#!/usr/bin/env bash # Variables script="$(basename "$0")" hostsfile=/etc/hosts default_ip="" ## Colors red=31 green=32 yellow=33 ## Detect platform case "$(uname -s)" in Linux) platform="linux";; Darwin) platform="macos";; CYGWIN*|MINGW*|MSYS*) platform="windows";; *) platform="other";; esac # Utils mc_is_windows() { [ "$platform" == "windows" ] } mc_is_linux() { [ "$platform" == "linux" ] } mc_is_macos() { [ "$platform" == "macos" ] } mc_print_color() { printf "\e[%sm%s\e[m" "$1" "$2" } mc_prepend() { color="${2-$yellow}" prefix="$(mc_print_color "$color" "$(printf "%-3s | " "${1-EMCEE}")")" while IFS= read -r line; do echo -e "${prefix}${line}" done } mc_error() { printf '\a%s\n' "$1" | mc_prepend "ERROR" $red >&2 } mc_done() { printf '\a%s\n' "$1" | mc_prepend "DONE!" $green >&2 } mc_die() { mc_error "$1" exit 1 } if mc_is_windows; then # Path to windows hosts file hostsfile="$(cmd //C echo %WINDIR%)\System32\drivers\etc\hosts" fi mc_win_run_as_admin() { command="$1" [ -z "$command" ] && mc_die "Run_as_admin missing command argument" echo "Running command with privileges, prepare for UAC popup (if enabled)..." | mc_prepend powershell -Command "Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList \"/c\",\"$command\" -Verb RunAs" -windowstyle hidden # Add slight delay to avoid out-of-sync issues (e.g. grep still seeing the host in hostsfile) sleep 0.1 } mc_find_in_hosts() { pattern="$1" pattern="${pattern//\*/\\*}" pattern="${pattern//\./\\.}" awk "/[ ]+$pattern[ ]*$/" "$hostsfile" } mc_help() { echo "emcee - Master of Ceremonies: add and remove entries in your /etc/hosts file" | mc_prepend echo "~~~~~" | mc_prepend echo "" | mc_prepend echo "Usage:" | mc_prepend echo " $script add [] (ip is optional, defaults to $default_ip)" | mc_prepend echo " $script remove " | mc_prepend echo " $script -h or --help Show this message" | mc_prepend exit 0 } # Commands remove() { hostname="$1" if [ -n "$(mc_find_in_hosts "$hostname")" ]; then echo "$hostname found in your $hostsfile, removing..." | mc_prepend if mc_is_windows; then # findstr cannot write back to the same file, so create a .tmp first and remove it command="(copy /Y $hostsfile $hostsfile.tmp 1>NUL) && (findstr /V $hostname $hostsfile.tmp > $hostsfile) && (del $hostsfile.tmp)" mc_win_run_as_admin "$command" else sudo sed -i".bak" -E "/[ ]+${hostname}[ ]*$/d" "$hostsfile" fi if [ -z "$(mc_find_in_hosts "$hostname")" ]; then mc_done "$hostname was removed succesfully" else mc_die "Failed to remove $hostname" fi else echo "$hostname was not found in your $hostsfile" | mc_prepend fi } add() { hostname="$1" ip="${2-$default_ip}" if [ -n "$(mc_find_in_hosts "$hostname")" ]; then echo "$hostname already exists:" | mc_prepend mc_find_in_hosts "$hostname" | mc_prepend else echo "Adding $hostname to your $hostsfile" | mc_prepend if mc_is_windows; then # Notes for Batch commands: # - `echo(` echos a new line # - don't put spaces between operators, they will be echo'd too command="(echo(&&echo $(printf '%s\t%s' "$ip" "$hostname"))>>$hostsfile" mc_win_run_as_admin "$command" else printf '%s\t%s\n' "$ip" "$hostname" | sudo tee -a "$hostsfile" > /dev/null fi if [ -n "$(mc_find_in_hosts "$hostname")" ]; then mc_done "$hostname was added succesfully:" mc_done "$(mc_find_in_hosts "$hostname")" else mc_die "Failed to add $hostname" fi fi } show() { hostname="$1" found="$(mc_find_in_hosts "$hostname")" if [ -n "$found" ]; then echo "$hostname found:" | mc_prepend mc_find_in_hosts "$hostname" | mc_prepend else mc_die "$hostname not found" fi } # Execution [[ "$1" =~ ^(-h|--help)$ ]] && mc_help # Test if first argument is a function if [[ "$1" =~ ^(add|remove|show)$ ]] ; then [ -z "$2" ] && mc_die "Missing hostname" # Execute arguments "$@" else mc_die "Unknown option '$1'" fi echo