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License: CC BY-SA 4.0

Earnings 21

The Earnings 21 dataset ( also referred to as earnings21 ) is a 39-hour corpus of earnings calls containing entity dense speech from nine different financial sectors. This corpus is intended to benchmark automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems in the wild with special attention towards named entity recognition (NER).

This work has been recently accepted to Interspeech 2021!

Table of Contents

File Format Overview

In the following section, we provide an overview of the file formats we provide with this dataset.

nlp Files

NLP files are .csv inspired, pipe-separated text files that contain token and metadata information of a transcript. Each line of a file represents a single transcript token and the metadata associated with it.

Column Title Description
Column 1: token A single token in the transcript. These are typically single words or multiple words with hyphens in between.
Column 2: speaker A unique integer that associates this token to a specific speaker in an audio
Column 3: ts A float representing the start time of the token, in seconds
Column 4: endTs A float representing the end time of the token, in seconds
Column 5: punctuation A punctuation character that is included at the end of a token that is used when reconstructing the transcript. Example punctuation: ",", ";", ".", "!".
Column 6: case A two letter code to denominate the which of four possible casings for this token:
  • UC - Denotes a token that has the first character in uppercase and every other character lowercase.
  • LC - Denotes a token that has every character in lowercase.
  • CA - Denotes a token that has every character in uppercase.
  • MC - Denotes a token that doesn’t follow the previous rules. This is the case when upper- and lowercase characters are mixed throughout the token
Column 7: tags Displays one of the several entity tags that are listed in wer_tags in long form - such that the displayed entity here is in the form ID:ENTITY_CLASS.
Column 8: wer_tags A list of entity tags that are associated with this token. In this field, only entity IDs should be present. The specific ENTITY_CLASS for each ID can be extracted from an accompanying wer_tags sidecar json.

Note that each entity ID is unique to that specific entity. Entities can be comprised of single and multiple tokens. Within a file there can be several entities of the same ENTITY_CLASS but only one entity can be labeled with any given ID.

Example nlp File


2020|0||||CA|['0:YEAR']|['0', '1', '6']

wer_tag JSON

The wer_tags sidecar JSON is used in combination with an nlp file and exclusively when that file is using the wer_tags column. It is used to provide entity information about each entity ID. It is formatted such that the JSON acts as a list of objects that map the ID of an entity to an object specifying the entity_type as the entity label. The object is formatted such that:

  "entity_type" : "LABEL"

Example wer_tag JSON


    "entity_type" : "YEAR"
    "entity_type" : "CARDINAL"
    "entity_type" : "TIME"
    "entity_type" : "DATE"
    "entity_type" : "ORG"

Entity Labels

In the following table, we provide a list of all possible entity tags we provide in the dataset including a description of each tag and a few examples.

Tags (Entity Classes) Description Examples
PERSON Names of people, including fictional people Hagrid, Jason Chicola, W. E. B. Du Bois
NORP Nationalities or religious or political groups American, Chinese, Republican, Grand Old Party, Roman Catholic
FAC Buildings, airports, highways, bridges, etc. Golden Gate Bridge, the Empire State Building
ORG Companies, agencies, institutions, etc. Rev, General Motors, SEC, NAACP
GPE Countries, cities, states, etc. Geopolitical entities. Italy, US, Boston, New Zealand
LOC Non-GPE locations, mountain ranges, bodies of water,etc. the North, the Rocky Mountains
PRODUCT Objects, vehicles, foods, etc. (not services) Camry, Sufentanil, ARX-02
EVENT Named hurricanes, battles, wars, sports events, etc. COVID-19, the Spanish Flu, Hurricane Katrina, World War II
WORK_OF_ART Titles of books, songs, etc. Frankenstein, The Mona Lisa
LAW Named documents made into laws, etc. Fox’s Act 1792, Article 5 of the Constitution
LANGUAGE Any named language, etc. Esperanto, Spanish, Swahili
DATE Absolute or relative dates or periods, etc. Q1, the end of last year
TIME Times smaller than a day, etc. Morning, 30 minutes
PERCENT Percentage, including "%"', etc. Approximately 10%, 5%
MONEY Monetary values, including unit, etc. $40 billion, 20 thousand pounds
QUANTITY Measurements, as of weight or distance, etc. 10 kilometers, approximately 80 tons
ORDINAL "first", "second", etc. Third, eighth, 4th
CARDINAL Numerals that do not fall under another type, etc. 20, fifty, 1420
ABBREVIATION An all-caps shortened form of a word or phrase where each letter represents a word. Specifically all Initialisms or Acronyms. AFK (away from keyboard), RSU (restricted stock unit), FEMA
WEBSITE A written out website,
YEAR A 4 digit number representing a year 2020, 2021
CONTRACTION A word or group of words resulting from shortening an original form OR can be transformed into a common form. I’ll (I will), going to (gonna)
ALPHANUMERIC A token that is comprised of letters and numbers 8th, Q4
FALLBACK A word that does not conform to a normal word. This is usually words that contain an unknown symbol (like &) or words that were only partially spoken (like th-) Q&M, lo-


Tables found in the paper along with all entity class WER can be found within the transcripts directory.

Eval-10: A Representative Earnings-21 Subset

Along with the results found in the paper, we've included a subset denoted as Eval-10 which is a representative 10 hour sample of the full Earnings-21 corpus. This subset is not meant to replace the full dataset but rather allow for researchers to quickly evaluate their systems before running results on the full dataset. WER calculations for all systems on this subset can be found within the same table found in the transcripts directory.

WER Calculation

All of our analysis on this dataset is done through the use of our newly released fstalign tool. We strongly recommend the use of this tool to quickly get started using the Earnings-21 dataset.

Cite this Dataset

This dataset has been submitted to Interspeech 2021. The paper describing our methods and results can be found on arXiv at

      title={Earnings-21: A Practical Benchmark for ASR in the Wild}, 
      author={Miguel Del Rio and Natalie Delworth and Ryan Westerman and Michelle Huang and Nishchal Bhandari and Joseph Palakapilly and Quinten McNamara and Joshua Dong and Piotr Zelasko and Miguel Jette},