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149 lines (94 loc) · 4.56 KB

File metadata and controls

149 lines (94 loc) · 4.56 KB



Strings that do not contain any whitespace (as recognized by UTF8) and do not start with a digit or contain reserved character can omit quotation marks;


Reserved characters: "!@:()

If any of the reserved characters is present, the string must be wrapped with quotation marks. Additionally, if the string equals a keyword or function name, it must be wrapped with quotation marks too. (ex. "false" or "empty" or "randstr256")

"Hello World"

Strings are multi-line by default, if you want to trim leading whitespace from each line and the beginning of the string, prepend a @ symbol.

// equivalent to


The special values randstr and randstr32 to randstr256 allow the usage of random strings in the config. This can be useful for security purposes like HMAC keys.


Single-line comments are started using //, # or ;

Multiline Comments are wrapped in standard C multline comment slashes. /* comment */


Numbers are divided into integers and floats with no predefined precision.

Integers must be noted as digits in full, leading digits may be used. 0x, 0o and 0b are used for hexadecimal, octal and binary notation respectively.

Floats can be noted in normal decimal notation, exponent notation or scientific notation:


Keys and Lists and Maps

A string with an appended : is a map-key. These can be virtually used everywhere except after another map key.

The item after a map key is added to the current Map-List as a Map item. If an item has no key, it is added to the current Map-List as a List item.

The top level of a SECL file is considered a Map-List. A new Map-List is started by a parenthesis and must be terminated by one:



The keywords empty and nothing are equivalent to () for readability

Internally, there is no difference between an list (also known as array) and a map, both use the same datatype and list elements can be mixed into dictionary entries.

Lists must be sorted exactly in the order that is observed in the input file. The list resulting from (a b c) must have a as first element and c as last.


There are three categories of keywords for booleans:

  • true
  • false
  • maybe

The true category contains true, yes, on and allow

The false category contains false, no, off and deny

The maybe category contains maybe. This keywords randomly evaluates to either true or false with a 50.1% chance of being true.


Functions provide programmatic functionality to SECL, some functions are built-in but you can add your own, custom functions via exec.RegisterFunction.

Currently implemented functions:

  • nop - does not parse any parameter, returns Nil
  • env - Accepts 1 string parameter and 1 named parameter, it reads the environment variable specified in the parameter and if empty, uses the named parameter default: instead, see tests/test06-env.exec.secl for an example
  • loadb - Load binary data from a file
  • loadf - Load a single file as SECL and return the result maplist
  • loadv - Load single value (anything but a maplist) from a file
  • loadd - Load all files with a specific extension from a folder, specify files and location with dir: and suffix:
  • decb64 - Decode base64 data
  • merge - Merge several maplists into one maplist, it does not accept any parameters except maplists. Maplists are merged in order, it is not allowed to change a datatype of an entry.

Planned Features

  • defmac - Define Macros
  • defvar - Define Variables


Merge Semantics

Merge will not change the data type of a map entry it is overwriting.

That means !(merge (hello: world) (hello: 8)) is not valid and neither is !(merge (hello: (world: 1)) (hello: world))

Either one would mean that a query path would become invalid. This makes sure that an application can encode query paths without having to worry about wether a imported config file will make them invalid.

loadd Semantics

loadd outputs a map with the merge function that contains a list of the SECL files found.

If the files file1.secl and file2.secl contain the following:

--- file1.secl ---
key1: value1

--- file2.secl ---
key1: value2
key2: value3

Then the output of loading both files via loadd results in:

key1: value2
key2: value3

Files will be sorted depending on how filepath.Glob outputs them, which is in lexical order, so naming schemes like 10-config.secl and 20-config.secl will work as usual.