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Installation // Getting Started // Supported Features // ReScript Brazil Community

⚠️ This repo contains experimental bindings for @tanstack/query using the new optional fields API. If you're looking for bindings to the React Query v3 click here.


Install the package using npm/yarn:

yarn add @rescriptbr/react-query @tanstack/react-query

Add the package to bs-dependencies in your bsconfig.json:

"bs-dependencies": [

Basic usage

module Fetch = {
  type response

  @send external json: response => Js.Promise.t<'a> = "json"
  @val external fetch: string => Js.Promise.t<response> = "fetch"

type todo = {id: string, title: string}

let apiUrl = ""

let fetchTodos = (_): Js.Promise.t<todo> => {

module TodoItem = {
  let make = () => {
    let queryResult = ReactQuery.useQuery({
      queryFn: fetchTodos,
      queryKey: ["todos"],
       * Helper functions to convert unsupported TypeScript types in ReScript
       * Check out the module ReactQuery_Utils.res
      refetchOnWindowFocus: ReactQuery.refetchOnWindowFocus(#bool(false)),

      {switch queryResult {
      | {isLoading: true} => "Loading..."->React.string
      | {data: Some(todo), isLoading: false, isError: false} =>
        `Todo Title ${todo.title}`->React.string
      | _ => `Unexpected error...`->React.string

 * Create a new client
let client = ReactQuery.Provider.createClient()

let make = () => {
  <ReactQuery.Provider client>
      <h1> {React.string("ReScript + React Query")} </h1>
      <TodoItem />
Checkout the compiler output The JavaScript output is simple, very similar to the original API and *almost* zero-cost.
// Generated by ReScript, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE

import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactQuery from "@rescriptbr/react-query/src/";
import * as ReactQuery$1 from "react-query";

var Fetch = {};

var apiUrl = "";

function fetchTodos(param) {
  return fetch(apiUrl).then(function (prim) {
    return prim.json();

function App$TodoItem(Props) {
  var queryResult = ReactQuery$1.useQuery({
    queryKey: "todos",
    queryFn: fetchTodos,
    refetchOnWindowFocus: ReactQuery.refetchOnWindowFocus({
      NAME: "bool",
      VAL: false,
  var tmp;
  if (queryResult.isLoading) {
    tmp = "Loading...";
  } else if (queryResult.isError) {
    tmp = "Unexpected error...";
  } else {
    var todo =;
    tmp =
      todo !== undefined ? "Todo Title " + todo.title : "Unexpected error...";
  return React.createElement("div", undefined, tmp);

var TodoItem = {
  make: App$TodoItem,

var client = new ReactQuery$1.QueryClient();

function App(Props) {
  return React.createElement(ReactQuery$1.QueryClientProvider, {
    client: client,
    children: React.createElement(
      React.createElement("h1", undefined, "ReScript + React Query"),
      React.createElement(App$TodoItem, {})

Supported features

These bindings are work in progress, check out the supported features:

  • = Fully implemented
  • = Not implemented yet
  • ⚙️ = Work in progress
  • ⚠️ = Partially implemented


  • ✅ useQuery
  • ✅ useQueries
  • ✅ useMutation
  • ✅ useInfiniteQuery
  • ✅ useQueryClient
  • ✅ useQueryErrorResetBoundary
  • ✅ useIsFetching
  • ✅ useIsMutating

Providers / Client / Core

  • ✅ QueryClientProvider
  • ⚙️ QueryClient
  • ⚙️ QueryCache
  • ⚙️ MutationCache
  • ⚙️ QueryObserver
  • ⚙️ InfiniteQueryObserver
  • ⚙️ QueriesObserver
  • ⚙️ QueryErrorResetBoundary

Functions / Helpers

  • ⬜ focusManager
  • ⬜ onlineManager
  • ⬜ setLogger
  • ⬜ hydration/Hydrate
  • ⬜ hydration/useHydrate
  • ⬜ hydration/hydrate
  • ⬜ hydration/dehydrate
