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commandprompt / pgmanage
Forked from pgsql-io/omnidb-ngWeb tool for database management
luweigen / whisper_streaming
Forked from ufal/whisper_streamingWhisper realtime streaming for long speech-to-text transcription and translation
gitmylo / bark-data-gen
Forked from suno-ai/barkCreate training data for training a voice cloner for bark text to speech.
serp-ai / bark-with-voice-clone
Forked from suno-ai/barkπ Text-prompted Generative Audio Model - With the ability to clone voices
tloen / llama-int8
Forked from meta-llama/llamaQuantized inference code for LLaMA models
This is a curated list of ZeroTier resources online -- repos, articles, videos, and more.
project-deepform / deepform
Forked from jstray/deepformExperimental form data extraction for journalism
abbr / deasync
Forked from vkurchatkin/deasyncTurns async function into sync via JavaScript wrapper of Node event loop
rogervaas / chatroom
Forked from scalableminds/chatroomReact-based Chatroom Component for Rasa Stack
mathsyouth / awesome-text-summarization
Forked from lipiji/App-DLA curated list of resources dedicated to text summarization
HenryQW / mercury-parser-api
Forked from postlight/parser-apiπ A Dockerized drop-in replacement for the Mercury Parser API.
becxer / pointer-generator
Forked from abisee/pointer-generatorCode for the ACL 2017 paper "Get To The Point: Summarization with Pointer-Generator Networks" (Python3)
getkaiwa / kaiwa
Forked from otalk/otalk-im-client[UNMAINTAINED] A modern XMPP Web client
haifengkao / kong_proxy
Forked from Kong/kongπ Open-source, Microservice & API Management Layer built on top of NGINX
pg-redis-fdw / redis_fdw
Forked from engobi/redis_fdwA PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper for Redis
rogervaas / keycloak-stats
Forked from Yolean/keycloak-statsA /varz REST endpoint that returns session count for the realms in keycloak
postmanlabs / httpsnippet-fsless
Forked from Kong/httpsnippetHTTP Request snippet generator for many languages & libraries
AngularStrap and AngularUI dynamic select implementation(static/sync/async/http, filters) for Angular Schema Form
rogervaas / vish_editor
Forked from CyberAula/vish_editorViSH Editor is a HTML5 application to create web presentations in a simple and friendly way.
developmentseed / forms
Forked from caolan/formsAn easy way to create, parse and validate forms in node.js
bcaffo / courses
Forked from DataScienceSpecialization/coursesCourse materials for the Data Science Specialization: