{erl_opts, [ debug_info, warnings_as_errors, warn_export_vars, warn_unused_import, warn_missing_spec_all ]}. {deps, [ {jsx, "3.0.0"}, {redbug, "2.0.6"}, {yamerl, {git, "https://github.com/erlang-ls/yamerl.git", {ref, "9a9f7a2e84554992f2e8e08a8060bfe97776a5b7"}}}, {docsh, "0.7.2"}, {elvis_core, "~> 1.3"}, {rebar3_format, "0.8.2"}, %%, {erlfmt, "1.0.0"} %% Temp until erlfmt PR 325 is merged (commit d4422d1) {erlfmt, {git, "https://github.com/gomoripeti/erlfmt.git", {tag, "erlang_ls_parser_error_loc"}}}, {ephemeral, "2.0.4"}, {tdiff, "0.1.2"}, {uuid, "2.0.1", {pkg, uuid_erl}}, {gradualizer, {git, "https://github.com/josefs/Gradualizer.git", {ref, "6e89b4e"}}} ]}. {shell, [{apps, [els_lsp]}]}. {plugins, [ rebar3_proper, coveralls, {rebar3_lint, "1.0.2"}, {rebar3_bsp, {git, "https://github.com/erlang-ls/rebar3_bsp.git", {ref, "master"}}} ]}. {project_plugins, [ erlfmt ]}. {minimum_otp_vsn, "22.0"}. {escript_emu_args, "%%! -connect_all false\n"}. {escript_incl_extra, [{"els_lsp/priv/snippets/*", "_build/default/lib/"}]}. {escript_main_app, els_lsp}. {escript_name, erlang_ls}. %% Keeping the debug profile as an alias, since many clients were %% relying on it when starting the server. {profiles, [ {debug, []}, {dap, [ {escript_name, els_dap}, {escript_main_app, els_dap} ]}, {test, [ {erl_opts, [ nowarn_export_all, nowarn_missing_spec_all ]}, {deps, [ {meck, "0.9.0"}, {proper, "1.3.0"}, {proper_contrib, "0.2.0"}, {coveralls, "2.2.0"} ]} ]} ]}. {cover_enabled, true}. {cover_export_enabled, true}. {coveralls_coverdata, ["_build/test/cover/ct.coverdata", "_build/test/cover/proper.coverdata"]}. {coveralls_service_name, "github"}. {dialyzer, [ {warnings, [unknown]}, {plt_apps, all_deps}, %% Depending on the OTP version, erl_types (used by %% els_typer), is either part of hipe or dialyzer. {plt_extra_apps, [dialyzer, hipe, mnesia, common_test, debugger]} ]}. {edoc_opts, [{preprocess, true}]}. {xref_checks, [ undefined_function_calls, undefined_functions, locals_not_used, deprecated_function_calls, deprecated_functions ]}. %% Set xref ignores for functions introduced in OTP 23 & function of wrangler {xref_ignores, [ {code, get_doc, 1}, {shell_docs, render, 4}, wrangler_handler, api_wrangler, wls_code_lens, wls_highlight, wls_semantic_tokens, wls_code_actions, wls_execute_command_provider ]}. %% Disable warning_as_errors for redbug to avoid deprecation warnings. {overrides, [{del, redbug, [{erl_opts, [warnings_as_errors]}]}]}. {erlfmt, [ write, {files, ["apps/*/{src,include,test}/*.{erl,hrl,app.src}", "rebar.config", "elvis.config"]} ]}.