategy?: any

interface Axues {
  <TI = any, TO = any>(config: AxuesRequestConfig<TI>): Promise<TO>
  request: <TI = any, TO = any>(config: AxuesRequestConfig<TI>) => Promise<TO>
  get: <TI = any, TO = any>(url: string, config?: AxuesRequestConfig<TI>) => Promise<TO>
  delete: <TI = any, TO = any>(url: string, config?: AxuesRequestConfig<TI>) => Promise<TO>
  head: <TI = any, TO = any>(url: string, config?: AxuesRequestConfig<TI>) => Promise<TO>
  options: <TI = any, TO = any>(url: string, config?: AxuesRequestConfig<TI>) => Promise<TO>
  post: <TI = any, TO = any>(url: string, data?: TI, config?: AxuesRequestConfig<TI>) => Promise<TO>
  put: <TI = any, TO = any>(url: string, data?: TI, config?: AxuesRequestConfig<TI>) => Promise<TO>
  patch: <TI = any, TO = any>(url: string, data?: TI, config?: AxuesRequestConfig<TI>) => Promise<TO>
  postForm: <TI = any, TO = any>(url: string, data?: TI, config?: AxuesRequestConfig<TI>) => Promise<TO>
  putForm: <TI = any, TO = any>(url: string, data?: TI, config?: AxuesRequestConfig<TI>) => Promise<TO>
  patchForm: <TI = any, TO = any>(url: string, data?: TI, config?: AxuesRequestConfig<TI>) => Promise<TO>
declare let axues: Axues


type CanWatch = 'url' | 'params' | 'data' | 'headers'
interface UseAxuesOptions<TI = any, TO = any, TAction = any> extends AxuesRequestConfig<TI, TAction> {
  promise?: (actionPayload?: TAction, signal?: AbortSignal) => Promise<TO>
  immediate?: boolean
  watch?: CanWatch | CanWatch[]
  initialData?: TO
  shallow?: boolean
  debounce?: boolean
  debounceTime?: number
  autoRetryTimes?: number
  autoRetryInterval?: number
  cacheKey?: MaybeComputedOrActionRef<string, TAction>
  throwOnActionFailed?: boolean
  confirmOverlay?: ConfirmOverlayOptions<TAction>
  loadingOverlay?: LoadingOverlayOptions<TAction>
  successOverlay?: SuccessOverlayOptions<TAction, TO>
  errorOverlay?: ErrorOverlayOptions<TAction>
  onAction?: (act: 'action' | 'resetAction' | 'retry' | 'refresh' | 'abort' | 'deleteCache') => void
  onData?: (data: Ref<TO>, newData: unknown | unknown[], actionPayload?: TAction) => void
  onSuccess?: (data: TO, actionPayload?: TAction) => void
  onError?: (err: Error, actionPayload?: TAction) => void
  onFinally?: (actionPayload?: TAction) => void
type UseAxuesFirstArg<TI, TO, TAction> = MaybeComputedRefWithoutFn<string> | ((actionPayload?: TAction, signal?: AbortSignal) => Promise<TO>) | UseAxuesOptions<TI, TO, TAction>
interface UseAxuesOutput<TI, TO, TAction = any> {
  pending: Ref<boolean>
  loading: Ref<boolean>
  success: Ref<boolean>
  error: Ref<Error | null>
  refreshing: Ref<boolean>
  refreshed: Ref<boolean>
  retrying: Ref<boolean>
  retryTimes: Ref<number>
  retryCountdown: Ref<number>
  requestTimes: Ref<number>
  canAbort: ComputedRef<boolean>
  aborted: Ref<boolean>
  data: Ref<TO>
  action: (actionPayload?: TAction) => PromiseLike<TO>
  resetAction: (actionPayload?: TAction) => PromiseLike<TO>
  retry: () => PromiseLike<TO>
  refresh: () => PromiseLike<TO>
  abort: () => void
  deleteCache: (actionPayload?: TAction) => void
  get: (params?: MaybeComputedOrActionRef<any, TAction>, actionPayload?: TAction) => PromiseLike<TO>
  head: (params?: MaybeComputedOrActionRef<any, TAction>, actionPayload?: TAction) => PromiseLike<TO>
  options: (params?: MaybeComputedOrActionRef<any, TAction>, actionPayload?: TAction) => PromiseLike<TO>
  delete: (params?: MaybeComputedOrActionRef<any, TAction>, actionPayload?: TAction) => PromiseLike<TO>
  post: (data?: MaybeComputedOrActionRef<TI, TAction>, actionPayload?: TAction) => PromiseLike<TO>
  put: (data?: MaybeComputedOrActionRef<TI, TAction>, actionPayload?: TAction) => PromiseLike<TO>
  patch: (data?: MaybeComputedOrActionRef<TI, TAction>, actionPayload?: TAction) => PromiseLike<TO>
declare function useAxues<TI = any, TO = any, TAction = any>(urlOrPromiseOrOptions: UseAxuesFirstArg<TI, TO, TAction>, options?: UseAxuesOptions<TI, TO, TAction>): UseAxuesOutput<TI, TO, TAction>
