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Before we start

Some important notions

name description
Identification Who are you ?
Authentication Prove it
Authorization Do you have the right to do something ?
Audit What did you do ?
FootPrint Recognition
Integrity Ensuring that information cannot be changed
Confidentiality Ensuring that information can be accessed (read) only by authorized persons
DLP Discret Logarithm Problem : finding the number y where x = g^y mod, g is given and p is a large prime number

Frequently used CMDs

gpg : is the cmd for encryption

  • Get Hostname
hostname -I
  • Connect remotely via a private network
ssh <username>@<hostname>
  • Secure copy :
scp <filename> <username>@<hostname>:<path>


Attack Description Example
Birthday Attack It is made against the Hash algorithms. (Belongs to a class of brute force)
All hashed messages have a fixed length (independent from the input length) and they unique for that message. this attack refers to the probability of finding two random messages m1 and m2 that has the same Hash h(m1) = h(m2) so the attacker can safely replace the message by his own one
What is the relation with the birthday:
Since we have a finite number of days in one year (365) there is a big chance to have 2 persons with the same birthday in a finite number of persons.
Password attack Trying to guess the password or having a databse of passwords called dictionnary - Brute Force : using a random approach by trying different passwords and hoping that one work Some logic can be applied by trying passwords related to the person’s name, job title, hobbies or similar items.
- Dictionary attack: dictionary of common passwords is used to attempt to gain access to a user’s computer and network. One approach is to copy an encrypted file that contains the passwords, apply the same encryption to a dictionary of commonly used passwords, and compare the results.
Man in the middle occurs when a hacker inserts itself between the communications of a client and a server Session hijacking

SQL Injection SQL commands are inserted into data-plane input (for example, instead of the login or password) in order to run predefined SQL commands “SELECT * FROM users WHERE account = ‘’ or ‘1’ = ‘1’;”
Because ‘1’ = ‘1’ always evaluates to TRUE, the database will return the data for all users instead of just a single user.
Cross-site scripting (XSS) Use third-party web resources to run scripts in the victim’s web browser or scriptable application
Ransomware Ransomware is a type of malware from cryptovirology that threatens to publish the victim's personal data or perpetually block access to it unless a ransom is paid. While some simple ransomware may lock the system without damaging any files, more advanced malware uses a technique called cryptoviral extortion.


The major role of firewalls is:

  • Intercepting incoming traffic between network and trust levels
  • Authorizing or reject access
  • Enabling a more secure connection to open networks
  • Audit network usage


Netfilter is a Linux kernel module that provides the ability to monitor, modify and filter IP packets, and track connections. It thus provides firewall functions, Internet connection sharing and network traffic authorization.


IpTable in a CMD interface to configure Netfilter


The commands tells iptables what to do with the rest of the rule that is sent to the interpreter.

The chain's name : INPUT

  • Rules' List
iptable -L --line-numbers
  • Create a Chain (named allowed)
iptables -N allowed
  • Erase a chain
iptables -X allowed
  • Modify the authorization
iptables -P INPUT DROP
  • Add rule to end of the chain
iptables -A INPUT
  • Drop rule
iptables -D INPUT --dport 80 -j DROP, iptables -D INPUT 1
  • Replace a rule
iptables -R INPUT 1 -s -j DROP
  • Insert a rule anywhere
iptables -I INPUT 1 --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
  • Clear the chain's rules
iptables -F INPUT
  • Reset thz chain's counters
iptables -Z INPUT


Encryption is used to garantee Confidentiality

Symmetric Encryption

Use one shared encryption key between sender and receiver

  • Encrypt the file :
    • Binary format (default)
      gpg -c <filename>
    • ASCII format
      gpg -c --armor(or -a) <filename>
  • Get all the algos
 gpg --version 

Examples of symmetric algorithms:
AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), DES (Data Encryption Standard), IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm),RC4/5/6 (Rivest Cipher 4/5/6)

  • Encrypt the file and specify the algo (cipher)
gpg -c -a --cipher-algo <filename>
  • Decrypt
gpg -d <filename>
Advantages ++ Disadvantages --
Fast non secure key
- Large number of keys
- Without signature


  • It's a a block cipher

Encryption algorithm:

  1. The plain text is divided into 2 equal halves : G and D
  2. The encryption function is applied on the right half D of the plaintext block. The result of this encryption function is then XORed with the left half G . The result of XOR function becomes the new right half R .

f : is the the encryption function that takes (data block) as input and returns one output of the same size as the data block.

Decryption Algorithm :

D = L and G = R XOR f(L)

Know that:
We could repeat this algo as many as we need if we want to increase the security.
The security also increases when the block is larger and the round function is more complex, but it may decrease the speed of encryption and decryption.

Asymmetric Encryption

Use public keys for encryption and private keys for decryption

  • Generate Keys
gpg --full-generate-key
gpg --gen-key
  • Get the Key List
gpg --list -keys
  • Export a public key
gpg -o KEY -a --export <KeyID> 
  • Import Key
gpg --import KEY
  • Encryption
gpg -o file.enc -a -r <publicKey> -encrypt file
  • Sign
gpg -o file.signed --sign-file
  • Verify a signature
gpg --verify file.signed 
  • Decrypt
gpg -o file --decrypt file.enc
Advantages ++ Disadvantages --
Secured Slow
Less number of keys


Authentication Protocole

  • pka : public key of na
  • pkb : pyblic key of nb
  • Na / Nb : random numbers

Algorithm: A wants to prove his identity to B

  1. A sends his name and random number Na,this message is encrypted by an asymmetric encryption algorithmwith the public key of B (pkb ),
  2. B decrypts the message with his private key
  3. returns the random number generated by A (so A could make sure that the message is comming from B) and a new random number Nb : encrypted by the public Key of A
  4. A receives the message and decrypt it with his private key
  5. A sends Nb to B encrypted with pkb (to tell B that he successfully get his message)
  6. Indentity proved !


This algo could easly be attacked by the Man in the midlle


  • By adding b (prove the identity of b) , a will make sure if he is talking with b or with not


NP-complete problem


  1. choose 2 prime numbers p & q
  2. N= p*q
  3. L = (p-1)*(q-1)
  4. Generate the public Key (e,N): e is between 1 and L and coprime with N and L
  5. private key (d,N) : d*e mod L =1

Encryption : \Large M^e mod N = C

Decryption : M = \Large C^d mod N


DLP : Discrete logarithm problem

Public Infos:
q : prime number
p = 2 q +1
Gq: cyclic group
g: generator of Gq

  • Choose a private key X from Gq
  • Public Key: y = g^X mod p

Encryption :

  1. Choose a number k from Gq
  2. u = g^k mod p
  3. v = y^k M mod p ( M : message )
  4. publish : (u,v)


  1. D(u,v) = v/u^X = m

Hybrid Encryption


p (prime number) and g are public infos

Algorithm: A and B want to communicate with each other by sharing the same Key

  1. A chooses a random number "a" between 0 and p-1
  2. B chooses a random number "b" between 0 and p-1
  3. u = \Large g^a mod p (published by A) ; v= \Large g^b mod p (published by B)
  4. Key of B : Kb= \Large u^b = \Large g^ab mod p
  5. Key of A : Ka= \Large v^a = \Large g^ba mod p
    => Ka = Kb


it is responsible for authenticating, authorizing and monitoring users who want to access resources and services on your network. It acts as a watchdog against intruders on your network services.

Based on

  • “Ticket” Granting

  • Secret Key Cryptography

  • Mutual authentication

  • Time-limited tickets

  • Anti-replay mechanisms

  • It is based on 3 tiers architecture :

    • Client/user : Who wants to access a resource from the server
    • Ressources server : the machine that has resources
    • KDC: Key Distribution Center: Grant ticket for users allowed to access a service

Principal : Each user and service on the network is a principal.

Implementation :

Elliptic Curve

ECC is based on the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem, or (ECDLP), Instead of numbers, the elliptic curve’s problems operate on points, and multiplication is used instead of exponentiation : Finding the number k given a base point P where the point Q = kP.

ECC Auth:

The standard algorithm used for signing with ECC is ECDSA, which stands for elliptic curve digital signature algorithm. This algorithm has replaced RSA signatures and classical DSA signatures in many applications. It is, for example, the only signature algorithm used in Bitcoin and is supported by many TLS and SSH implementations.

Signature generation


n is the number of point in the curve

G = (x,y) is a base point

private key = d

public Key P = dG


  1. Hash a message (SHA-256 or BLAKE2) ⇒ generate h between 0 and n-1
  2. Pick a random number k between 1 and n-1
  3. compute kG
  4. set r = x mod n
  5. compute s = (h+rd)/ k mod n
  6. signature = (r,s)

Signature Verification

  1. compute w = 1/s = k / (h+rd) mod n
  2. wh = hk(h+rd) = u
  3. wr = rk(h+rd) = v
  4. Q = uG + vP

The verifier only accepts the signature if the x coordinate of Q is equal to the value r from the signature.


We have:

  • (q ,G, G1, e), P un point de la CE E tq q divise p^k - 1
  • n longueur du message
  • H1 : (0, 1)* -> G*
  • H2 : G1 -> (0, 1)^n
  • PKG : calcule P pub = rP



Elliptic curve cryptography is often viewed as an alternative to RSA for public-key cryptography, but ECC and RSA don’t have much in common.

RSA is only used for encryption and signatures, whereas ECC is a family of algorithms that can be used to perform encryption, generate signatures, perform key agreement, and offer advanced cryptographic functionalities such as identity-based encryption.

The significant difference:

=> The same level of security with small numbers

ECC has two major advantages over RSA: shorter signatures and signing speed.

Because ECC works with shorter numbers, it produces shorter signatures than RSA (hundreds of bits long, not thousands of bits), which is an obvious benefit if you have to store or transmit numerous signatures.

Signing with ECDSA is also much faster than signing with RSA (though signature verification is about as fast) because ECDSA works with much smaller numbers than RSA does for a similar security level.

Reference : Serious Cryptography A Practical Introduction to Modern Encryption by --Jean-Philippe Aumasson


Hash is used to garantee Integrity : We use non-bijective functions to hash the message.
Whatever the size of the real message, the size of a hash message is always the same.
Examples of Hash functions : sha, sha256, md5

  • Hash a file
$ asc25sum file
$ md5sum file
$ sha256sum file



SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)

  • Is an encryption-based protocol
  • Ensure confidentiality,,Authentication and Integrity
  • the predecessor of modern TLS(Transport Layer Security) encryption in use today

=> A website that implements SSL / TLS has an “HTTPS” in its URL instead of an “HTTP”.

OpenSSL is a software library for applications that secure communications over computer networks against eavesdropping or need to identify the party at the other end. It contains an open-source implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols. The core library, written in C programming language, implements basic cryptographic functions and provides various utility functions.


  • Encrypt the "file" with "aes-128-cbc" algorithm and put the result in "file.enc"
openssl enc -aes-128-cbc -in file -out file.enc

// Apply the algoritm 2 times

openssl enc -aes-128-cbc -iter 2 -in file -out file.enc
  • Decrypt
openssl enc -d -aes-128-cbc -in file.enc -out filerestored

openssl enc -d -aes-128-cbc  -iter 2 -in file.enc -out filerestored
  • Generate RSA Key:
openssl genrsa -out mykey 2048

  • Generate RSA params:
openssl rsa -in mykey -text -noout 

-noout : print the output in the terminal

  • Generate a public key from a private key
openssl rsa -in mykey -pubout -out pub 
  • Private Key Encryption :
openssl rsa -in mykey -des -out mykey.enc 
  • Encrypt with public key
openssl rsault -encrypt -pubin -inkey PUB -in file -out file.enc 
  • Decrypt
openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey mykey.enc -in file -out rsa.enc 


  • Sign with the private key
openssl rsault -sign -inkey myKey.enc -in file -out fileRSA.sign 
  • Verify signature
openssl rsault -verify -pubin -inkey PUB -in fileRSA.sign
  • Encrypt + Sign
openssl dgst -sha256 -verify PUB -signature fileHashSign file 


  • Digital Certificates are verifiable small data files that contain identity credentials to help websites, people, and devices represent their authentic online identity.

  • Digital certificates cover three main uses:

    • Authentication: used to validate the identity of issuers as part of an authentication process, a crucial element of computer network security.
    • Signing: sed to sign a document or a file and to guarantee its integrity
    • Encryption: Garantee the security and integrity of information exchanged between a website and a browser, by means of a cryptographic key enabling a secure session to be activated (HTTPS protocol)
  • Certification Authority issues digital certificates

openssl s_client
  • Get the authority of a certification :
    google.cert is the file that contains google certification : output of the above cmd
openssl x509 -in google.cert -subject -issuer -noout

=> google trust


  • Create a certification authority called "INSAT"
  • Create a certification for INSAT
  • GL4 will ask a certification from INSAT
  • INSAT will verify this request and generate a certificate
  • Now INSAT is the authority of GL4

  • Create RSA keys for INSAT and put it in INSAT.key
openssl genrsa -des3 -out INSAT.key 3072
  • Create a certification for INSAT
openssl req -new -x509 -days 730 -key INSAT.key -out INSAT.cert

=> In this certificate INSAT is the subject and issuer : Self Signed Certificate

  • Create keys for GL4
openssl genrsa -des3 -out gl4.key 3072
  • Create request for a certiif from INSAT
openssl req -new  -key gl4.key -out gl4.req 
  • Generate a Certificate for GL4:
openssl x509 -req -in gl4.req -out gl4.cert -CA INSAT.cert -CAKey INSAT.key -CAcreateserial -CAserial
  • Export the certificate
openssl pkcs12 -export -out gl4.pfx -in gl4.cert -inkey gl4.key -name "certificat de gl4"

=> pkcs12 : put the certificate and the keys in the same file "gl4.pfx" so you can import it in the browser

  • Import it
preference -> certificate manager -> my Certificates -> import
  • Add Authority
preference -> certificate manager -> Authorities -> import -> choose INSAT.cert