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Simple no frills AWS S3 Golang Library using REST with V4 Signing (without AWS Go SDK)


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simples3 : Simple no frills AWS S3 Library using REST with V4 Signing

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SimpleS3 is a golang library for uploading and deleting objects on S3 buckets using REST API calls or Presigned URLs signed using AWS Signature Version 4.


go get


testTxt, _ := os.Open("testdata/test.txt")
defer testTxt.Close()

// Create an instance of the package
// You can either create by manually supplying credentials
// (preferably using Environment vars)
s3 := simples3.New(Region, AWSAccessKey, AWSSecretKey)
// or you can use this on an EC2 instance to 
// obtain credentials from IAM attached to the instance.
s3, _ := simples3.NewUsingIAM(Region)

// You can also set a custom endpoint to a compatible s3 instance. 

// Note: Consider adding a testTxt.Seek(0, 0)
// in case you have read 
// the body, as the pointer is shared by the library.

// File Upload is as simple as providing the following
// details.
resp, err := s3.FileUpload(simples3.UploadInput{
    Bucket:      AWSBucket,
    ObjectKey:   "test.txt",
    ContentType: "text/plain",
    FileName:    "test.txt",
    Body:        testTxt,

// Similarly, Files can be deleted.
err := s3.FileDelete(simples3.DeleteInput{
    Bucket:    os.Getenv("AWS_S3_BUCKET"),
    ObjectKey: "test.txt",

// You can also download the file.
file, _ := s3.FileDownload(simples3.DownloadInput{
    Bucket:    AWSBucket,
    ObjectKey: "test.txt",
data, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(file)

// You can also use this library to generate
// Presigned URLs that can for eg. be used to
// GET/PUT files on S3 through the browser.
var time, _ = time.Parse(time.RFC1123, "Fri, 24 May 2013 00:00:00 GMT")

url := s.GeneratePresignedURL(PresignedInput{
    Bucket:        AWSBucket,
    ObjectKey:     "test.txt",
    Method:        "GET",
    Timestamp:     time,
    ExpirySeconds: 86400,


You are more than welcome to contribute to this project. Fork and make a Pull Request, or create an Issue if you see any problem or want to propose a feature.


Rohan Verma [email protected]

