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Sentinel vs Advanced Hunting

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Sentinel vs Advanced Hunting

While both Microsoft Sentinel and Advanced Hunting leverage KQL, there are differences in schema in certain tables. For instance, TimeGenerated is used in Sentinel while Timestamp is used in Advanced Hunting.

The below tables are designed to help you convert queries between the two products.

Azure AD Signin Logs

For Microsoft Sentinel sign in logs are kept in two separate tables.

SigninLogs - for interactive signins

| take 10

AADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs - for non-interactive signins

| take 10

For Advanced Hunting both types of logs are kept in the same table, but distinguised by a field.

For interactive signins

| where LogonType == @"[""interactiveUser""]"
| take 10

For non-interactive sigins

| where LogonType == @"[""nonInteractiveUser""]"
| take 10

Differences in schema are noted below.

Field Description Sentinel Examples Advanced Hunting Examples Notes
Time SigninLogs
| where TimeGenerated > ago (7d)
| where Timestamp > ago(7d)
TimeGenerated becomes Timestamp
Username SigninLogs
| where UserPrincipalName == "[email protected]"
| where AccountUpn == "[email protected]"
UserPrincipalName becomes AccountUpn
Account Display Name SigninLogs
| where UserDisplayName== "Jane Citizen"
| where AccountDisplayName == "Jane Citizen"
UserDisplayName becomes AccountDisplayName
Azure AD Object Id SigninLogs
| where UserId == "33d3f3dd-1e47-4cbd-82dd-93e17e0107f2"
| where AccountObjectId == "33d3f3dd-1e47-4cbd-82dd-93e17e0107f2"
UserId becomes AccountObjectId
Application Name SigninLogs
| where AppDisplayName == "Microsoft Teams"
| where Application == "Microsoft Teams"
AppDisplayName becomes Application
Application Id SigninLogs
| where AppId == "00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000"
| where ApplicationId == "00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000"
AppId becomes ApplicationId
Guest User SigninLogs
| where UserType == "Guest"
| where IsGuestUser == "1"
UserType = guest becomes IsGuestUser = 1
Status SigninLogs
| where ResultType == "50126"
| where ErrorCode == "50126"
ResultType becomes ErrorCode
Conditional Access Status SigninLogs
| where ConditionalAccessStatus == "success"
| where ConditionalAccessStatus == "0"
Sentinel uses strings vs advanced hunting numbers. success = 0, failure = 1, notApplied = 2
Device Name SigninLogs
| extend DeviceName = tostring(DeviceDetail.displayName)
| where DeviceName == "LAPTOP1234"
| where DeviceName == "LAPTOP1234"
Sentinel keeps device name in a nested field and has to be extracted first
Device Id SigninLogs
| extend deviceId = tostring(DeviceDetail.deviceId)
| where deviceId = "33f17af6-82c4-4a91-8e4f-6b5ba417efbf"
| where AadDeviceId == "33f17af6-82c4-4a91-8e4f-6b5ba417efbf"
Sentinel keeps device id in a nested field and has to be extracted first
Device Trust Type SigninLogs
| extend trustType = tostring(DeviceDetail.trustType)
| where trustType == "Azure AD registered"
| where DeviceTrustType == "Azure AD registered"
Sentinel keeps trust type in a nested field and has to be extracted first
Device OS SigninLogs
| extend DeviceOS = tostring(DeviceDetail.operatingSystem)
| where DeviceOS = "Windows 10"
| where OSPlatform == "Windows 10"
Sentinel keeps OS in a nested field and has to be extracted first
Browser SigninLogs
| extend Browser = tostring(DeviceDetail.browser)
| where Browser == "Edge 98.0.1108"
| where Browser == "Edge 98.0.1108"
Sentinel keeps browser in a nested field and has to be extracted first
City SigninLogs
| extend City = tostring(
| where City == "Melbourne"
| where City == "Melbourne"
Sentinel keeps City in a nested field and has to be extracted first
Country SigninLogs
| extend Country = tostring(LocationDetails.countryOrRegion)
| where Country == "AU"
| where Country == "AU"
Sentinel keeps Country in a nested field and has to be extracted first
Latitude SigninLogs
| extend Latitude = tostring(parse_json(tostring(LocationDetails.geoCoordinates)).latitude)
| where Latitude contains "49.25"
| where Latitude contains "49.25"
Sentinel keeps Latitude in a nested field and has to be extracted first
Longitude SigninLogs
| extend Longitude = tostring(parse_json(tostring(LocationDetails.geoCoordinates)).longitude)
| where Longitude contains "-122"
| where Longitude contains "-122"
Sentinel keeps Longitude in a nested field and has to be extracted first
State SigninLogs
| extend State = tostring(LocationDetails.state)
| where State == "British Columbia"
| where State == "British Columbia"
Sentinel keeps State in a nested field and has to be extracted first
Combined Example SigninLogs
| extend State = tostring(LocationDetails.state)
| where UserType == "Guest" and State == "British Columbia"
and ResultType == "0" and AppDisplayName == "Microsoft Teams"
| where IsGuestUser == "1" and State == "British Columbia" and ErrorCode == "0" and Application == "Microsoft Teams"
Look for guests in British Columbia successfully signing into Teams

A number of fields are the same across both tables such as UserAgent or ClientAppUsed, and some only exist in one. For example, Advanced Hunting has LastPasswordChangeTimestamp whereas Sentinel does not. In general, the Sentinel logs are more detailed.

Azure AD Service Principal Signin Logs

Microsoft Sentinel keeps service principal sign in logs in two tables. For regular service principals they are sent to the AADServicePrincipalSignInLogs table.

| take 10

For managed identities they are sent to the AADManagedIdentitySignInLogs

| take 10

For Advanced Hunting both types of logs are kept in the same table, but distinguised by a field.

For regular service principals.

| where IsManagedIdentity == 0

For managed identities

| where IsManagedIdentity == 1

Differences in schema are noted below.

Field Description Sentinel Example Advanced Hunting Example Notes
Time AADServicePrincipalSignInLogs
| where TimeGenerated > ago (7d)
| where Timestamp > ago(7d)
TimeGenerated becomes Timestamp
Application Id AADServicePrincipalSignInLogs
| where AppId == "00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000"
| where ApplicationId == "00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000"
AppId becomes ApplicationId
Status AADServicePrincipalSignInLogs
| where ResultType == "7000215"
| where ErrorCode == "7000215"
ResultType becomes ErrorCode
City AADServicePrincipalSignInLogs
| extend City = tostring( | where City == "Melbourne"
| where City == "Melbourne"
Sentinel keeps City in a nested field and has to be extracted first
Country AADServicePrincipalSignInLogs
| extend Country = tostring(LocationDetails.countryOrRegion) | where Country == "AU"
| where Country == "AU"
Sentinel keeps Country in a nested field and has to be extracted first
Latitude AADServicePrincipalSignInLogs
| extend Latitude = tostring(parse_json(tostring(LocationDetails.geoCoordinates)).latitude)
| where Latitude contains "49.25"
| where Latitude contains "49.25"
Sentinel keeps Latitude in a nested field and has to be extracted first
Longitude AADServicePrincipalSignInLogs
| extend Longitude = tostring(parse_json(tostring(LocationDetails.geoCoordinates)).longitude)
| where Longitude contains "-122"
| where Longitude contains "-122"
Sentinel keeps Longitude in a nested field and has to be extracted first
State AADServicePrincipalSignInLogs
| extend State = tostring(LocationDetails.state)
| where State == "British Columbia"
| where State == "British Columbia"
Sentinel keeps State in a nested field and has to be extracted first

A number of fields are the same across both products such as ServicePrincipalId and ServicePrincipalName. The Advanced Hunting logs for Service Principals have quite a bit less information than Microsoft Sentinel, and omit things like Conditional Access entirely.