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0000: SDWAN Normalization RFC

• Stage: 0 (strawperson) • Date: 2022-06-13 This RFC will provide normalization for fields related to the Versa Networks SDWAN logs to assure that they are retained primarily in ECS core and in any extended fieldset when needed. These fields are important to normalize into ECS fields in order to maximize effectiveness of cross log utilization. Similar fields are found in other SDWAN vendor logs so by leveraging this extension to ECS core, the ECS core field set will be more expansive. Fields

Proposed Field Name | Type | Value | Vendor Field

sdwan.localSiteName|Keyword| | applianceName, localSiteName sdwan.localAccCktName|Keyword| |accCktName, accCkt, localAccCktName sdwan.remoteSiteName|Keyword| |remoteSiteName sdwan.remoteAccCktName|Keyword| |remoteAccCktName sdwan.fwdEgrSiteName|Keyword| |fwdEgrSiteName sdwan.fwdEgrAccCktPairName|Keyword| |fwdEgrAccCktName sdwan.revIngSiteName|Keyword| |revIngSiteName sdwan.revIngAccCktPairName|Keyword| |revIngAccCktName sdwan.fwdIngSiteName|Keyword| |fwdIngSiteName sdwan.fwdIngAccCktPairName|Keyword| |fwdIngAccCktName sdwan.revEgrSiteName|Keyword| |revEgrSiteName sdwan.revEgrAccCktPairName|Keyword| |revEgrAccCktName sdwan.fwdClass|Keyword| |fwdClass sdwan.vrfName|Keyword| |VRF sdwan.interfaceName|Keyword| |vni sdwan.ruleName|Keyword| |ruleName, rule sdwan.ruleType|Keyword| |ruleType sdwan.trafficType|Keyword|0-Native, 1-SDWAN| sdwan sdwan.metrics.sentOctets|Long| |sentOctets, mstatsTotSentOctets sdwan.metrics.recvdOctets|Long| |recvdOctets, mstatsTotRecvdOctets sdwan.metrics.sessCnt|Long| |sessCnt, mstatsTotSessCount sdwan.pathMetrics.delay|Long| |delay sdwan.pathMetrics.fwdDelayVar|Long| |fwdDelayVar sdwan.pathMetrics.revDelayVar|Long| |revDelayVar sdwan.pathMetrics.fwdLoss|Long| |fwdLoss sdwan.pathMetrics.revLoss|Long| |revLoss sdwan.pathMetrics.fwdSent|Long| |fwdSent sdwan.pathMetrics.revSent|Long| |revSent sdwan.pathMetrics.fwdLossRatio|Long| |fwdLossRatio sdwan.pathMetrics.revLossRatio|Long| |revLossRatio sdwan.pathMetrics.pduLossRatio|Long| |pduLossRatio

Usage – SDWAN fields

Field Description

sdwan.localSiteName|Device name of the device that is generating the event sdwan.remoteSiteName|Device name of the remote device towards which a SDWAN overlay tunnel is established. sdwan.localAccCktName|WAN link or access circuit name used on the device generating the event sdwan.remoteAccCktName|WAN link or access circuit name of the remote device towards which a SDWAN overlay tunnel is established. sdwan.fwdEgrSiteName|SDWAN remote site towards which the source to destination traffic is sent from the local site. sdwan.fwdEgrAccCktPairName|If Forward Egress Site is a SDWAN site, this field shows the local and remote wan link on which the traffic is sent. If there is no Forward Egress Site and the traffic is sent directly to internet, this field shows the local WAN link or the interface on which the traffic is sent. sdwan.revIngSiteName|SDWAN remote site from which the destination to source traffic is received by this site. sdwan.revIngAccCktPairName|If Reverse Egress Site is a SDWAN site, this field shows the local and remote wan link on which the traffic is received. If there is no Reverse Ingress Site and the traffic is received directly from internet, this field shows the local WAN link or the interface on which the traffic is received sdwan.fwdIngSiteName|SDWAN remote site from which the source to destination traffic is received by this site. sdwan.fwdIngAccCktPairName|If Forward Ingress Site is a SDWAN site, this field shows the local and remote wan link on which the traffic is received. If there is no Forward Ingress Site and the traffic is received directly from internet or LAN, this field shows the local interface on which the traffic is received. sdwan.revEgrSiteName| SDWAN remote site to which the destination to source traffic is sent by this site sdwan.revEgrAccCktPairName|If Reverse Egress Site is a SDWAN site, this field shows the local and remote wan link on which the traffic is sent. If there is no Reverse Egress Site and the traffic is sent directly to LAN, this field shows the local interface on which the traffic is sent. sdwan.ruleName|SDWAN rule that was used for traffic steering decisions sdwan.ruleType|SDWAN rule type (L2 or L3) sdwan.fwdClass|Class of Service, forwarding class which is used by the application

Usage – SDWAN Metrics

Field | Description

sdwan.metrics.sentOctets|Bytes sent in the last measurement interval sdwan.metrics.recvdOctets|Bytes received in the last measurement interval sdwan.metrics.sessCnt|Sessions created in the last measurement interval sdwan.metrics.sentPackets|Packets sent sdwan.metrics.recvdPackets|Packets received sdwan.pathMetrics.delay|2-way delay measured on the SLA path in msec

sdwan.pathMetrics.fwdDelayVar|Forward delay variation in msec sdwan.pathMetrics.revDelayVar|Reverse delay variation in msec sdwan.pathMetrics.fwdLoss|Forward loss in bytes. Indicates actual traffic loss in the forward direction. sdwan.pathMetrics.revLoss|Reverse loss in bytes. Indicates actual traffic loss in the reverse direction. sdwan.pathMetrics.fwdSent|Number of data PDUs sent in the forward direction sdwan.pathMetrics.revSent|Number of data PDUs sent in the forward direction sdwan.pathMetrics.fwdLossRatio|Percentage of actual traffic lost in the forward direction. sdwan.pathMetrics.revLossRatio|Percentage of actual traffic lost in the reverse direction. sdwan.pathMetrics.pduLossRatio|Percentage of SLA PDUs (synthetic PDUs) lost

Source data

The source data for the Versa Networks SDWAN solution comes from logs such as bwMonLog, monStatsLog, sdwanB2BSlamLog and flowMonLog . Example rawLog are as follows.

  1. SDWAN link usage 2022-06-14T00:09:57+0000 bwMonLog, applianceName=SDWAN-Branch1, tenantName=Tenant9, generateTime=1655165400, tenantId=11, vsnId=0, sentOctets=91453, recvdOctets=77728, sessCnt=0, mstatsType=sdwan-acc-ckt-bw-mon-stats, duration=300000, siteName=SDWAN-Branch1, accCktName=WAN1, siteId=106, accCktId=1

  2. WAN Link usage by application traffic sent/received on SDWAN overlay 2022-06-14T00:04:35+0000 monStatsLog, applianceName=SDWAN-Branch2, tenantName=Tenant1, mstatsTimeBlock=1655165700, tenantId=1, vsnId=0, mstatsTotSentOctets=611654, mstatsTotRecvdOctets=328959, mstatsTotSessDuration=300000, mstatsTotSessCount=604, mstatsType=sdwan-acc-ckt-stats, site=SDWAN-Branch2, accCkt=WAN1, siteId=104, accCktId=1, accessType=SDWAN, mstatsAttribs=

  3. WAN Link usage by application traffic sent using Direct Internet Access (DIA) 2022-06-14T00:14:33+0000 monStatsLog, applianceName=SDWAN-Branch5, tenantName=Tenant1, mstatsTimeBlock=1655166300, tenantId=1, vsnId=0, mstatsTotSentOctets=9398, mstatsTotRecvdOctets=0, mstatsTotSessDuration=300000, mstatsTotSessCount=79, mstatsType=sdwan-acc-ckt-stats, site=SDWAN-Branch5, accCkt=WAN2, siteId=101, accCktId=2, accessType=DIA, mstatsAttribs=

  4. WAN Link usage by LAN VRF 2022-06-14T00:04:57+0000 monStatsLog, applianceName=SDWAN-Branch1, tenantName=Tenant1, mstatsTimeBlock=1655165100, tenantId=2, vsnId=0, mstatsTotSentOctets=125920, mstatsTotRecvdOctets=71345, mstatsTotSessDuration=300000, mstatsTotSessCount=187, mstatsType=sdwan-vrf-stats, vrf=Tenant1-LAN-VR, vni=vni-0/3.101, sdwan=1, site=SDWAN-Branch1, accCkt=WAN3, siteId=106, accCktId=3, mstatsAttribs=

  5. Application Usage 2022-06-14T00:04:57+0000 monStatsLog, applianceName=SDWAN-Branch1, tenantName=Tenant1, mstatsTimeBlock=1655165100, tenantId=2, vsnId=0, mstatsTotSentOctets=0, mstatsTotRecvdOctets=416, mstatsTotSessDuration=300000, mstatsTotSessCount=1, mstatsType=sdwan-acc-ckt-app-stats, appId=linkedin, site=SDWAN-Branch1, accCkt=WAN3, siteId=106, accCktId=3, user=, networkPrefix=, traffType=SDWAN, fc=fc_be, risk=3, productivity=4, family=collaboration, subFamily=forum, bzTag=Non-Business

  6. SDWAN Path SLA Metrics 2022-06-14T00:15:19+0000 sdwanB2BSlamLog, applianceName=SDWAN-Controller1, tenantName=Tenant9, localAccCktName=WAN3, remoteAccCktName=WAN3, localSiteId=1, localSiteName=SDWAN-Controller1, remoteSiteId=106, remoteSiteName=SDWAN-Branch1, fwdClass=fc_nc, tenantId=10, delay=2, fwdDelayVar=0, revDelayVar=0, fwdLoss=0, revLoss=0, fwdLossRatio=0.00, revLossRatio=0.00, pduLossRatio=0.00, fwdSent=170, revSent=65, generateTime=1655166347

  7. SDWAN Path Usage 022-06-14T00:24:33+0000 monStatsLog, applianceName=SDWAN-Controller1, tenantName=Tenant1, mstatsTimeBlock=1655166900, tenantId=2, vsnId=0, mstatsTotSentOctets=0, mstatsTotRecvdOctets=1944559, mstatsTotSessDuration=300000, mstatsTotSessCount=40, mstatsType=sdwan-site2site-stats, localSite=SDWAN-Controller1, localAccCkt=WAN1, remoteSite=SDWAN-Branch3, remoteAccCkt=WAN1, localSiteId=1, localAccCktId=102, remoteSiteId=1, remoteAccCktId=1, mstatsAttribs=

  8. SDWAN Rule Usage 2022-06-14T00:24:32+0000 bwMonLog, applianceName=SDWAN-Branch2, tenantName=Tenant1, generateTime=1655166900, tenantId=1, vsnId=0, sentOctets=270504, recvdOctets=121502, sessCnt=273, mstatsType=sdwan-rule-bw-mon-stats, duration=300000, siteName=SDWAN-Branch2, accCktName=WAN3, ruleName=Business-Critical, ruleType=L3

  9. SDWAN Rule Path Usage 2022-06-14T00:14:34+0000 bwMonLog, applianceName=SDWAN-Branch2, tenantName=Tenant1, generateTime=1655166300, tenantId=1, vsnId=0, sentOctets=167676, recvdOctets=73481, sessCnt=166, mstatsType=sdwan-rule-path-bw-mon-stats, duration=300000, localSiteName=SDWAN-Branch2, localAccCktName=WAN3, remoteSiteName=SDWAN-Branch1, remoteAccCktName=WAN3, ruleName=Business-Critical, ruleType=L3

  10. SDWAN Traffic Monitoring Log 2022-06-14T00:16:51+0000 flowMonLog, applianceName=SDWAN-Branch1, tenantName=Tenant1, flowId=1107309510, flowCookie=1655165837, flowStartMilliseconds=327266164, flowEndMilliseconds=327266165, sentOctets=118, sentPackets=2, recvdOctets=0, recvdPackets=0, vsnId=0, applianceId=1, tenantId=2, appRisk=2, appProductivity=3, appIdStr=dns, appFamily=, appSubFamily=, urlCategory=, rule=DEFAULT-RULE, localSiteName=SDWAN-Branch1, fwdEgrSiteName=SDWAN-Branch5, fwdEgrAccCktName=WAN1:WAN2, revIngAccCktName=-, revIngSiteName=, fwdIngSiteName=, fwdIngAccCktName=vni-0/3.101, revEgrSiteName=, revEgrAccCktName=vni-0/3.101, deviceKey=Unknown, forwardForwardingClass=fc_be, reverseForwardingClass=fc_be, deviceName=Unknown, sourceIPv4Address=, destinationIPv4Address=, sourceTransportPort=42015, destinationTransportPort=53, protocolIdentifier=17, fromUser=[email protected]

Scope of impact

No impact expected as Versa Networks fieldsets are not impacting any existing fields, as these proposed fields are new. Moreover, these fields allow the Versa Networks SDWAN Logs and other SDWAN vendor logs to be in a greater alignment with the ECS base fields and allow for expanded utilization and wider adoption. Concerns The concerns that might arise relate to how the nested fields could be broken out into separate fields or that fields that are arrays are numbered. There are additional potential fields that could be implemented, but until they are seen in other vendor information, it makes sense to wait to add them to ECS. People The following are the people that consulted on the contents of this RFC. • @roopabayar| author • @Mr1716 |coauthor • {insert name here} | sponsor References

RFC Pull Requests

• Stage 0: