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Functions in R

A workshop delivered by Alec Robitaille to the Wildlife Evolutionary Ecology Lab at Memorial University on October 25 2018.

## .
## ├── Functions-In-R.Rproj
## ├── input
## │   ├── b2015.csv
## │   ├── b2016.csv
## │   └── b2017.csv
## ├── Makefile
## ├── presentation
## │   ├── extra.css
## │   ├── Functions-In-R_files
## │   │   └── remark-css-0.0.1
## │   │       ├── metropolis.css
## │   │       └── metropolis-fonts.css
## │   ├── Functions-In-R.html
## │   ├── Functions-In-R.Rmd
## │   ├── images
## │   │   └── f7_2_profvis_monopoly.png
## │   └── macros.js
## ├── R
## │   ├── Chunks-FunctionsInR.R
## │   ├── Setup-FunctionsInR.R
## │   └── Worksheet-FunctionsInR.R
## ├──
## └── README.Rmd
## 6 directories, 17 files


The presentation is found in the core repo at core/Workshops/presentation/Functions-In-R.html

Pull the core repo to check out the source. This presentation was written in RMarkdown using the xaringan package by Yihui Xie.

The code chunks are pulled out of the presentation and stored in R/Chunks-FunctionsInR.R.

The setup script (R/Setup-FunctionsInR.R) is combined with the code chunks to produce a worksheet (R/Worksheet-FunctionsInR.R).

Follow along with this worksheet…


  1. Open the Functions-In-R project (Functions-In-R.Rproj) as we go through the presentation.

  2. Open the Workseet.

  3. Load libraries, generate fake data, etc. Data for this presentation is stored in an input folder.

    Section label ### From Chunks-From-FunctionsInR.R ---- indicates the beginning of the chunks from the presentation.

  4. Run through the examples of excess typing from copy+paste.

  5. Make the calc function instead.

  6. Use it 3 ways.

  7. Learn about formals, body and environment. Try this with another function you use often!

  8. Three examples of using subsets of your data.

  9. More examples of functions.

  10. Comparison of using the seq_along or a unique combination data.table.