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Match 3 SDK

A cross-platform library that makes it easy to create your own Match 3 game.


📖 Table of Contents

📝 About

The Match 3 SDK is designed to speed up the development of Match 3 games. Use the samples as a starting point for creating your own Match 3 game.

Unity sample

A Match 3 game sample with three implementations to fill the playing field.

Simple Fill Strategy Fall Down Fill Strategy Slide Down Fill Strategy
ItemsScaleStrategy ItemsDropStrategy ItemsRollDownStrategy

Note: The FallDownFillStrategy & SlideDownFillStrategy are given as an example. Consider to implement an object pooling technique for the ItemMoveData to reduce memory pressure.

Gameplay Demonstration

Terminal sample

A Match 3 game sample designed for text terminals.

Gameplay Demonstration

Note: The sample was tested using Rider's internal console. If you have a problem displaying symbols, configure your terminal to support Unicode (in UTF-8 form).

🌵 Folder Structure

├── samples
│   ├── Terminal.Match3
│   └── Unity.Match3
├── src
│   ├── Match3.App
│   ├── Match3.Core
│   ├── Match3.Template
│   └── Match3.UnityPackage   # Auto-generated
├── Match3.sln

🚀 How To Use

Add new icons set

To add a new icons set, simply create a SpriteAtlas and add it to the AppContext via the Inspector.


Note: You can change icons size by changing the Pixels Per Unit option in the sprite settings.

Create animation job

Let's create a SlideIn animation to show the items and a SlideOut animation to hide the items. These animations will be used further.

Сreate a class ItemsSlideOutJob and inherit from the Job.

public class ItemsSlideOutJob : Job
    private const float FadeDuration = 0.15f;
    private const float SlideDuration = 0.2f;

    private readonly IEnumerable<IUnityItem> _items;

    public ItemsSlideOutJob(IEnumerable<IUnityItem> items, int executionOrder = 0) : base(executionOrder)
        _items = items; // Items to animate.

    public override async UniTask ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        var itemsSequence = DOTween.Sequence();

        foreach (var item in _items)
            // Calculate the item destination position.
            var destinationPosition = item.GetWorldPosition() + Vector3.right;

            _ = itemsSequence
                .Join(item.Transform.DOMove(destinationPosition, SlideDuration)) // Smoothly move the item.
                .Join(item.SpriteRenderer.DOFade(0, FadeDuration)); // Smoothly hide the item.

        await itemsSequence.SetEase(Ease.Flash).WithCancellation(cancellationToken);

Then create a class ItemsSlideInJob.

public class ItemsSlideInJob : Job
    private const float FadeDuration = 0.15f;
    private const float SlideDuration = 0.2f;

    private readonly IEnumerable<IUnityItem> _items;

    public ItemsSlideInJob(IEnumerable<IUnityItem> items, int executionOrder = 0) : base(executionOrder)
        _items = items; // Items to animate.

    public override async UniTask ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        var itemsSequence = DOTween.Sequence();

        foreach (var item in _items)
            // Save the item current position.
            var destinationPosition = item.GetWorldPosition();

            // Move the item to the starting position.
            item.SetWorldPosition(destinationPosition + Vector3.left);
            // Reset the sprite alpha to zero.
            // Reset the item scale.
            // Activate the item game object.

            _ = itemsSequence
                .Join(item.Transform.DOMove(destinationPosition, SlideDuration)) // Smoothly move the item.
                .Join(item.SpriteRenderer.DOFade(1, FadeDuration)); // Smoothly show the item.

        await itemsSequence.SetEase(Ease.Flash).WithCancellation(cancellationToken);

Jobs with the same executionOrder run in parallel. Otherwise, they run one after the other according to the executionOrder.

Execution Order Demonstration
SlideOutJob: 0
SlideInJob: 0
SlideOutJob: 0
SlideInJob: 1
ItemsSlideAnimation ItemsSlideAnimation

Create fill strategy

First of all, create a class SidewayFillStrategy and inherit from the IBoardFillStrategy<TGridSlot>.

We'll need an IUnityGameBoardRenderer to transform grid positions to world positions and an IItemsPool<TItem> to get the pre-created items from the pool. Let's pass them to the constructor.

public class SidewayFillStrategy : IBoardFillStrategy<IUnityGridSlot>
    private readonly IItemsPool<IUnityItem> _itemsPool;
    private readonly IUnityGameBoardRenderer _gameBoardRenderer;

    public SidewayFillStrategy(IUnityGameBoardRenderer gameBoardRenderer, IItemsPool<IUnityItem> itemsPool)
        _itemsPool = itemsPool;
        _gameBoardRenderer = gameBoardRenderer;

    public string Name => "Sideway Fill Strategy";

    public IEnumerable<IJob> GetFillJobs(IGameBoard<IUnityGridSlot> gameBoard)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public IEnumerable<IJob> GetSolveJobs(IGameBoard<IUnityGridSlot> gameBoard,
        SolvedData<IUnityGridSlot> solvedData)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

Then let's implement the GetFillJobs method. This method is used to fill the playing field.

public IEnumerable<IJob> GetFillJobs(IGameBoard<IUnityGridSlot> gameBoard)
    // List of items to show.
    var itemsToShow = new List<IUnityItem>();

    for (var rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < gameBoard.RowCount; rowIndex++)
        for (var columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < gameBoard.ColumnCount; columnIndex++)
            var gridSlot = gameBoard[rowIndex, columnIndex];
            if (gridSlot.CanSetItem == false)

            // Get an item from the pool.
            var item = _itemsPool.GetItem();

            // Set the position of the item.

            // Set the item to the grid slot.

            // Add the item to the list to show.

    // Create a job to show items.
    return new[] { new ItemsShowJob(itemsToShow) };

Next, we implement the GetSolveJobs method. This method is used to deal with solved sequences of items.

public IEnumerable<IJob> GetSolveJobs(IGameBoard<IUnityGridSlot> gameBoard,
    SolvedData<IUnityGridSlot> solvedData)
    // List of items to hide.
    var itemsToHide = new List<IUnityItem>();

    // List of items to show.
    var itemsToShow = new List<IUnityItem>();

    // Iterate through the solved items.
    // Get unique and only movable items.
    foreach (var solvedGridSlot in solvedData.GetUniqueSolvedGridSlots(true))
        // Get a new item from the pool.
        var newItem = _itemsPool.GetItem();

        // Get the current item of the grid slot.
        var currentItem = solvedGridSlot.Item;

        // Set the position of the new item.

        // Set the new item to the grid slot.

        // Add the current item to the list to hide.

        // Add the new item to the list to show.

        // Return the current item to the pool.

    // Iterate through the special items (can be empty).
    // Get all special items except occupied.
    foreach (var specialItemGridSlot in solvedData.GetSpecialItemGridSlots(true))
        var item = _itemsPool.GetItem();


    // Create jobs to hide and show items using the animations we created above.
    return new IJob[] { new ItemsSlideOutJob(itemsToHide), new ItemsSlideInJob(itemsToShow) };

Note: The SolvedSequences & SpecialItemGridSlots can contain overlapping items.

Once the SidewayFillStrategy is implemented. Register it in the AppContext class.

public class AppContext : MonoBehaviour, IAppContext

    private IBoardFillStrategy<IUnityGridSlot>[] GetBoardFillStrategies(IUnityGameBoardRenderer gameBoardRenderer,
        IItemsPool<IUnityItem> itemsPool)
        return new IBoardFillStrategy<IUnityGridSlot>[]
            new SidewayFillStrategy(gameBoardRenderer, itemsPool)
Video Demonstration

Create level goal

Let's say we want to add a goal to collect a certain number of specific items. First of all, create a class CollectItems and inherit from the LevelGoal<TGridSlot>.

public class CollectItems : LevelGoal<IUnityGridSlot>
    private readonly int _contentId;
    private readonly int _itemsCount;

    private int _collectedItemsCount;

    public CollectItems(int contentId, int itemsCount)
        _contentId = contentId;
        _itemsCount = itemsCount;

    public override void OnSequencesSolved(SolvedData<IUnityGridSlot> solvedData)
        // Get unique and only movable items.
        foreach (var solvedGridSlot in solvedData.GetUniqueSolvedGridSlots(true))
            if (solvedGridSlot.Item.ContentId == _contentId)

        if (_collectedItemsCount >= _itemsCount)

Once the level goal is implemented. Don't forget to register it in the LevelGoalsProvider.

public class LevelGoalsProvider : ILevelGoalsProvider<IUnityGridSlot>
    public LevelGoal<IUnityGridSlot>[] GetLevelGoals(int level, IGameBoard<IUnityGridSlot> gameBoard)
        return new LevelGoal<IUnityGridSlot>[]
            new CollectItems(0, 25)

Create sequence detector

Let's implement a new sequence detector to detect square shapes. Create a class SquareShapeDetector and inherit from the ISequenceDetector<TGridSlot>.

First of all, we have to declare an array of lookup directions.

public class SquareShapeDetector : ISequenceDetector<IUnityGridSlot>
    private readonly GridPosition[][] _squareLookupDirections;

    public SquareShapeDetector()
        _squareLookupDirections = new[]
            new[] { GridPosition.Up, GridPosition.Left, GridPosition.Up + GridPosition.Left },
            new[] { GridPosition.Up, GridPosition.Right, GridPosition.Up + GridPosition.Right },
            new[] { GridPosition.Down, GridPosition.Left, GridPosition.Down + GridPosition.Left },
            new[] { GridPosition.Down, GridPosition.Right, GridPosition.Down + GridPosition.Right },

    public ItemSequence<IUnityGridSlot> GetSequence(IGameBoard<IUnityGridSlot> gameBoard, GridPosition gridPosition)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

Then let's implement the GetSequence method.

public ItemSequence<IUnityGridSlot> GetSequence(IGameBoard<IUnityGridSlot> gameBoard, GridPosition gridPosition)
    var sampleGridSlot = gameBoard[gridPosition];
    var resultGridSlots = new List<IUnityGridSlot>(4);

    foreach (var lookupDirections in _squareLookupDirections)
        foreach (var lookupDirection in lookupDirections)
            var lookupPosition = gridPosition + lookupDirection;
            if (gameBoard.IsPositionOnBoard(lookupPosition) == false)

            var lookupGridSlot = gameBoard[lookupPosition];
            if (lookupGridSlot.HasItem == false)

            if (lookupGridSlot.Item.ContentId == sampleGridSlot.Item.ContentId)

        if (resultGridSlots.Count == 3)


    return resultGridSlots.Count > 0 ? new ItemSequence<IUnityGridSlot>(GetType(), resultGridSlots) : null;

Finally, add the SquareShapeDetector to the sequence detector list in the AppContext class.

public class AppContext : MonoBehaviour, IAppContext

    private ISequenceDetector<IUnityGridSlot>[] GetSequenceDetectors()
        return new ISequenceDetector<IUnityGridSlot>[]
            new SquareShapeDetector()


Create special item

Let's create a stone item that is only destroyed when a match happens in one of the neighbour tiles.

Add a Stone value to the TileGroup enum.

public enum TileGroup
    Unavailable = 0,
    Available = 1,
    Ice = 2,
    Stone = 3

Create a class StoneState and inherit from the StatefulGridTile.

public class StoneState : StatefulGridTile
    private bool _isLocked = true;
    private bool _canContainItem;
    private int _group = (int) TileGroup.Stone;

    // Defines the tile group id.
    public override int GroupId => _group;
    // Prevents the block from move.
    public override bool IsLocked => _isLocked;
    // Prevents the item creation.
    public override bool CanContainItem => _canContainItem;

    // Occurs when all block states have completed.
    protected override void OnComplete()
        _isLocked = false;
        _canContainItem = true;
        _group = (int) TileGroup.Available;

    // Occurs when the block state is reset.
    protected override void OnReset()
        _isLocked = true;
        _canContainItem = false;
        _group = (int) TileGroup.Stone;

To respond to any changes in one of the neighbour tiles, we have to implement an ISpecialItemDetector<TGridSlot> interface. Create a StoneItemDetector class and inherit from the ISpecialItemDetector<TGridSlot>.

public class StoneItemDetector : ISpecialItemDetector<IUnityGridSlot>
    private readonly GridPosition[] _lookupDirections;

    public StoneItemDetector()
        _lookupDirections = new[]

    public IEnumerable<IUnityGridSlot> GetSpecialItemGridSlots(IGameBoard<IUnityGridSlot> gameBoard,
        IUnityGridSlot gridSlot)
        if (gridSlot.IsMovable == false)
            yield break;

        foreach (var lookupDirection in _lookupDirections)
            var lookupPosition = gridSlot.GridPosition + lookupDirection;
            if (gameBoard.IsPositionOnGrid(lookupPosition) == false)

            var lookupGridSlot = gameBoard[lookupPosition];
            if (lookupGridSlot.State.GroupId == (int) TileGroup.Stone)
                yield return lookupGridSlot;

Once the StoneItemDetector is implemented. Register it in the AppContext class.

public class AppContext : MonoBehaviour, IAppContext

    private ISpecialItemDetector<IUnityGridSlot>[] GetSpecialItemDetectors()
        return new ISpecialItemDetector<IUnityGridSlot>[]
            new StoneItemDetector()

Next, move on to setting up the scene and prefabs.

First of all, add a block state sprites to the TilesSpriteAtlas and create a StoneTilePrefab prefab varian from the StatefulBlankPrefab.

Prefab Variant Creation


Configure the StoneTilePrefab by adding the StoneState script to it and filling in a State Sprite Names list.


Note: You can create more than one visual state for a block by adding more state sprites.

Finally, select a GameBoard object in the scene and add the StoneTilePrefab to a GridTiles list of the UnityGameBoardRenderer script.

Video Demonstration

📑 Contributing

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⚖️ License

Usage is provided under the MIT License.


SDK for creating Match 3 games







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