#KFOpenWeatherMapAPI Client for iOS and OSX
A client connecting to the OpenWeatherMap API for fetching current weather data, interval/daily forecasts, and searching cities.
#Installation Add
pod 'KFOpenWeatherMapAPI'
to your podfile and run
pod install
Initialize the client with your API key obtained from https://openweathermap.org/login and an api version (currently 2.5):
self.apiClient = [[KFOpenWeatherMapAPIClient alloc] initWithAPIKey:@"1111111111" andAPIVersion:@"2.5"];
for a full documentation see https://docs.kf-interactive.com/KFOpenWeatherMapAPI
You can request weather data for a city by its name, its OpenWeatherMap city id, or by its geo location. For more acurate results you can #Usage ##Current Weather For requesting the current weather for Los Angeles use:
[self.apiClient weatherForCityName:@"Los Angeles" withResultBlock:^(BOOL success, id responseData, NSError *error)
if (success)
KFOWMWeatherResponseModel *responseModel = (KFOWMWeatherResponseModel *)responseData;
NSLog(@"received weather: %@, temperature: %@ K, %@%%rH, %@ mbar", responseModel.cityName, responseModel.mainWeather.temperature, responseModel.mainWeather.humidity, responseModel.mainWeather.pressure);
NSLog(@"could not get weather: %@", error);
This will return a KFOWMWeatherResponseModel
including all data from the api parsed as native objects:
KFOpenWeatherMapAPI[6102:c07] received weather: Los Angeles, temperature: 292.65 K, 71%rH, 1011 mbar
To get the forecast for Los Angeles for the next hours call
[self.apiClient forecastForCityName:@"Los Angeles" withResultBlock:^(BOOL success, id responseData, NSError *error)
if (success)
KFOWMForecastResponseModel *responseModel = (KFOWMForecastResponseModel *)responseData;
NSString *humidity = [[responseModel.list valueForKeyPath:@"mainWeather.humidity"] componentsJoinedByString:@"%rH, "];
NSLog(@"received forecast: %@, humidity: %@", responseModel.city.cityName, humidity);
NSLog(@"could not get forecast: %@", error);
and you get a KFOWMForecastResponseModel
KFOpenWeatherMapAPI[6448:c07] received forecast: Los Angeles, humidity: 80%rH, 70%rH, 67%rH, 66%rH, …
##Daily Forecast
For getting a daily forecast for 4 days for Los Angeles use
[self.apiClient dailyForecastForCityName:@"Los Angeles" numberOfDays:4 withResultBlock:^(BOOL success, id responseData, NSError *error)
if (success)
KFOWMDailyForecastResponseModel *responseModel = (KFOWMDailyForecastResponseModel *)responseData;
NSLog(@"received daily forecast: %@, %@", responseModel.city.cityName, [[responseModel.list valueForKeyPath:@"temperature.day"] componentsJoinedByString:@" K, "]);
NSLog(@"could not get daily forecast: %@", error);
that returns a KFOWMDailyForecastResponseModel
KFOpenWeatherMapAPI[6605:c07] received daily forecast: Los Angeles, 299.71 K, 299.93 K, 300.69 K, 301.13 K
To search for a phrase you can call
[self.apiClient searchForPhrase:@"London" numberOfResults:10 withResultBlock:^(BOOL success, id responseData, NSError *error)
if (success)
KFOWMSearchResponseModel *responseModel = (KFOWMSearchResponseModel *)responseData;
NSMutableArray *foundCities = [NSMutableArray new];
for (KFOWMWeatherResponseModel *listModel in responseModel.list)
NSString *city = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, %@", listModel.cityName, listModel.systemInfo.country];
[foundCities addObject:city];
NSLog(@"search results: %@", [foundCities componentsJoinedByString:@", "]);
NSLog(@"could not get search results: %@", error);
that will result in a KFOWMSearchResponseModel
KFOpenWeatherMapAPI[6976:c07] search results: London, GB, London, CA, London, US, London, US
#License This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the MIT license.
Rico Becker